Saturday 30 December 2023


Israel–Palestinian + Hamas Conflict:
Israel – Israeli troops continue to press into areas of northern and southern Gaza, targeting Hamas terrorists. The IDF last week said Hamas fired rockets into Israel from near designated civilian safe zones and shelters close to Rafah. Meanwhile, in Israel, Hanukkah continues through this week amidst two months of war. We praise God for humanitarian efforts to those in southern Israel. We pray for more people in Israel and across the Middle East to have their eyes opened to salvation in Jesus Christ this Christmas. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 11th December 2023)

Middle East – Israel announces a new phase of its Gaza invasion as ground troops push further south. Yesterday’s fighting in Khan Yunis was the “most intense” combat since the war began eight weeks ago. Israel’s military dropped leaflets ahead of the surge, warning residents to head farther south toward the order with Egypt. However, millions of Palestinians – including Palestinian Christians – remain trapped as neither Egypt nor Israel will accept refugees. We pray for believers to see and seize opportunities to share the love of Christ + people in need to understand His truth.

Reported by Katey Hearth –, 6th December 2023)

Lebanon – Fear is tangible in Lebanon as Hezbollah prepares for the next phase of war against Israel.
“People are afraid; people are full of doom and gloom. The media is feeding us the possibilities of wars, bombs, and being stranded in the country; even schools have been talking about the possibility of going online in case things happen,” Nuna with Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says. “The government contacted many NGOs [to] ask if we’re ready for whatever is going to happen; if we’re ready to join forces together to work.” We pray for the Lord to give believers wisdom as they meet pressing needs in the name of Jesus.

(Reported by Katey Hearth –, 28th November 2023)

Gaza Strip – Over two–thirds of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents have fled their homes since the war began in early October. Hundreds of Palestinian Christians remain in place, however, and they’re in trouble.

The United Nations says 200,000 Palestinians fled to southern Gaza in the last ten days, including some Palestinian Christians. Two church compounds in Gaza City shelter the remaining believers. We pray that the Lord will protect Christ–followers in the Gaza Strip especially for the nine Palestinian Bible Society team members supporting believers in Gaza with essential items like food, water, and medicine + for an end to war in the Holy Land.

(Reported by Katey Hearth –, 15th November 2023)

Israel/Gaza – Israeli forces are at the gates of Al Shifa Hospital, Gaza City’s main hospital above Hamas headquarters. The hospital is running out of fuel, and at least 32 patients have died. Yet, Hamas blocked Israeli efforts to deliver more fuel. The IDF says they plan to help evacuate babies at the hospital’s request. An Israeli defense spokesperson emphasized Al Shifa Hospital is not under siege and reminded the world that Hamas still has 239 Israeli hostages. Victor Kalisher of the Bible Society in Israel says Israelis are grappling with collective, generational trauma. “When someone has been through a trauma, everything that reminds you of that brings you back to the situation that you remember. We pray for the Church to seek the truth biblically of what is happening and for the Church to respond to war times as they seek the face of God. We pray for Israeli and Palestinian children to know the power and comfort of Christ + for the peace of Jerusalem We pray for healing for Israelis reliving generational trauma. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 14th November 2023)

Palestine – An Israeli airstrike on October 20 damaged part of the compound of the Church of St. Porphyrius in Gaza City. At least 400 Palestinians, mostly Christians, were taking shelter in the church and 18 were killed. The Palestinian Christian community is in mourning and cut off even from offering tangible support between the West Bank and Gaza. Dr. Sara says, “We are incapable of sending in anything because of the total blockade. So right now, we’re hoping that something will happen so that we can send them as much as we can, whether it is funding, food, or medicine – not just in particular for the Christians, but as we want to help the other communities who are suffering and struggling in the community of Gaza.” Ultimately, Dr. Sara says Palestinian Christians in Gaza and the West Bank feel like the forgotten Church. All Palestinians need the Gospel as much as any other people in the world and nobody is beyond the saving love of God! The Palestinian Church is the hands and feet of Jesus Christ in unimaginable tragedy, but they need the support of the global Body of Christ.

We pray for Palestinian Muslims and Hamas terrorists in the West Bank and Gaza to know the total transforming power of Jesus love, mercy, and grace. We pray for God to show mercy as more Palestinians might come to know Jesus Christ + for true peace in the region.

(Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 10th November 2023 )

Israel/Gaza – An Israeli military spokesman warns that Hamas leaders are “dead men walking” as ground troops advance to the “heart” of Gaza City. Thousands of Palestinians are fleeing northern Gaza, the United Nations reports, as Israeli ground and air campaigns intensify. Uncharted Ministries’ Tom Doyle says, “Our hearts go out to the Palestinians; they have no place to go. Their own people (Muslims) would not accept them in Egypt and other countries. They’ve refused; they’ve all said, ‘No Palestinian refugees.’” On both sides of this war, “there’s a lot of ministry happening [to alleviate] human needs and suffering,” Doyle says. “People on both sides of the fence want no harm to each other. They both want to see the terrorist groups pulled out of Gaza so that people can have a normal life.”

