Sunday 31 March 2024


As I meditated upon how the Scriptures said, “But now Christ is risen from the dead and has become the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20, NKJV), I noted how the children of Israel offered their first fruits as their harvest offering to the LORD during the feast of the firstfruits, and this act of faith signified to see how the Lord would give them a fuller harvest in the coming months. Hence, I give thanks to God seeing how Christ is the firstfruits of God’s harvest of all believers who will be raised to life because of His atoning death.


As such, I rejoice in the LORD as I serve a living Saviour who has conquered death for people from every tongue and every tribe, and proclaiming that Christ is the resurrection and the life today, as I did my Easter weekend’s reading.


Let’s proclaim this message of a Risen Saviour today!

Profile Background:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987–1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills & a HR Administrator Graduate (CHRA) under Human Capital Singapore–SGEnable Collaboration of Partnership – HCS HR PowerBank (7th Dec 2021 to 3rd June 2022) | Former Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant |A Connecter in ServeHope Pte Ltd & GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd | A KeyGuard Specialist @(these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months in World United College South East Asia (Tampines Branch) | an Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017); A Founder in the ground up initiative project called – Project Stories for LIFE (Affiliated with Youth Corps Singapore, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster) |A PwD Advocate – a representing voice of the Disabled Community to the public today. 


Prayer Response to this featured article:

Father, we rejoice that Jesus’ resurrection means that who raised Jesus from the dead lives in us – we will also be raised to life because one day, we will cast away immortality from our lives. 

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 4th Apr 2021 – Easter Sunday)

Friday 29 March 2024

ONE FOR ALL – ALL FOR ONE (Community Sanctification)


As I meditated upon how the Scriptures said, “All the congregation of Israel shall keep it” (Exodus 12:47, NKJV), I noted how Passover was to be community event with full attendance and I read how Jesus came to create a new united community through “one new man” – one in which believers keep covenant relationships, look out for one another, value and treat one another with extravagant love and generous forgiveness and grow in maturity together. Unfortunately, it saddens my heart to see how people seems unwilling to accept anything compulsive that encourages them to eschew community life, preferring to be ‘solo’ Christians, rather than to let themselves participate in community life with other believers.

Hence, this encourages me to serve actively in the community as I reach out to others in the community, as I did my Good Friday’s reading.

Who’re you reaching out to join your community today?

Profile Background:

Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987–1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills & a HR Administrator Graduate (CHRA) under Human Capital Singapore–SGEnable Collaboration of Partnership – HCS HR PowerBank (7th Dec 2021 to 3rd June 2022) | Former Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant |A Connecter in ServeHope Pte Ltd & GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd | A KeyGuard Specialist @(these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months in World United College South East Asia (Tampines Branch) | an Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017); A Founder in the ground up initiative project called – Project Stories for LIFE (Affiliated with Youth Corps Singapore, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster) |A PwD Advocate – a representing voice of the Disabled Community to the public today.

Prayer response to this featured article:
Father, help us to be devoted to one another in love, to rejoice with those who rejoice and to mourn with those who mourn, to practice hospitality and encourage one another to keep our spiritual fervour, serving the Lord joyfully. Enable us to reflect ‘one new man loving community’ as we bring hope and healing to our world that’s often characterized by strife, tension, and distrust today.

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 2nd Apr 2021 – Good Friday)

Wednesday 27 March 2024


Operation World Prayer News:

Brazil – Brazil faces many serious challenges ahead, but none more important to address than the deep political divide between right and left. USA-style polarization and bitter acrimony have seized the platform in Brazilian politics. This chasm is as unnecessary as it is tragic; Brazil has a wide array of parties all along the spectrum. The issues of economic inequality, the plight of the Amazon rainforest, violent crime and gangs, and child labour and prostitution are all too consequential to ignore. The entire region needs a strong and unified Brazil to see genuine progress, nowhere more so than Haiti and Venezuela. Do pray that Brazil would be able to move past such divides and see their diversity as a strength + for Latin American nation to provide an anchor of stability, progress, and justice not just to its own 200 million-plus people but to the entire region. (Reported by Operation World –, 16th March 2024)

Israel–Palestinian + Hamas Conflict:
Russia – Churches in Russia share Christ’s compassion following the deadliest terror attack on Russian soil in two decades. Gunmen turned the Crocus City Hall concert venue near Moscow into a slaughterhouse on Friday evening, killing at least 137 people and wounding 182. As news of the attack spread through the country, church leaders’ “response was to pray for the families, to reach them with the comfort that only God can provide, and to be resolute in advancing the Gospel,” Slavic Gospel Association’s Eric Mock says. “Most of the people I’ve talked to were reminded of the fragility of life and the need to be walking ever faithful one moment at a time before the Lord.”

The Islamic State branch in Afghanistan, or ISIS-K, claimed the attack. Both American and French intelligence agencies confirm that the statement is true. France increased its national security level to the highest level on Sunday. “We live in a changing world, where it seems that the value of a single life has fallen dramatically, and there’s no greater need than now for the Gospel; no greater need for the churches to rise up and extend the message of hope in the middle of the chaos,” Mock says. We pray for believers to seize every opportunity to make Christ known. We pray for the churches in Russia [to] be bold and faithful and that they will continue to hold forth the Gospel + for peace to rest in people’s hearts in the middle of an increasingly warring world. 

