Sunday 31 May 2020

Jesus Will Baptize

As I meditated upon what Jesus said, “I baptize you with water, but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit;” (Mark 1:8, NIV), we see how Jesus is directly involved in sending the Holy Spirit to His followers and this included initiating the dawn of the church with the coming of the Spirit that first Pentecost (Acts 2:33-39, NIV) and also pouring out the Spirit into the heart of the individual believer (Titus 3:4-7, NIV). And, the apostle Paul taught that the gift of the Spirit is the seal of our belonging to God (2 Corinthians 1:22; Ephesians 1:13, NIV) and the proof that we are God's children (Romans 8:9, NIV). The presence of the Spirit is crucial and how the apostle Paul re-baptized people who had not received the Spirit when they were baptized (Acts 19:1-7, NIV). By this, the Ephesians disciples experienced the baptism of the Holy Spirit by speaking in tongues and were able to prophesize through the Holy Spirit when they received baptism of repentance (Acts 19:4-5, NIV). Hence, I receive the speaking of tongues & having the ability to prophesize over someone’s life today.

Truly, I saw how the apostle John spoke of the Holy Spirit that would be sent by Christ who will glorify Him as the Spirit receives the revelation of God’s truth + will make known to all those who believes in Him {Jesus} (John 16;14, NIV). And, this encourages me to allow the Holy Spirit to speak to me about concerning God’s truth as He glorifies Christ through my life.

For, the Spirit is the promised blessing of belonging to Christ (Acts 2:33; Galatians 3:14; Ephesians 1:13, NIV), going back to Jesus' own promise that the Father would send the Holy Spirit to those who asked for the Spirit to be given to them (Luke 11:13, NIV)

As such, the Spirit's presence is our source of “living water” flowing from within us (John 7:37-39, NIV).

Let’s live as followers of Jesus because the Lord has given us this great gift of grace today!

Are you baptized in the Holy Spirit today?

 Have a blessed Pentecost Sunday today!

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 31st May 2020)

Profile Background:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987-1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills. Jeremy has worked in ServeHope Pte Ltd – Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant for 5 years (March 2008 – August 2013). And, Jeremy did a research work for the keyguard at (these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months. He was Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017). Jeremy worked as GB Connector in GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd (October 2018 to December 2019). Today, he continues to be in GB Youth Organizing Team/as a GB Youth Facilitator in YouthCorps Singapore + a valued Co-Partner/Worker as Outreach Officer (Project Role Based) in Access Path Productions, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster in YCS, and currently setting up + involved in Project Story LIFE Team with Special Needs Community.

Sunday 10 May 2020

Mother’s Day – Honouring God’s Indispensable Gift

Motherhood is one of God’s greatest gifts to humanity. A loving, committed mother is an indispensable person in our development. Just imagine a world without mothers. It would be a sterile place indeed. Mothers in still powerful social and nurturing characteristics in each generation; It is principally from their mothers that children learn the virtues of sacrifice, sharing, valuing others, compassion, community and a host of other interpersonal values and skills that enable humans to live together in peace.

Biologically, women are designed for self-sacrifice. When pregnant, a woman's body focuses its primary attention to nurturing that new, growing life developing within her. Her body will automatically prioritize the needs of her unborn baby. And this inherent gift for self-sacrifice isn't only biological. After her children are born, a mother will continue to sacrifice herself for the needs of her children. She will do whatever she can to assure her children have what they need.

Mothers are also designed by God to nurture. There is just no greater nurturing power on the planet than a mother. When the apostle Paul was describing his love for the church at Thessalonica, he used the metaphor of a mother’s love to describe how deeply he cared for the Thessalonians. He reminded them that he was like a “gentle” mother who “tenderly cares for her own children” (1 Thessalonians 2:7). When God described His love for Israel, He did so with a motherhood metaphor. He told Israel that He would comfort them like a mother comforts her children (Isaiah 66:13).

The book of Proverbs speaks of the beautiful, indispensable role that women play in God’s creation, where the Scriptures said, “many daughters have done nobly; but you excel them all.” “Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord, she shall be praised. Give her the product of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates” (Proverbs 31:28-31) that describes a portrait of a godly woman.

The best of all that God designed a woman to be is expressed in motherhood. Not one of us came into this world without a mother. And in these days of abortion on-demand, motherhood is a conscious, deliberate decision by a woman to enter into that noble, God-like act of loving self-sacrifice to participate with the God of all creation to bring a new life into the world into you.

Have a blessed Mother’s Day today!

(Written by Barrett Duke – Baptist Press, 1st May 2015 for 10th May 2020)

Profile Background:
Barrett Duke is vice president for public policy and research for the Southern Baptist Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.


As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...