We pray for people in the region to turn to Jesus for lasting hope instead of a political solution. (Reported by Katey Hearth – 9th November 2023)

Israel/Gaza – We praise God for the ways He is moving in the hearts of Palestinians and Israelites as people across Israel and Gaza are seeing angels and meeting Jesus. We pray for continued Church’s unity as believers unite themselves spiritually as one accord. Recently, the IDF has surrounded Gaza City, cutting off northern Gaza from the south and Israeli troops will likely enter the city soon – a move that could bring significant casualties on all sides, given that it’s heavy Hamas territory. Hamas knows the streets of Gaza City well and can coordinate attacks from its network of tunnels. We ask the Lord to open doors to the Gospel that were previously closed as spiritual war continues on. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 7th November 2023)

Middle East – Lebanon’s Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah breaks his month–long silence on the Hamas-Israel war. Hezbollah has demonstrated support for Hamas since the terrorists’ attack in Israel on October 7. Yet, after acknowledging the war’s expansion in a Friday speech, Nasrallah stopped short of adding Lebanon to the fray. Nasrallah is a leading voice in the military alliance established by Iran to counter the United States and Israel. Meanwhile, analysts fear rising tensions in the West Bank could open a third front in the ever-expanding war. Partners in the Middle East tell A3’s Joe Handley, “They worry that a larger regional war might break out. We pray that God would bring peace to Israel and the ensuing Middle Eastern region.”

Alongside Israel and the Gaza Strip, countries in the region impacted by the war include Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkiye. A3 began partnering with church planters and pastors in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region a year ago. We ask the Lord to protect believers as they share His Gospel hope with others + pray for people across the Middle East to have encounters with Jesus Christ. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 6th November 2023)

Israel – Israel’s war with Hamas began nearly a month ago when the terrorist group slaughtered over 1,400 people in a horrific October 7 attack. Uncharted Ministries’ Tom Doyle says today Christians in the region may be at risk as a result of anti-Jewish sentiment. Groups and individuals that carry animosity toward Jews often hate believers, too, he explains. “With terrorist groups like Hamas, there are two targets. It’s Jews and then Christians,” Doyle says. “Even in [the] mantra that they shout out, they’re talking about eradicating the Jews, and they’re angry at Christians, too.” Anti–semitism rose globally as the Israel-Hamas war raged in October. Antisemitic incidents in the United Kingdom surged 300 percent during the first four days of the conflict. Dozens of anti-Jewish rioters stormed a Russian airport. The U.S. Anti-Defamation League reported 312 antisemitic incidents in two weeks. “Once that evil is stirred up, it just seems to spread,” Doyle says. Over time, we see that antisemitism [and] Christian persecution seem to grow together; that same antisemitic spirit [calling] people to rejoice over the death of Jews has been present in Christian persecution.” Religious, political, and ethnic differences may drive a wedge between Jewish and Palestinian populations, but Christ unites. We ask the Lord to protect and encourage the minority Christian communities in Israel and Gaza. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 3rd November 2023)

International – The Anti–Defamation League reported 312 anti–semitic incidents in the United States between October 7–23 since Hamas terrorists’ attack on Israeli citizens. This is a 387% increase from the same time period last year. The ADL also tracked anti– Israel protests and rallies in the US. At least 109 had explicit or strong implicit support of Hamas or championed violence against Jews in Israel. Nations around the world are seeing similar spikes in antisemitism. On Sunday, rioters in southwest Russia flooded an airport, hunting passengers from Tel Aviv and shouting anti-semitic slogans. Police arrested at least 60 rioters. Victor Kalisher, Executive Director of The Bible Society in Israel says, “There was an airplane with Israelis coming and [rioters] were all seeking to butcher, to kill, to murder Jews. And you see all that is happening around the world.” The rise in antisemitic reports begs the question: Is this a resurgent phenomenon? Or has antisemitism always been under the surface?

Kalisher, whose own parents survived the Holocaust, says, “Antisemitism is a demonic virus that many people have. It didn’t disappear. It’s there, and once in a while, in the right circumstances, it comes out. “You know many leaders that even wouldn’t say anything bad about Hamas. It’s painful. What kind of hypocrisy is that? What needs to happen that people will call evil, evil?” Many Jews in Israel had to be evacuated from risk zones amidst the ongoing war with Hamas in Gaza as well as rocket fire from Hezbollah in Lebanon. Sirens blare every day now with incoming missiles, a grim reminder of the horrors they experienced as a nation and people just a few weeks ago.

We pray for Jews in Israel and worldwide to trust the Lord as their defender and find ultimate peace in Jesus Christ. We pray for the fear of God in the hearts of leaders as wisdom come upon them & for the Jews to know peace in Jesus Christ & the Lord’s will to be done in Israel. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, –, 1st November 2023) 

Israel/Gaza – We ask the Lord to comfort those imprisoned, kidnapped, injured, and mourning even as Israel continues ground strikes in Gaza after they started the war’s “second phase” against Hamas militants last weekend and Israel’s military claims that it struck more than 600 militant targets after expanding ground operations in the Gaza Strip. We pray for Jews and Arabs alike to find hope in Christ & for true forgiveness to replace longstanding hatred and bitterness. We pray for the love of Jesus to capture the hearts of Hamas members.