(Reported by Katey Hearth –, 26th March 2024)

Palestine – Nearly a third of Gaza’s residents face extreme lack of food and acute malnutrition, according to a report last Monday from the international community’s authority on determining food insecurity levels. Famine could strike anytime in northern Gaza between now and May. This led to a vote on Friday by the United Nations Security Council on a resolution calling for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza. But like several previous resolutions, this one failed to pass in the fifteen-member council. Indeed, “the Scripture teaches us to pray for the peace of Israel, and so that is first and foremost what we need to do is pray for the peace of the land,” Templeton says, referring to Psalm 122:6. For, “real and full peace only comes with the Prince of Peace. So that is the ultimate answer for the Palestinian people, as well as the Jewish people as well as anyone around the world.” We pray for peace in Gaza, Israel and the whole Middle East, asking

God to reveal Jesus, the Prince of Peace, to Palestinians & for a cease–fire agreement to be reached imminently; (Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 25th March 2024)

Lebanon – Lebanon is filing a complaint with the UN Security Council regarding Israel’s attacks this week in southern Lebanon, claiming they “targeted residential areas.” Israeli drone and air strikes killed a senior Hamas official near Tyre and a Hezbollah facility in the Bekaa Valley. Living conditions near the border are deteriorating, and the war is also ruining Lebanon’s agricultural sector. “A lot of the rockets being shelled at Lebanon have white phosphate, and this ruins the soil for a long, long time,” Heart for Lebanon’s Camille Melki explains. “Farmers not only are dealing with [today’s] problem of not being able to plant and harvest their crops but also the potential loss of several seasons because of that white phosphate.”

Heart for Lebanon teams provide emotional and spiritual care to those affected by war, along with food and clothing. “It starts with a food package, but that’s not our end goal,” Melki says. “That’s just the beginning of a journey from despair to hope.” Heart for Lebanon teams can speak hope into people’s lives by meeting tangible needs. We ask the Lord to protect Heart for Lebanon teams working in active war zones in southern Lebanon. We pray for Heart for Lebanon’s leaders will have wisdom and discernment. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 15th March 2024)

Israel – “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem,” says Psalm 122:6. Peace is still far away from the Middle East. But that doesn’t keep the Church from laying plans for sharing Christ. Pastor Israel Pochtar of the Beit Hallel Congregation in the city of Ashdod says the church has planned an outreach trip to Beersheba at an undisclosed date later this month to reach people impacted by the war, which is now past its five–month mark. “Three hundred Israelis were taking to the south,” Pochtar says. We “pray for these people, 300 non–believers who will come to hear the gospel.”

“Generally speaking, people who come from Eastern Europe, they’re mostly not religious and they are more open for the gospel. They are kind of disconnected from their families, starting new life in Israel. It really cause(s) them to be more open,” Pochtar says. “We’re praying that the Holy Spirit will reveal Yeshua, Jesus, and many of them will be touched.” We pray for the God of peace to reveal Himself to Israel + for those who hear the gospel will respond to it. (Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 15th March 2024)

Iraq – Iraq is pushing to close all IDP or internally displaced persons camps by the end of July. Samuel* of Redemptive Stories says many people affected by this move would’ve gone home sooner if they could, but they cannot because it’s dangerous. “The southern part is still unsafe because the PKK is still there, and there’s fighting. Only about 15 percent of those people have been able to return,” Samuel says. “The majority of the (IDP camp) community is from Sinjar, which is in federal Iraq. About 85 percent of the people from the north part of that have returned home.” Many remaining IDP camp residents belong to the Yazidi people group. “They’re not particularly liked by either side, whether you be Christian or Muslim. They’re looked down upon by all the other groups,” Samuel explains. Truly, “the human heart hates what it doesn’t understand,” Samuel notes.

We pray for Christian ministries to gain new opportunities to establish Gospel work among Yazidi communities. We ask the Holy Spirit to soften hearts on both sides of the ethnic divide. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 5th March 2024)

Lebanon – Work in ministry long enough and you’ll learn that the big-picture vision you are pursuing happens not in your tasks but in the relationships you have with those you serve. That’s the key to Heart for Lebanon’s effective ministry, says Bachir Sarkis with Heart for Lebanon: relationships. Heart for Lebanon’s team of staff and volunteers starts each day at 8:15 a.m., dividing out lists of families to visit whom they have connected with, and determining what rooms of their ministry center will host the week’s busy schedule of Bible study groups. Along with food kits and winterization supplies, Heart for Lebanon introduces people to the love and hope of Christ. For their home visits, Sarkis says four to five groups of staff will connect with at least 30 households every day, if not more. They have the long-term welfare of people in view. “When we build relationship(s), we are building trust with people. We are winning the hearts of people, we are winning the love of people,” says Sarkis.

Syrian Christian families as well as Lebanese Christian families both may know the basics of the Bible, Sarkis says, that Jesus is the Savior who died on the cross. But they don’t necessarily have a personal relationship with Jesus or know how to accept Jesus as Savior. So the Heart for Lebanon team helps them toward that understanding. Sarkis asks for prayer for the peace of Lebanon, as Israel and Hezbollah exchange fire over the southern border of the country.

We pray for stability in the political situation, because any political earthquake, might affect apolitical problem in Lebanon for any war to be expanded + affect all the work of Heart of Lebanon. We pray for peace in Lebanon, as Israel and Hezbollah exchange fire over the southern border. (Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 5th March 2024)

Israel – U.S. President Biden recently voiced his hope for a Gaza ceasefire deal by Monday, but one Israeli official tells The Washington Post, “There is no deal” while Hamas officials say gaps remain in the ceasefire proposal. Meanwhile, the mood is heavy as Israeli troops prepare to invade Rafah. Death is an ever–present possibility. “I heard someone say once, ‘There are no atheists in the trenches of war,’ and I can say that for a fact,” says Zev Sigulim, a reservist in the Israel Defense Forces. He partners with MegaVoice to distribute audio Bibles among IDF troops. Presenting “non-Jewish” ideas isn’t always a popular task. “There was some religious Jewish radio station warning soldiers of being targeted for missionary work, which makes you think twice about going into the trenches and giving soldiers audio Bibles,” Sigulim says. However, now is the prime time to introduce Scripture because “Jewish people are all interested in this subject of the Messiah,” he continues. “God is right now being talked about in the trenches; you’ve got people who are semi-religious talking with secular Israelis, and then there are those who are genuinely interested in knowing about God and Jesus in the New Testament.”

