Friday 21 September 2018

Hour of Prayer

Hour of Prayer
I read in today’s devotional to note that the author from 40 Days Fast Book 2017 that stated how the hour of prayer in Acts 3:1 coincided with 3.00pm sacrifice. I also read on how Jews living aboard gathered to pray in solidarity with their brothers and sisters in Jerusalem, being the best attended daily prayer meeting in all Judaism in my weekend’s reading.
It is here that Peter’s second sermon describes on how healing power touches the lame that becomes a reality through hour of prayer that fulfilled Isaiah 35:6 and how Acts 1:8 describes power-promise. And, apostle’ Peter spread the healing power to the 3,000 congregation which was more than just money that would just satisfied them (Acts 2:45). 
Today, I pray for the Spirit to come down upon my life & anoint me as your servant to bring the ministry of healing to the sick and disabled in Christ’s name. 
Are you praying for the Spirit to rain down on your life and for you to bring the ministry of healing to the sick & poor today?
(Written by Jeremy Koh, 9th July 2017)
Profile Background Source:

Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987-1997). He graduated with a Diploma Degree from School Of Ministry In’ Tung Ling Bible College (1999) and TCA College (2003) with Certificate Degree in Bible and Ministry.’ Jeremy did a research work for the keyguard at (these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months.  Today, Jeremy is an active member, a volunteer & an Inclusion Ambassador in Disabled People Association and YouthCorps Singapore serving in Special Cluster for Special Needs, Friends of Engagement TaskForce and that he does volunteer in multiple places too in the area of disability related contacts.



Friday 7 September 2018

A Church Revived

A Church Revived:
Reading and meditating upon Acts 2:41-46, I observed on how the author from 40 Days Fast Book 2017 points out six areas to see on how a church being revived. 

  1. A church revived grows in quantity and quality. Luke paints the notion of quality without quantity to have seen on how the Church grew from 120 to 3,120. Indeed, crowd will come to catch the fire if the church is revived because quantity attracts (Acts 2:47).
  2. A church revived obeys the teachings of Jesus as the norm of discipleship. Revival brings us back to the standard of Jesus especially as it is represented in the Sermon on the Mount (Acts 2:42).
  3. A church revived is devoted to fellowship. It means sharing life together in close community. They eat together, pray together, and have all things in common (Acts 2:42-43). William Labor points out two views – i) Communism says, “What’s mine is yours; I’ll take it” ii) Koinonia says, ‘What’s’ mine is yours; I’ll share it.” Indeed, the Spirit of God breaks the spirit of greed and replaces with a heart of generosity (Acts 2:45).
  4. A church revived is devoted to prayer (Acts 2:42). Prayer was formal, intentional, and liturgical. Prayer must include an informed response to God’s written WORD in relations to our world.
  5. A church revived fears the LORD. The Church in Acts was seeker-sensitive. Fear came on every soul. Outsiders dare not join them. And yet the LORD added to number day of day (Acts 2:43, 5:13 & 2:47).
  6. A church revived flows in the power of the Spirit (Acts 2:43). Signs and wonders are norm in an environment of unity, prayer, devotion to Jesus, and social holiness. And, Charisma is coupled with character, spiritual power with spiritual discipline that Jesus builds.

Today, I pray for my church to grow in quality, quantity, depth and breadth. I pray that as I share Christ’s love with a pre-believer, the revival will come upon him/her today. LORD, make me a catalyst for Koinonia and a keeper of Koinonia.

 I pray for my church to be Spirit-filled that instills the fear of God in the hearts of believers, keeping the cost of discipleship in our face.

Are you praying for your church to grow in quality, quantity, depth and breadth today?

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 8th July 2017)

Profile Background Source:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987-1997). He graduated with a Diploma Degree from School Of Ministry In’ Tung Ling Bible College (1999) and TCA College (2003) with Certificate Degree in Bible and Ministry.’ Jeremy did a research work for the keyguard at (these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months.  Today, Jeremy is an active member, a volunteer & an Inclusion Ambassador in Disabled People Association and YouthCorps Singapore serving in Special Cluster for Special Needs, Friends of Engagement TaskForce and that he does volunteer in multiple places too in the area of disability related contacts.



As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...