(Reported by Katey Hearth, –, 31st October 2023)

Israel/Gaza – Israel begins ground strikes on Hamas targets in Gaza. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says Israel is preparing for a ground incursion but won’t specify how or when it will occur; meanwhile, Hamas threatens to kill some of the 224 hostages it holds but released a handful earlier this week in exchange for aid. The war has displaced over half of Gaza’s 2.3 million residents in less than three weeks. Mike with Global Catalytic Ministries says regional church planters are in a complicated position and he says that “it’s easy to choose sides these days. But it’s like the story of Abraham, Isaac, and Ishmael, [with] Isaac and Ishmael being the Arab world and the Jewish world, and the fighting that has happened there.” “As believers, we’ve been grafted into Israel and adopted into that family. How do we support both these cultures without choosing one or the other?”

Our disciple-makers on the ground are directly affected by this unfolding tragedy, and now, more than ever, we need your prayer for safety and strength. “Some of our Arab brothers were telling me, ‘Man, I don’t want this to be like 9/11,’ just being persecuted and racially profiled,” Mike says. We pray for success as these believers make disciples in Israel and the broader Middle East. We pray for the Peace of Jerusalem. (Ps. 122:6) + for the hostages to be released (Ps. 82:3); we pray for the Gospel to go forth and for new disciples to be made in Israel and the Middle East (2 Thessalonians 3:1) & for the reconciliation of “Ishmael” and “Isaac” (Ephesians 2:11-18). (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 27th October 2023)

Israel – Israel’s pending ground offensive into Gaza and growing tensions with other neighboring countries all point to potentially long-term conflict in the region. Pastor Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel Congregation in Ashdod says, “Israel has the biggest military mobilization of people ever in its entire history. So 350,000 Israelis – young fathers and mostly young ones – who were mobilized in the military. It’s affecting every part of our society.” We pray for Gospel opportunities among Israeli families feeling the affects of war + for the Lord to comfort those grieving the loss of loved ones, and for Beit Hallel Congregation ministering in Yeshua's name amidst their own grief. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, 24th October 2023 –

Iran – The Iranian government was quick to condemn a hospital bombing in Gaza Wednesday, accusing Israel of the deadly explosion. Various agencies say somewhere between 400 and 1,000 people were killed. The Israeli government reports the hospital bombing was from a misfired rocket in Gaza. American President Joe Biden says US intelligence also shows Israel did not fire the rocket. Nevertheless, Iran’s foreign minister tweeted “time is OVER” for Israel. Lana Silk with Transform Iran says Israelis are not the only ones paying the price for Hamas and other terrorist activities – the everyday Palestinian people are also paying. “You have two million-plus Gaza inhabitants. The regular people didn’t start this fight. The regular people aren’t going to get to finish this fight. But they will pay for it because they have all this damage now physically and to their lives happening and their authorities don’t care.”

Iran supports Hamas with funds, weapons, and training, according to the US State Department. Within Iran, anti-Israeli sentiment is often also taken out on Iranian Christians. Silk says, “The government considers Christians as people who side with what they call Zionist Israel, and the Christians pay a high price for how the government feels about Israel.” Iran considers both Christianity and Israel as agents of Western influence in the Middle East. There are 1.2 million Christians in Iran. If their faith affiliation is discovered, they are often banned from education and jobs. Iranian Christians face heavy monitoring, harassment, and even imprisonment for “crimes against national security.” Christians from Muslim backgrounds are particularly targeted.

We pray for God’s protection over the Church in Iran as well as innocent Palestinians and Israelis impacted by the conflict. Ask the Lord to open people’s eyes across the Middle East to peace in Jesus Christ! We pray for the Lord to comfort grieving Palestinian and Israeli families. We pray for justice and peace in the Holy Land & for Muslims in Iran to have their eyes opened to biblical truth. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, 20th October 2023 –

Iran – If Israel continues its offensive on Hamas in Gaza, Iran’s foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian is threatening an “expansion of war fronts.” His comments come after meeting with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh in Qatar. The Iran– Hamas partnership has become increasingly obvious since Hamas’s attack on Israel. The US State Department confirmed in 2021 that Hamas terrorists receive funding, weapons, and training from Iran. Israel says Iran funnels as much as $100 million per year to Hamas. Mike Ansari with Heart4Iran explains, “Iran has been opposed to the existence of the State of Israel since its inception in 1979. And as such, Iran has been actively seeking alliances with other Islamic groups that share the same ideological opposition to Israel. “Also, Iran is actively involved in trying to exert his influence on politics in the Middle East by reaching proxy conflicts using non state actors like Hamas to do its bidding.” Obviously, the result of Hamas violence is the loss of innocent Israeli and Palestinian lives.