MegaVoice’s solar– powered audio Bibles typically bring God’s Word to unreached groups of people in the world’s most remote locations. Today, MegaVoice is providing God’s Word in audio to those on the frontlines of freedom in Israel. Admittedly, not all IDF soldiers are initially drawn to the audio Bibles because they want to hear Scripture. “Some of the units have a flashlight and a radio … and having that ability creates somewhat of an interest for a secular person,” Sigulim says. “A lot of the IDF right now is war, fighting, and shooting. But a majority of it is guard duty and standing watch. You can’t watch TV or be on your smartphone, but you can have a radio. You can put your earphones in one ear, listen to the radio, and hear what’s going on.” Believers have distributed more than 1,500 units so far. We pray IDF soldiers to know the truth + receive a MegaVoice audio Bible. We pray for Israeli believers who are fighting for their country + for this spiritual war that is going to affect all of them. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 28th February 2024)

Palestine – Nearly five months after Hamas attacked Israel, peace and security are still out of reach since the small number of Christians across Israel and Palestine had fallen. In Gaza, several churches were destroyed, and approximately 20 percent of Christians left. Those who remain have been trapped by the conflict, living as refugees. But even the Christian community outside of Gaza has been affected. Reverend Jack Sara, President of Bethlehem Bible College, says the devastating ripple effects have extended to the West Bank.

West Bank tourism has dropped drastically. Military checkpoints, road closures, and violence are the new norm. Businesses struggle to remain open, and simply commuting between towns is an ordeal. Rev. Sara says, “In Bethlehem, it did impact us because like I said, over 60% of the income depends on tourism here in the city.”

Bethlehem Bible College is giving some Christians a new reason to stay. The college has partnered with other institutions in the Middle East and North Africa to offer a doctorate program in theology. It is the first of its kind in the region’s history. Previously, Christian scholars from the MENA region had to study abroad if they wanted to pursue a PhD. Other doctorate programs also tend to represent a Western worldview. Bethlehem Bible College, the Arab Baptist Theological Seminary in Lebanon, and the Evangelical Theological Seminary of Cairo have formed the Middle East Graduate Theological Consortium to provide students with another option unique to their region.

We pray for God to bring true peace and sustain His people in Palestine. Ask Him to provide for the ongoing ministry of Bethlehem Bible College and consider supporting a student. We also pray for the ongoing mediation efforts by various heads of nations; as they move the situation in Gaza forward towards the release of hostages and a ceasefire that will allow urgent humanitarian aid to reach Palestinians who are suffering from dire food shortages. We pray for a good solution to the governance of Gaza after the war, ensuring the safety of Israelis and a home for the displaced Palestinians. (Reported by Emily Roth –, 26th February 2024)

Iran – As the conflict between nations and paramilitary groups in the Middle East continues to surge, we need to remember these hostilities are not new developments. Iran celebrated the 45th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution a few weeks ago. The day included crowds on the streets chanting “Death to Israel” and “Death to America” and other demonstrations. In a recent conversation with Voice of the Martyrs Canada, Dr. Hormoz Shariat with Iran Alive says that “there is a disconnect between Iranians and their government. Many do not agree with the regime’s hatred–driven policies.” However, God is moving in Iran. In the past 45 years, hundreds of thousands have turned to Christ. The Joshua Project says the number of evangelical Christians in Iran is growing by 19.6% each year – compared to the global rate of 2.6%. We pray not just for protection for these believers but for courage. We ask God to move powerfully and turn the nation to Christ. We also pray for courage and boldness for persecuted and isolated Iranian Christians. (Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 26th February 2024)

Ukraine – Russia controls roughly one–quarter of Ukraine today and plans to take even more territory in the coming months. Meanwhile, Ukraine struggles to recruit soldiers at home and help from abroad.

Trans World Radio’s Alenka Stephenson says, “It’s been two years in, and people are tired. A lot of times [they are] feeling the fatigue, apathy, and despair that there is no end in sight.” And, TWR has been broadcasting the hope of Christ on multiple channels since the war began. “Our ministry in Ukraine reshaped their whole programming to address the situation of the war, and they’re expanding on different levels,” Stephenson says. “They won an award from the website Megogo [and] this was really encouraging for the team, that they made such an achievement on a national level, not just the Christian level.”

As such, the team visits war–torn communities to talk with affected pastors and Christians, connecting Ukrainians across the airwaves. We pray for the team’s continued protection + for the Lord to give believers His strength, wisdom, and perseverance. 

(Reported by Katey Hearth –, 23rd February 2024)

Lebanon – Tensions spike in southern Lebanon following deadly tit–for–tat rocket fire and bombings from Hezbollah and Israeli forces. The exchange comes after Hezbollah rejected a French ceasefire proposal on Tuesday, heightening fears of an Israel–Hezbollah war. “Politicians on all fronts keep threatening a possible war, but we’re already at one,” Heart for Lebanon’s Camille Melki says. “Since the morning after the attacks from Gaza [on October 8, 2023], Hezbollah and Israel have been exchanging fire.” More than 120,000 Lebanese have fled their homes near the border. “Heart for Lebanon is reaching out to 400 families in the south,” Melki says.