But Iranians are also collateral damage. The Iran government’s support to extremist organizations means less humanitarian aid and economic support for its own people. “Iran’s vast economic and military support of the external factions like Hamas is adversely affecting the economy and the lives of ordinary Iranians,” says Ansari. “Iranians are dealing with poverty, inflation, high unemployment, and reduced access to global markets.” Iranians often call in to Heart4Iran with their faith questions and struggles of hopelessness. The Gospel is the only thing that can meet their needs, no matter the circumstances they face. We pray for those who have lost loved ones to be comforted, and for generational dissent to be replaced with peace & for Iranians to know Christ’s hope. We ask God to equip and strengthen Heart4Iran in difficult ministry context + for wise and godly leaders in Iran. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, 17th October 2023 –

Israel – Russian-speaking Jews who escaped to Israel from the ongoing conflict in Ukraine now face another warfront. But God is raising up these Jewish believers to reach those fleeing from Gaza and other dangerous areas with the hope of Jesus. “These are churches that are planted by past and current immigrants,” says Eric Mock with Slavic Gospel Association. “We have already been helping them purchase aid and prepare hot meals. “They’re literally either on the street or in different locations giving people places to sleep, giving people food, and the great part is they’re communicating the gospel of Jesus Christ.” We pray that the conflict in Israel doesn’t escalate and that believers stand fast for Christ. We pray for believers to boldly share the gospel even to those who are hostile to it and for God to protect believers as they serve and evangelize people who are displaced. (Reported by Katie O'Malley, 19th October 2023 –

Israel – Israel urged Gaza residents to evacuate this weekend as it assembled tanks and troops on the border. More than a half million Palestinians heeded the warning, but Israeli officials said poor weather conditions delayed a ground offensive. On Friday, Iran warned that continued attacks on Gaza “could open new fronts against Israel.” “We need to be praying for our brothers and sisters who love Jesus and are living in Gaza among Hamas and Messianic Jews who live in Israel. We need to be on our knees praying for them,” Kelley says. We pray for an immediate end to the war. We pray for hearts to be softened to the Gospel message and lives will change as people receive Christ as Savior, and for Jesus to protect, strengthen, and encourage His followers in Israel and Gaza. (Reported by Katey Hearth, 16th October 2023 –

Lebanon – World leaders are eyeing rapidly rising tensions between Israel and its neighbors. In Syria, Israeli airstrikes put two major airports out of service a day before Iran’s foreign minister was scheduled to visit. In Lebanon, Nuna with Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says, “Hezbollah decided that this is a good time to launch rockets inside Israel. Now you have the Israeli army at the northern border, and they’re shelling the southern part of Lebanon.” Hezbollah and Israel began exchanging tit-for-tat fire after Hamas launched its bloody assault this weekend. Hamas and Hezbollah are both terrorist groups backed by Iran. “Hezbollah is waiting for occasions inside Israel, [in order to] launch an attack from the other side to weaken Israel.” We pray for peace, and ask the Lord to give Triumphant Mercy wisdom as they minister amidst rising regional tensions. We pray for the Lord to reveal His Truth to the people of Lebanon who don't know Jesus.

(Reported by Lyndsey Koh, 13th October 2023 –

Israel – Israel is expected to launch a ground incursion, and it cut off electricity, food, and fuel to Gaza yesterday. A formal declaration of war on Sunday followed the deadliest raid on Israel’s territory in 50 years. On Saturday morning, “2,000 terrorists walked out of the Gaza Strip into Israel, then started kidnapping and killing people. Nobody knew what was happening. That was at the end of a Jewish holiday, and it was Shabbat,” Uncharted Ministries’ Tom Doyle says. “We haven’t seen anything this massive since the Yom Kippur War in 1973.” Christians suffer on both sides as the death toll continues to soar. We pray for the Lord to bring calmness into this region, and for Him to deliver believers on both sides of the conflict. We pray for great wisdom for the military and governmental leaders + for the safe rescue of hostages being held in Gaza. We ask the Lord to surround hostages with His comfort and peace. (Reported by Katey Hearth, 10th October 2023 –

Gaza and Jerusalem (CNN) – The Palestinian militants fired a deadly barrage of rockets and sent gunmen into Israeli territory in a major escalation after months of the long running conflict between the two sides. We pray for God to help both the Palestinians & Israeli to resolve their issues of ownership of the Gaza’s land & state control and for Israel to come up with proposed approach to resolving the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, and for Israel to consider committing + reaching an agreement with the Palestinians & to gain permanent control over this territory& provide security all Israeli people today. We pray for the Messianic Jews, Christians and Muslims to end their distrust that culminates in violence that has been ongoing since 1968, seeking for dignity + peace from both sides as they sort out their issues again than going to war with each other. (Reported by Ibrahim Dahman, Hadas Gold, Amir Tal, Abeer Salman, Kareem Khadder, Richard Allen Greene and Hande Atay Alam from CNN –, 7th Oct 2023)

Other Asian Prayer News:
China – Christian persecution in China is the worst it’s been in 40 years, according to Dr. Bob Fu, president of ChinaAid. Dr. Fu spoke about this issue recently on The Voice of the Martyrs Canada’s podcast, Closer to the Fire. “Without any exaggeration, the persecution against the Christians and other religious minorities has really reached the worst level we have not seen in 40 years since the Cultural Revolution…. For the first time, we have seen the Communist Party is cracking down on the Church across the board; literally declared a war against Christianity.” He says Chinese censorship efforts especially target Christian youth. “For the first time, millions of Chinese children were forced to sign a form – these are Christian children – to renounce their faith in public.” We pray for Chinese believers to be steadfast in their faith; for the growth of the Chinese Church despite persecution, that faithful disciples would multiply and that the true Word of the Gospel would be known! Ask God to grow the Church in China!

(Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 14th December 2023)

Sudan – The confirmed accounts of genocide and mass murder coming from Sudan are horrific. John*, a Gospel worker focused on Sudan, says RSF fighters want to obliterate the Masalit tribe. “What they are doing is like ISIS. A week or ten days ago, they killed 800 in a day – 800,” John says. “They’re taking the women, and they say, ‘You will become my next wife.’ If [the woman] says ‘No,’ they kill them.”

Yet, hope remains. In the countries surrounding Sudan, “We have teams in six locations where Sudanese refugees are. Our teams are doing trauma healing and listening to people’s stories,” John says. “God is at work, and He is greater than the enemy.” Along with helping people from the Masalit tribe process their trauma, believers share the hope of Christ. “There are 10 Masalit believers that our organization trained. They are baptizing people coming to Christ every week,” John says. We praise God for bringing something good from evil events. We pray for new believers to grow in faith and knowledge of the Lord as they’re discipled in refugee camps.

(Reported by Katey Hearth –, 14th December 2023)

Iran – Radio provides a unique avenue through which Transform Iran can offer hope and camaraderie. “Radio is extremely powerful because it is completely indiscriminate in terms of geographical location, education, literacy, or status in society,” Lana Silk says. “Everyone has radio.” And everyone has music. Music carries the characteristics and values of the culture that creates it, and Iran’s music is no different. “Iranians are extremely expressive and extremely connected with music and story in their cultures. So when you come in with their sounds, and that kind of music, and then suddenly that music is not Islamic, and it is Christian and it’s lifting the name of Jesus, it breaks down even more walls. It connects a heart connection with the Word of God.”

“This is totally focused on worshiping our Lord and bringing the sounds of Iran, with all the right instruments, genres, or languages, and blasting out worship in the sounds of Iran right across the country. We know how powerful worship is in preparing the way for people to receive the Word, so we’re very excited to be able to offer this to Iranians up and down the country.” We thank God for this new opportunity to show hope to the people of Iran. We pray for the safety of the team compiling music for the program or sourcing original pieces from local Iranians. We pray for their peace as they take on what could be a stressful new project + for wisdom as they plan for the station’s future. We pray for God to use this radio station to produce good fruit. We pray for the success of the Iranian worship station + for the safety of the team compiling music for the program or sourcing original pieces from local Iranians. We pray for their peace as they take on what could be a stressful new project. Ask God to move the hearts of listeners to the Iranian radio program.

(Reported by Alex Anhalt, –, 13th December 2023)

Ukraine – Can Ukrainians survive another winter of Russia targeting the power grid? NATO Foreign Ministers wrapped up two days of meetings in Brussels yesterday discussing support for the war in Ukraine. A NATO chief says Russia has collected a large missile stockpile to make Ukraine “go dark” this winter.

Cutting off more power and heat will spell disaster this winter for Ukrainian citizens.

Slavic Gospel Association’s Eric Mock says, “There literally are people that recognize what it’s like to go to sleep at night when it’s only 30 degrees in your house, to get under the covers night after night and not be able to get warm, no matter how many layers of clothes you have.

We thank God that Ukrainian believers have been encouraged by SGA’s ministry and for non–believers to find comfort in Jesus; and for them to support their fellow believers around the world. We ask God to reveal Himself to non-believers in Ukraine with comfort and hope. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, –, 30th November 2023)

Algeria – The Body of Christ is growing in Algeria. Believers proclaim Jesus boldly in and around al– Qaida terrorist camps. However, sharing the Gospel with Arabs can cause serious problems. As part of an effort to stem Christianity’s rapid growth, Algeria’s government banned unregistered religious gatherings. Yet, it won’t give meeting or building permits to Christians. “They assume every group that gathers together is against the law and the government,” A3’s Yemathen says. After dozens of church closures in recent years, Algerian Christians found a workaround. We pray for the Lord to embolden, strengthen and encourage persecuted Christians in Algeria. We pray for believers who’ve been imprisoned to share their testimonies and the Gospel with fellow inmates and guards. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 23rd November 2023)

Israel – Could another “October 7th-type of attack” come from Hezbollah in the North?; seems to be the question on the minds of many Israelis, even as they adjust to life in wartime. Around 200,000 Israelis have fled their homes at both the northern and southern borders. Eric Mock with Slavic Gospel Association says, “Most reports show about 80% of the Israeli military up on the northern border. They don’t know what Hezbollah will do. So they’re in constant fear that now, all of a sudden, it’s the eye of the storm before rockets come from the North. We pray for spiritual fruit in Israel. We ask the Lord to encourage churches representing Christ and comfort those living in grief and fear + for the Holy Spirit to encourage Russian-speaking churches reaching their neighbors with hope. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 17th November 2023)