“Four months into the conflict, we have seen more people in attendance in our Bible study groups, more people coming to worship gatherings,” Melki says. We pray for Heart for Lebanon as they start new worship gathering on Wednesday evening for the Kurdish–speaking population + for them to have the opportunity to preach and share the Gospel to 400 families in these difficult moments in southern Lebanon. We also pray that Hezbollah–Israel hostilities will end. (Reported by Katey Hearth – 15th February 2024)

Israel – Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calls Hamas’s response to a ceasefire proposal “delusional” and says fighting will continue until Hamas is rooted out. U.S. Secretary of State Anthony Blinken says he sees room for negotiation and is planning more talks. We pray upon the ongoing negotiations for the release of hostages and a ceasefire in Gaza, to be concluded successfully in due time & for families to be reunited and humanitarian aid reaching the people who are in dire need and for total victory over Hamas once he & his men are totally wiped out of Gaza. We also pray for people on both sides of the Gaza war to meet the one true God as they search for truth. (Reported by Katey Hearth – 9th February 2024)

Lebanon – Increasing conflicts in the Middle East are affecting gospel ministry in Lebanon. “We’re seeing renewed fighting in some countries like Syria and completely new conflicts erupting in other places,” says Hunter Williamson with Thimar–LSESD. “When the war between Hamas and Israel began in October, some of the armed groups here in Lebanon, who are allied with Hamas, began attacking Israeli positions, which has created a conflict here which has displaced about 83,000 people.” LSESD seeks to provide relief and development aid to communities as well as education and church discipleship. We pray for Thimar–LSESD as they provide aid for displaced persons in Lebanon, and consider supporting this critical ministry. Ask God to bring peace to the Middle East. (Reported by Katie O'Malle –, 7th February 2024)

Middle East – The UN’s top court demands that Israel do everything it can to prevent death, destruction, and any acts of genocide in Gaza. However, the International Court of Justice did not indicate if genocide had already taken place or demand a halt to Israeli military action. The timing of the ruling magnified its solemnity; it was given on the eve of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Fighting connected to the Gaza war has intensified and broadened in scope over the past two weeks, raising the specter of regional war. We pray for the war to end, and ask the Lord to deliver believers on both sides of the Israel–Hamas conflict. We pray for great wisdom for the military and governmental leaders + for the safe rescue of hostages being held in Gaza. We ask the Lord to surround hostages with His comfort and peace. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 29th January 2024)

Yemen – Houthi militants in Yemen promise revenge following targeted overnight airstrikes by Western forces. U.S. and British teams struck eight different locations, with support from Australia, Bahrain, Canada, and the Netherlands. Since November, the Houthis have launched dozens of attacks on tankers traveling through the Red Sea, one of the world’s busiest shipping lanes. Trey Hulsey, a consultant to Middle East ministries, says the conflict makes life in Yemen increasingly difficult. The people who are really suffering are the regular, average people who don’t have other options. Those in power, whether that be the UN-recognized government or the Houthis, they’re benefiting from what’s going on,” Hulsey explains. Corruption is widespread. For example, “if the U.S. government says, ‘I’m going to give you $4 million a year to fight terrorism in your country,’ [it] kind of incentivizes me to never actually win because if I win, then the U.S. government funding stops. But if I keep fighting, I have that money coming in,” Hulsey says.

Yet hope remains in Yemen. The Body of Christ is not only growing – it’s thriving. We ask the Lord to give Christian leaders wisdom to navigate Yemen’s complex environment. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 24th January 2024)

Middle East – We pray that efforts by Qatar, the U.S. and Egypt to secure a ceasefire and the release of hostages in Gaza to yield positive results so that Gazans will receive timely humanitarian aid and hostages reunited with their families and for Hamas release female IDF soldiers and bodies of kidnapped Israelis, as Israel releases more Palestinian prisoners. (Reported by Lazar Berman – in Israel Times, 21st January 2024)

Lebanon – As fighting intensifies in Gaza, Western diplomats try to prevent a similar escalation between Israel and Lebanon. Israeli airstrikes killed two Hezbollah members and three civilians in southern Lebanon over the weekend. Ever since the Israel–Hamas war began, Hezbollah and Israel have exchanged fire along Lebanon’s southern border. Now, Israel appears to be prioritizing the targeted killings of Hezbollah militants inside Lebanon. Tension is tangible nationwide. “So many around us [are] living with this spirit of terror like, ‘Something is going to happen to me today or tomorrow,’” Nuna with Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says. Fear coincides with anger. “We have this division in Lebanon now against Hezbollah. You have so many people who don’t want the war [and] they’re rising up,” she continues.

Lebanon’s last civil war, from 1975 to 1990, killed more than 100,000 people. The fallout from that war, plus the Syrian refugee crisis and all the calamities of the last five years, leave many Lebanese feeling like Job. “We [hear] lots of questions: Why me? Why us? We had one tragedy after the other; when will it stop? Why did God allow this?” Nuna says. “Frankly, we don’t have all the answers, but we do have one answer — we are not alone, even in the midst of tragedy. He said, ‘In this world, you will have trouble,’ but He promised that He will be with us.” We pray for believers to speak God’s peace to troubled souls. “We cannot live under the assumption that tomorrow will be Doomsday. We have to… lift people up, those who are fearful and living under this panic,” Nuna says.“Our job is to keep [encouraging] people and saying, ‘God is with us. He’s not against us. He’s for us.’” (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 23rd January 2024)

Lebanon – Last week, drone missiles killed a top Hamas leader and several of his lieutenants in an apartment in Beirut. All eyes are on Israel and although the nation hasn’t claimed the attack, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called it a “surgical strike against the Hamas leadership.” The IDF may be making good on its promise since October 7th to eradicate Hamas leaders wherever they may be found. Some fear this latest strike could lead to violent escalation between Lebanon’s Hezbollah and the IDF. Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah threatened there would be “a response and punishment” following the attack on Hamas leadership in Beirut.

Pierre Houssney with Horizons International says, “It seems like a lot of people want there to be this big fear and the wars and rumors of wars. I personally don’t feel that it’s actually in the best interest of either side to start a war…. You have to kind of read between the lines because…it’s really important to understand this in light of the Shiite-Sunni greater conflict.” We pray for believers in the region to be faithful ambassadors for Jesus, no matter what happens in the political realm. We ask the Lord to encourage and equip Horizons International to advance the Gospel. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 8th January 2024)

Iran – Iran vows revenge after the biggest attack on its soil since 1979. Yesterday, the Islamic State claimed the twin explosions that killed at least 95 people on Wednesday and left over 200 wounded.

At first, “the Iranian government [was] blaming America, CIA, Mossad, and Israel, but people within the country say it’s the regime who did this,” says Heart4Iran’s Nazanin Baghestani. “A few days earlier [before the explosions,] Ayatollah Khamenei said that he is speaking from God, and he says the blood of the martyrs is feeding the regime to stay put (in power).” The explosions impacted anniversary gatherings at the tomb of military commander Qasem Soleimani, who was assassinated by the U.S. on January 3, 2020. We praise God that many believe in Christ because there is no other hope. We pray that Iranian callers to surrender their hearts to Christ and find peace that surpass all understanding. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 5th January 2024)

Middle East – A recent report from the World Bank says the Israel–Hamas war could push Lebanon back into recession, fueling a broader demand for hostilities to end in Gaza. World leaders and global public opinion remain divided on how long the war should last, who’s the victim, and who’s the aggressor. “The perspective from outside is so different than the perspective from [within] this region. There’s so much polarization in the news and such an oversimplification of what’s happening,” Pierre Houssney of Horizons International says. “We don’t view our region as Muslims versus Israelis; it’s so much more diverse than what you see on the news.”

Most headlines “try to convince everybody that it’s all complex and hard to understand,” Houssney continues. “So, they just simplify it to mean that you’re going to choose this side or the other side.”

“There are Christian Lebanese, Christian Syrians, Jewish believers, and Palestinian believers; there are a lot of believers from Muslim backgrounds.” We pray for the Lord to help believers in the region share His Gospel, so that none may die without opportunity to receive Christ as Savior.(Reported by Katey Hearth –, 29th December 2023)

Israel/Gaza – Over the last week, we’ve shared reflections from several ministry partners in conflict zones on Isaiah 9:6. This prophetic verse lists the titles of Jesus, including “Prince of Peace.” For our final Christmas Day reflection, we spoke with Pastor Israel Pochtar of Beit Hallel Congregation in Ashdod. When talking about peace, the region of Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank may be the last place you’d think of. The war between Israel and Hamas rages on. Peace seems like a fool’s hope. Beyond regional peace, the spiritual peace of Jesus Christ is needed now more than ever in Israel and beyond. Earlier this month, Beit Hallel Congregation gathered a few hundred people in Jerusalem where Pastor Pochtar preached the Gospel through the Christmas message

“The message about who the Messiah is and what the Messiah is going to do — that He’s going to bring peace — is very relevant and very powerful…. We’re using the Scriptures to show people the Messiah surely will come to rule the world. But right now, He can come to your heart and rule in your heart and give you peace and shalom.” Only 1.3% of Israelis know Jesus as the Messiah, and roughly 97% have never heard the Gospel, according to The Joshua Project. The stats aren’t any better in Gaza and the West Bank, where 99% of the people have never heard the Gospel. And, Christ’s peace is needed both for Jewish Israelis and their Muslim neighbors.

We pray for Prince of Peace to touch hearts across the Holy Land + for God’s will to be done in this conflict. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 25th December 2023)

Eurasia – We pray for trust in Jesus as SGA advances the Great Commission in every nation +for the Lord’s will to be done in the hearts of leaders and rulers, as they “remember the government is on His shoulder. Let us remember that He alone is the Prince of Peace” as SGA’s Eric Mock says. We ask God to open the eyes of suffering people to the comfort only found in Christ, even as Slavic Gospel Association supports the Church in several war–torn nations of the world in Ukraine, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Israel. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh –, 21st December 2023)

Lebanon – Believers in Lebanon are accustomed to and prepared for tribulation and trials. The last five years brought waves of despair to Lebanon – financial and economic disaster, government collapse, pandemic fallout, and the Beirut port explosion – on top of an existing refugee crisis driven by the civil war in neighboring Syria. As Christ–followers, “We are called to be prepared for conflict and wars because we live in a broken and fallen world,” Camille Melki with Heart for Lebanon says. “Unfortunately, those wars and conflicts in the Middle East are reoccurring, and at a higher percentage maybe than [in] the other parts of the world.” As agents of hope and peace, “instead of digging trenches and hiding or running away from conflict, let’s run towards the opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a broken community” as Melki says. We pray for Lebanese people to see the light of Christ through believers. We pray for Lebanese Christians to counter hatred with the love of Jesus Christ, violence with a message of his peace, despair with the hope in Christ alone that He only can offer.

(Reported by Katey Hearth –, 21st December 2023)

Other Asian Prayer News:
Malaysia – Malaysia’s top court recently struck down over a dozen Shariah–based state laws, saying they infringed on federal authority. Islamist leaders decried the decision, saying it would “undermine” religious courts. “It seems not so much that they are overturning Sharia law, but the states can’t pass their own version of Sharia law,” Todd Nettleton with The Voice of the Martyrs USA says. “The state that passed these (controversial) laws [said,] ‘We want to enforce these laws the way we see them in our part of the country,’ and the federal government is saying, ‘No, you’re not allowed to do that; you’re not allowed to set your own separate standards.’” Instead, the top court solidified the presence of Islamic law in Malaysia by ruling that “Sharia law is established for the whole country, and it is the federal courts that will enforce that, not the states,” Nettleton adds.