GHANA – What movies have changed your life? Missionaries in Ghana, West Africa are sharing the JESUS Film and seeing many from unreached people groups come to faith in Christ. Samuel Afrifa with OneWay Africa says, “To organize a crusade, you need a lot of money. But with the JESUS Film, with our backpacks and our motos (motorcycles), we are able to get to a community and gather the people in no time to come and hear God’s Word.” OneWay Africa missionaries like Afrifa travel on motorbikes to some of the most remote parts of northern Ghana, among people steeped in Islamic or animistic beliefs. As such, the film is available in a community’s heart language, and it draws people who might not otherwise come to see the story of the life of Christ attracting the old, the young, chiefs, unbelievers, and imams as they “hear this message in their own language” Afrifa says. We pray for open hearts in those who will hear the Gospel + for God to provide for more missionary riders to share The Jesus Film. (Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 16th November 2023)

China – Christians in China continue to face persecution, but by God’s grace they are responding with creativity and resilience. Joe Handley with A3 says that it is difficult to get information in and out of China, “Fortunately, we do have channels where we’re hearing what’s happening in the church in the country. While they’re under duress and persecution in many cases, they continue to thrive.” We pray for Chinese believers facing pressure from their government + for continued flexibility and adaptability of churches to new challenges.

(Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 16th November 2023)

Tajikistan – Although Islam is the religion of 94% of the population, only a small fraction practice “pure” Islam. Most are more influenced by folk superstitions and Zoroastrian beliefs. Mosques sprouted up everywhere in the years following independence, but now the government places severe restrictions on mosque building. Tajikistan's proximity to Iran and Afghanistan makes it vulnerable to Islamism (Reported by to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 11th Nov 2023)

Ukraine – American support for Ukraine war costs has declined since July 2022. A survey last month by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs showed only 47% of Americans are willing to endure costs for Ukraine war funding – down from 58% over a year ago. Slavic Gospel Association’s Eric Mock says they are concerned these growing negative perceptions could also impact Ukrainian ministry support.

“We have to make that distinction between whether the US should be involved in Ukraine from a government or from a political point of view and that which God is doing in his Church – which is very profound – which is why we need to be serving these churches.” As such, Christian leaders in Ukraine are being trained to take the Gospel to their war–torn communities, and they need support more than ever! We pray for Ukrainian churches to be encouraged in Gospel work. At Irpen Bible Seminary in Ukraine, “They’ve got more students than they can even house – so many that the students are actually staying in the SGA office in Irpin and having classes there.” We ask the Lord to soften more hearts in Ukraine to biblical truth and hope.

(Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 26th October 2023)

ETHIOPIA – Ethiopia is a key access point for the gospel into North Africa, and God is moving to reach those within its borders. World Mission’s Greg Kelley shares about a recent field visit to the country – says, “We’re here working with an indigenous network of Ethiopian leaders that are doing pioneer evangelism with really the ultimate goal of raising up disciples who will multiply and plant churches into these areas.” World Mission has worked in Ethiopia for the past eight years. Their ministries include sharing The Jesus Film and distributing solar–powered audio Bibles among people with little to no access to the good news of Christ. Kelley says they see God doing amazing things as the gospel is going out. “When you go into these villages, you meet people who for the first time are encountering Jesus. “They’ll listen to [the audio Bible] for a few minutes, and then they’ll stop and they’ll look at you and they’ll say, ‘This is truth.’”

We pray for missionaries in Ethiopia to continue to courageously take the gospel to the unreached and become a missionary–sending force to other nations in North Africa. We pray for the healing and encouragement of the missionary who was beaten. (Reported by Katie O'Malley, 17th October 2023 –

Africa – Between 2010 and 2050, sub-Saharan Africa is projected to have the largest percentage of Christian population growth – 115%. “The growth of Christianity…is accelerating in Africa far greater, exponentially more so than any other continent in the world,” says Kelley. “For that reason, the devil is threatened. I think Christians need to come alongside that and be aware of what God is doing inside of Africa.” The Bible reminds us in Ephesians 6:12, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (NIV) We pray for the development of African Church leaders & for the Lord to stir spiritual revival where it is needed throughout the African continent. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, 6th October 2023 –

Syria – Syria is currently in its 13th year of civil war. Displaced people, airstrikes, sanctions, and protests are commonplace. An earthquake earlier this year further complicated life for many and has left them struggling to survive. Many people have moved to cities like Damascus because their homes were destroyed in the unrest or bombings ten years ago. Despite the passing time they have been unable to rebuild. The inability to move forward is exacerbated at least in some part by the continued economic distress fuelled by sanctions. We pray for God to ease the economic burden of Christians in Syria so they can continue to serve their neighbours & for Him to strengthen the Syrian church for service.