Believers from a Muslim background are called apostates under Sharia law. Unfortunately, “it doesn’t seem like this ruling is going to change the situation on the ground for a Muslim convert,” Nettleton says. “At the same time, it’s not going to make it worse for an ethnically Chinese Christian or someone from one of those minority groups seen as a Christian to start with.” We pray for their encouragement and pray for groups working to equip these believers.

While Christianity is not illegal in Malaysia, Christians are marginalized by the ruling Muslim ethnic group. It is illegal for ethnic Malays to convert to Christianity because they are all considered Muslim under Malaysian law. “One of the ways we can pray is for the Gospel to spread among ethnic Malay people,” Nettleton says. “Yes, it’s illegal. Yes, it’s difficult. But we can pray that our brothers and sisters in Malaysia will have access to the Good News.” We pray for Gospel growth among ethnic Malays. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 14th March 2024)

Democratic Republic of Congo – The people of the Democratic Republic of Congo continue to suffer loss of life and massive displacement as conflict rages on, especially in East Congo. Last week, the armed group M23 blocked off main roads to the capital city of North Kivu province, cutting off its more than two million people from food sources. M23 is one of 120 armed groups present within the DRC.

Ben and Anna Samuelson serve with Mission Aviation Fellowship in East Congo. Ben tells us there are a multitude of reasons for the decades of violence in the DRC. “There are still those ethnic or tribal militias or attacks that will happen against a certain other tribe. There (are) outside influencers that are trying to get access to natural resources within Congo,” Ben says. “Congo is one of the wealthiest nations in terms of natural resources in the country, even though the people don’t ever end up seeing that wealth. But outside influencers benefit from an unstable region. There (have been) many cases of inciting militias and such to keep the region unstable for their purposes.” Amid lack of government support, tribes and villages create their own militias for their own causes and defense, which adds to the chaos. “Some religious extremism as well has come up and been the cause of other militia and fighting that goes on in the area,” Ben says.

The DRC currently has over 6.3 million displaced persons according to UNHCR. Many hope and call on President Felix Tshisekedi, who began his second term in office in January, to dramatically improve national security. We pray for the elected officials, that they would have wisdom, and that they will be honest people.” We pray for Mission Aviation Fellowship that operates in Bunia, the capital city of Ituri province, which lies directly north of North Kivu as they deal with militia activity + for their protection and for stability in the region. We pray for the team to not be discouraged by they hear about all this terrible stuff, but to see the opportunities that God has placed in front of them as they make a difference in the life of others today. Ask God to bring stability in a miraculous way to the DRC. We pray for elected officials will faithfully to act on behalf of their people. Ask God to encourage the MAF team in this challenging situation. (Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 13th February 2024)

Taiwan – Tensions between China and Taiwan continue to play out on an international stage. Taiwan’s president-elect, Lai Ching-te, received congratulations from multiple nations after the January 13 elections, including from the United States and Japan. But Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi responded by warning the international community of violating the one-China principle, which maintains that Taiwan is a territory of China.

Indeed, Joe Handley with A3 says that some of his colleagues have moved from Taiwan to nearby nations to avoid the brewing situation. “Others are staying regardless – you know, hoping that China doesn’t come in and take over, but they want to be at the forefront of being the witness for Christ.” We pray for A3 as they launch a training course for Christian leaders in Taiwan later this year. We pray for leaders to experience revival + renewal in their lives especially for whatever happens with the mainland (China) where pressures will be upon them immensely. We also pray for A3 to come alongside Christian leaders in Taiwan and around the world to go through training and equipping. (Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 12th February 2024)

Pakistan – Pakistan’s general election reaches its climax today as people go to the polls for national as well as provincial leaders amid recent tensions. On Wednesday a pair of explosions near the offices of two election candidates in Baluchistan killed more than two dozen people and wounded dozens more.

Greg Kelley with Unknown Nations says, “Our people on the ground are telling us there’s two main parties that are kind of leading the pack, but neither one of them have the energy or the majority, in and of themselves. So there’s probably going to be some form of a coalition.” One party is the Pakistan Muslim League. “Under their leadership in the past, churches have been burned to the ground, pastors [and] believers have been killed. They really welcome this kind of mob mentality vigilante justice, that there’s no accountability.”

Meanwhile, the People’s Party tends to represent those considered lower class. It also stands for minority groups, which in Pakistan includes Christians. “God is doing great things in Pakistan as well [as Iran] right now. Anytime that the Gospel is moving, there’s going to be adversarial attempts to diminish that. I think right now Christians are in the crosshairs of everything going on in Pakistan and Iran.” We pray for new government leaders in Pakistan who will protect the rights of minority groups.

“We need to be praying that anytime there’s transition in countries like this, it’s [an] opportunit[y] for the gospel,” says Kelley. Ask God to make ways for Christians to share the hope of Christ in this time of transition. (Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 8th February 2024)

Türkiye – Today marks the first anniversary of the series of earthquakes that devastated much of Türkiye. The nation needs the support of people with vision and perseverance for long–term rebuilding.

[Bruce Allen with FMI says, “Ten major cities were decimated. When you think about the whole earthquake impact zone, it destroyed 140,000 square miles [of] land and property – equivalent to the entire size of Germany. “Rebuilding is going to take a long, long time. People need to be in it for the long haul.” The Turkish government faced criticism for its response to the quakes and fading pledges for relief support. “In responding to public criticism that the government’s rescue workers were too slow in reacting [to the Feb 2023 earthquakes], President Erdogan pledged to build 650,000 housing units,” Allen says.

President Erdogan promised half would be done within the following year. “[But] even at the end of January, 11 plus months later, construction has only begun on less than half of that amount. Only 46,000 homes have been completed, according to environment and urbanization ministry data. Government response has been slow, although there have been lots of pledges. But even from our partners in the country, they said it did not even last very long.” Meanwhile, the nation’s tiny Christian population continues to serve the needs of their communities for food, clothing, and longer–term shelter.

“We have to remember that this country of about 86 million people has only a 0.04% population of evangelical Christians. [Then,] 99.2% of the population are in unreached people groups. That doesn’t mean they’re indifferent or hostile to the Gospel. It just means they’re unaware of the Gospel.”

[Allen says the compassion and care that Christians have shown over the past year have gained them credibility with Muslim neighbors. “People are saying, ‘Why are you treating us so well, when we have treated you so poorly?’ It has provided opportunities not just for physical care, but spiritual care as well.” Partners of FMI in Türkiye are committed to education for children, housing, and makeshift grocery stores. “But all of those things are consumables and require finances. So the financial need is still there,” Allen says. There’s also a great need for prayer for these churches, especially in the earthquake zone regions, where they’re relatively swelling with new believers. There’s a lot of that spiritual need of care and growth and discipleship that needs to take place.”

We praise God for the faithful ministry of Christians in Turkiye + for new believers and seekers who are coming to churches. We pray for resources and government support in the long– term rebuilding phase.

Turkiye. (Reported by Katie O'Malley –, 6th February 2024)

Sudan – Displacement hits a record high as Sudan’s war passes the nine-month mark with no end. One in eight displaced people worldwide is Sudanese. At least 10.7 million people have been uprooted by conflict in Sudan. Over 1.5 million people have fled the North African nation since April and crossed into a neighboring country. “The refugees are flooding into South Sudan, but they’re also going into Chad, and they’re going into Ethiopia,” says John*, a Gospel worker focused on Sudan. “We have a team inside Chad working with believers there, and then we have one across the border, where thousands are waiting and cannot enter.” U.S. citizens and others who have requested departure from Sudan board the Military Sealift Command expeditionary fast transport ship USNS Brunswick (T–EPF 6) while it moors in Port Sudan, April 30, 2023.

We pray for the people of Sudan where the group f seven teams who are endeavoring to work among the Sudanese while the trauma is wide spreading throughout the country, and for God to protect believers’ hearts from dealing constantly with death and loss. We pray for boldness among believers in the refugee population to share their faith with others.

(Reported by Katey Hearth –, 5th February 2024)

China – China’s Gen Zers are facing limited career opportunities and looking for more. The most recent statistics released by the Chinese government in 2023 said urban unemployment rates of 16 to 24 year-olds were at 21 percent. “There are young people all around the world that are asking a lot of questions – questioning how they’ve been raised, what they’ve been told, and what should be significant to them. That’s happening in China,” says Kurt Rovenstine with Bibles for China. In terms of the Church, Rovenstine believes the opportunity to share the gospel is wide open in the Chinese culture. “When people are confused, when the dream that they had or the dream that somebody had for them falls apart, they’re very open to what is true on a deeper level.”

Bibles for China has distributed physical copies of Scripture in rural China since 2011. Today they are looking at additional approaches to bring God’s Word to China, such as “audio Bibles, SD cards, trying to focus a little more on the diaspora,” says Rovenstine. We pray for Bibles for China as they seek to be open to the leadership of the Holy Spirit to find places to reach the next generation of Chinese, many of whom are disillusioned and need the truth of God’s Word. “In terms of invitations and opportunities, many of the people that have worked in China in the past are saying the door seems to be swinging to the open side for those who choose to work as we do, openly and legally, within China,” says Rovenstine. We ask God to move powerfully among young people and call them to purposeful, joyful life in Christ. We also pray for the Chinese people to embrace the Word of God, love their neighbour, share truth with them. We pray for wisdom and courage for Chinese church leaders. We ask God to call young people in China to purposeful, joyful life in Christ. (Reported by Katie O'Malley, –, 31st January 2024)

Libya – Libya remains one of the world’s toughest places to follow Christ. Libya remains under interim rule, and the Christian minority faces persecution from authorities, security forces, and independent militia. There are few believers in Libya, and it is extremely difficult for them to practice their faith openly. We pray for believers from a Muslim background will stand firm in Libya despite threats of suffering and death. Hope remains for Libya, yet so does the danger. We pray for converts to Christianity to stand firm, despite the threats of suffering and death + for strong and effective Christian resources, including Bibles and other literature, to be available in Libya. We pray for Libyan Christians to have a strong desire to lead others to faith in the Lord.

(Reported by Katey Hearth –, 24th January 2024)

South Africa – Christian World Outreach’s Single Moms Raising Sons program began by supporting single mothers in South Africa with Bible studies. But quickly, the ministry realized they needed to help fatherless sons too by connecting them with a biblical community of male mentors.

From there, the Men Molding Men camps were born.