(Reported by Anna Deckert, 5th October 2023 –

Philippines – Metro Manila is a mega –city of 13 million people, with the Greater Manila area up to 26 million. It faces enormous challenges, but God is greatly at work here. Modern ministry to the urban poor began in Manila. Many are open to the gospel, but most evangelical churches are in wealthier areas. Nearly 50% of slums and squatter communities have no evangelical church. At the same time, Manila is home to the country’s wealthy elite. The Roman Catholic Church retains great influence, but needs to change as the country’s religious diversity increases. Some Catholics want to preserve the Church’s role in politics and society, and a few work to oppose Protestant or Independent movements. Recent surveys show that 15-30% of Catholics identify themselves as charismatic, and several new movements within Catholicism have committed evangelicals among them (Reported by & to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 4th & 5th Oct 2023)

International – There’re less than two percent of the world’s 70 million Deaf people who have access to sign language Scripture or Deaf Christians (revised text). DOOR President/CEO Rob Myers says, “Essentially, it’s a pair of Deaf leaders from the communities they’re trying to serve, and their focus is evangelism, discipleship, and church planting within those communities.” And, DOOR has trained and equipped 40 teams in over a dozen countries since 2006. Today, DOOR is making its 2–by–2 program more accessible to Deaf believers worldwide by creating video resources. We pray for wisdom and creativity as the DOOR team produces necessary resources for Deaf church leaders. (Reported by Katey Hearth, 3rd October 2023 –

Sudan – Hope rippled across Sudan in 2019 following the ouster of long – time dictator Bashir al– Assad. Believers thought, “Now we can finally have freedom!” as a transitionary panel tried to steer the country toward democracy. Four years later, Sudan’s dream has become a living nightmare. Members of the diaspora tell an unfoldingWord partner named John*, “I don’t know if I ever want to go back because there’s nothing in Sudan now that we can ever put our trust in.” Fighting that began in April between the army and paramilitary forces has reduced Khartoum to an urban warzone. “The people of the country are not important” to the warring parties, John says. “Human life is not important. Winning and controlling the resources of Sudan is the goal.”

More than seven million people are now displaced inside Sudan – the highest in the world. Furthermore, disease runs rampant in displacement camps, and supplies have reached a critical low. We pray for the Lord to help Christians who are caught in the crossfire + for people to see the hope of Christ through Gospel workers. We pray for Sudanese believers will have witnessing opportunities. (Reported by Katey Hearth, 2nd October 2023 –

India – Many ministries in India sit on pins and needles every time the FCRA expiration approaches. India’s Ministry of Home Affairs just extended all FCRA registration certificates pending review until March 31, 2024. Previously, they were set to expire on September 30, 2023. The FCRA stands for the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act. India requires non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that receive foreign funding to register for a license. This license can be suspended and cut an organization off from foreign funds.

With the FCRA registration extension, India also announced NGOs will have to declare details of moveable and immovable assets created by them using foreign funds every year. This will create even more time-consuming paperwork for ministries under the FCRA. The FCRA has been used before to suspend licenses for Christian ministries accused of using funds or material bribery to force conversions to Christianity. “They cannot understand that this is a personal relationship with Jesus Christ that people are finding,” says Pudaite. “So they look at it the only way they can in material terms and say, ‘Oh, they must be converting because they’re being given money, they’re being given roofing sheets, or rice, or what have you.’ That’s not the case.” We pray for Indian believers to have wisdom as they proclaim the Gospel and link arms with believers around the world for ministry + for them to seek their refuge and their strength from the Lord. We pray for the Lord to keep ministry doors open for Bibles For The World and other ministries in India. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, 29th September 2023 –

Poland/Ukraine – The European Union previously had a ban on Ukrainian grain imports that didn’t renew after September 15. Then last week, Poland decided to extend its own Ukrainian grain ban, raising diplomatic tensions with its war-torn neighbor. The stakes are high for Poland to protect national interests with a general election coming up on October 15. Although Poland and Ukraine’s relationship is currently strained, Mock says Christians in Poland are still partnering with SGA to send Ukrainians aid. Mock says, “SGA has now…helped churches provide 19 million meals since the war began. The result of that is reaching over 600,000 people with the Gospel.” It’s an amazing demonstration of how God is meeting suffering Ukrainian’s needs, even when political powers fail.

We pray for Church unity across Ukraine and Poland, and for Ukrainians’ spiritual encouragement with these food and aid deliveries from churches. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, 28th September 2023 –

Oman – Praise God that Oman enjoys an open and modern society compared to others in the region. All residents may practise their faith, and the government gave land to build places of worship! Wealth from the oil industry allowed a greater level of education and economic balance. (Reported by to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 24th Sept 2023)

Persecuted Christians – We pray for Christians in persecuted countries to remain steadfast in hope and be fervent in prayer in times of persecution when their faith is being persecuted by others. (Reported in, –, January 2021)

Monday 25 December 2023

The Long Wait is over

As I meditated upon what the angel says, “I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. Today... a Saviour has been born “Immanuel” (Luke 2:10–11, NIV) in my Christmas meditation, I could imagine how the angels burst out songs of praises to God without completing their instructions to the shepherds on what to do next. Indeed, the long wait for a Messiah began at the beginning when Abraham was promised by God of a descendant who would bless all peoples, and since then, the world waited for a Messiah to rescue us from this continued pattern of sin, judgement and death; and the Messiah has finally arrived – being a light for the darkness, a Prince of Peace, the Mighty God.

Today, I sing praises and glorify Jesus to know that He is a Messiah who has finally arrived – being a Prince of Peace, the Mighty God representing the light for the darkness who would deliver us from sin, judgement and death and that He is the reason I celebrate Christmas – being glorified in my life today!

Is Jesus being glorified in your life today?

Profile Background:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987–1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills & a HR Administrator Graduate (CHRA) under Human Capital Singapore–SGEnable Collaboration of Partnership – HCS HR PowerBank (7th Dec 2021 to 3rd June 2022) | Former Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant |A Connecter in ServeHope Pte Ltd & GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd | A KeyGuard Specialist @(these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months in World United College South East Asia (Tampines Branch) | an Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017); A Founder in the ground up initiative project called – Project Stories for LIFE (Affiliated with Youth Corps Singapore, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster) |A PwD Advocate – a representing voice of the Disabled Community to the public today.

Prayer Response to this featured article:
Thank you Father for sending Jesus being our Saviour today;

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 25th December 2023 – Christmas Day)

Saturday 16 December 2023

With Grateful Heart


As I pondered upon my Christmas Eve’s meditation, I praise God for every spiritual blessing (Ephesians 1:3, NIV) that He given me – loving parents/siblings, church/cell community, peers and PS4L work at present and that God has chosen me before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in His sight and to be part of His holy people, having been adopted into His family as I acknowledge the supreme act of love giving God a great pleasure (Ephesians 1:4–5, NIV). By this, I thank God for His grace and His undeserved favour that I received through Christ singing praises to His glorious grace (Ephesians 1:6, NIV). Indeed, I also praise God to know how He has saved and redeemed me from sin and death and how He has forgiven me through His blood, lavishing His love upon my life which He purposely intended and for me to align myself to His revealed Will shown to me – as He brings unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ (Ephesians 1:7–10, NIV).

Indeed, God has blessed you & me with every spiritual blessing and how these blessings can be ours too as we thank God for them, and in turn bless others with those blessings we have received from Him.

What spiritual blessings have God given you today?

Profile Background:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987–1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills & a HR Administrator Graduate (CHRA) under Human Capital Singapore–SGEnable Collaboration of Partnership – HCS HR PowerBank (7th Dec 2021 to 3rd June 2022) | Former Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant |A Connecter in ServeHope Pte Ltd & GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd | A KeyGuard Specialist @(these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months in World United College South East Asia (Tampines Branch) | an Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017); A Founder in the ground up initiative project called – Project Stories for LIFE (Affiliated with Youth Corps Singapore, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster) |A PwD Advocate – a representing voice of the Disabled Community to the public today. 

Prayer Response to this featured article:
Father, we thank you for the many spiritual blessings you have lavished upon us;

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 24th December 2022 – Christmas Eve)

Sunday 3 December 2023

Son of God – Jesus as Messiah


As I did my Advent’s meditation, I read there are two expressions of Jesus as Son of God and Messiah. And, I am being reminded of how the apostle Paul had been transformed by his meeting with the risen Christ on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:4, NIV) and that he spent the rest of his life communicating the great miracle of God’s redeeming love in Jesus and encouraging everyone, Jew and Gentile alike, to give their hearts to the Saviour (Romans 1:1–6, NIV), and how he addressed quarrelling factions, misunderstandings and false beliefs which are our weaknesses to our human frailty. Indeed, the apostle Paul showed us the context in the divinity of Jesus, the incarnation, crucifixion, resurrection (Philippians 2:6–9, NIV) and the final triumph (Philippians 2:10–11, NIV).

Today’s meditation encourages me to share Jesus with pre–believers who have not heard of Jesus or have not encountered Jesus in their lives before, that they will hear and receive Jesus into their hearts as I share Him with them while demonstrating my care compassion for their well–being today. Indeed, I read how William Dunkerley (a successful businessman) lived his long life with the background of international aggression and tragedy through the Crimean War yet he had a great faith in Jesus Christ who offered him a better way, a rebirth into new life and a renewed hope in his life.

Being a prolific writer, he said, “In Christ there is no East or West, In him no South or North, But one great fellowship of love, Throughout the whole wide earth” (William Dunkerley, 1852–1941). Truly, James Montgomery also said, “Kings shall fall down before him, And gold and incense bring; All nations shall adore him, His praise all people sing. To him shall prayer unceasing and daily vows ascend, His kingdom still increasing, His kingdom without end” (James Montgomery, 1771–1854) based on Psalm 72 as both featured inside The Heartbeat of Hope devotional text by Elizabeth Rundle as I pondered over these two quotations upon my Advent weekend’s reading.

How would you describe Christianity to someone who had never heard of Jesus today?

Profile Background:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987–1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills & a HR Administrator Graduate (CHRA) under Human Capital Singapore–SGEnable Collaboration of Partnership – HCS HR PowerBank (7th Dec 2021 to 3rd June 2022) | Former Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant |A Connecter in ServeHope Pte Ltd & GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd | A KeyGuard Specialist @(these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months in World United College South East Asia (Tampines Branch) | an Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017); A Founder in the ground up initiative project called – Project Stories for LIFE (Affiliated with Youth Corps Singapore, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster) |A PwD Advocate – a representing voice of the Disabled Community to the public today.

Prayer Response to this featured article:
Jesus, guide us to share your salvation with pre–believers who had never heard of you, as the Holy Spirit leads us to the person/people today.

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 2nd December 2022)


As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...