CWO’s Greg Yoder says, “We have two age groups that we do camps with. So it’s the younger boys, and then young men up to about 18-years-old. [They are] just dealing with being a young man and someone who is being raised by a single mom and needing a man around them.” CWO has six Men Molding Men camps in South Africa planned for 2024. The personal and spiritual impacts of these camps can’t be overstated. We pray for the leadership of the ministry as they make decisions + stay focused on what God’s given them as a ministry. We pray for the men God called as mentors to have wisdom and boldness as they connect with these boys. Ask God to heal the hearts of fatherless boys in South Africa with His love. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, –, 17th January 2024)

Myanmar – A military fighter jet recently bombed Kanan, a village held by opposition forces near the border with India. “One of our courageous national missionaries reported that an A5 military fighter jet dropped four 250-pound bombs on Kanan village,” AMG International’s Brian Dennett says. “The attack happened on Sunday morning during the church service, so those attending were killed or injured right within their building.” According to local media, at least 17 civilians died in the attack, including nine children – and nearly two dozen people were injured.

We pray for Myanmar Christians who continue to live in fear and suffering. Ask the Lord to help these believers trust Him with their future, and pray for peace that surpasses all understanding. (Reported by Katey Hearth –, 15th January 2024)

Nigeria – Massacres have become legitimate daily threats for Christians in Nigeria. That’s a horrifying reality, but it is reality. Again and again, religious extremists such as the Fulani herdsmen slaughter civilians. They frequently target Christians for their faith. The cost of following Christ for Nigerians is often death. But according to Greg Kelley of Unknown Nations, the vicious and bloodthirsty dogma driving these attacks is leaving locals with questions. “In a lot of places like Nigeria, Afghanistan, Somalia, when the radicalization of Islam is front and center, I think even moderate Muslims start looking at that,” Kelley says. “Their worldview is challenged to the core.”

We pray for Nigerian Christians persecuted by extremists. We ask God to move in the hearts of violent radicals. We thank God for the courage of His people and the compassion inherent in His message.

(Reported by Alex Anhalt –, 27th December 2023)

USA – An oft–overlooked mission field is gaining recognition in the United States. “God is making a move amongst Native America, and I’m happy to be a part of it,” says Wes Francis, a member of the Navajo tribe. Francis works for On Eagles’ Wings, a division of Ron Hutchcraft Ministries. He’s part of a small but growing team bringing the hope of Jesus to Native communities across the U.S. and Canada.

One 2020 poll found that Native American evangelical Christians – believers who actively share their faith – comprise less than one percent of the total U.S. religious population. Although six in ten Native American Christians who responded to the survey identified as Protestant believers, only 28 percent were evangelical. In other words, very few Native Americans have a relationship with Christ, and those who do are not actively sharing their faith with the broader community. However, Francis’s experience with the Lord and the promises of Scripture motivates him to action

We pray for desperate people living “on the edge” to have an opportunity to hear the Gospel + for OEW team members to have the courage to share their hope stories. We pray for abundant grace as new believers learn and grow in Christ. (Reported by Katey Hearth – , 27th December 2023)

Turkiye – Turkish Christians are often under scrutiny by state or local authorities. At the church of FMI – supported Pastor Izzet, police will show up and intimidate churchgoers. Pastor Izzet says, “As the people come to the church, they’ll set up a video camera and take pictures of all the people that come into the church. We can’t share a lot of that just because of security reasons, but there are a lot of things like that that are just very discomforting to people.” It’s true that the persecuted Church often grows despite persecution. Many Christians in Turkiye boldly stand for their faith in the face of intimidation and persecution. Pastor Izzet says, “In 2007 in the city of Malatya, three of our brothers were killed – martyred for their faith – and a lot of people during that time left the Church. They say, ‘This is too much of a test for us. We don’t want to go through this.’ A lot of other people said, ‘We’re ready to stand and fight for this, and we’ll stand for the truth of what we believe in.’

We pray for unwavering faith among Turkish church leaders and young believers, for them to do evangelism well as God helps them to bear abundant and abiding fruit in Him. We pray for Lord to provide new and courageous leaders for the Church. We ask God to grow the Church in Turkiye despite persecution. (Reported by Lyndsey Koh, –, 26th December 2023)

Sunday 24 March 2024


On 29th March, your Good Friday's article will be posted up from 12.00pm onwards.
As I did my Palm Sunday’s reading & meditated upon what the apostle Mark says, “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” “Hosanna in the highest heaven!” (Mark 11:9–10, NIV), I noted how the crowds took their salvation cry from Psalm 118:25–26, NIV. And, they wanted Jesus to overthrow the Romans and take back their capital city (John 6:15; Acts 1:6, NIV). However, I saw that the crowds had forgotten Christ’s prophecy about Him going to Jerusalem to suffer and die for their salvation (Mark 8:31; 9:30–32; 10:32–34). And, truly Easter's victory would be impossible without Good Friday's surrender to death.

Yet, I also noted how the disciples weren’t really highly honoured after Jesus sent them to get the colt for Him, yet they did as directed, and their obedience challenges us to be obedient disciples. Hence, I saw how Jesus didn’t need cheerleaders, yet the whole crowd of disciples began joyfully to praise God in loud voices for all the miracles they had seen and declaring these words aloud, “Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord!” (Luke 19:37–38, NIV) and how they started waving branches and throwing cloaks to carpet the way for the Messiah as He made His way into the city of Jerusalem back then.

Today, I welcome Jesus as my Hosanna believing that He’s the one who saved me and has given me Salvation through eternal life (John 3:16, NIV), urging me to honour Him in everything I do + singing “Hosanna” daily within me unto Jesus.

And, this also caused me to see how Jesus spoke about how He will prune every fruit in my life that I bear forth as branches of the tree (John 15:1, NIV). And, this prompts me to thank the LORD for the joy that God has given me and that may I spread this joy to others today, as I rejoice in the abundance of light that’s part of God’s salvation for you & me today.

Is Jesus your “Hosanna” – the one whom you honour who saves you today? 

Profile Background:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987–1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills & a HR Administrator Graduate (CHRA) under Human Capital Singapore–SGEnable Collaboration of Partnership – HCS HR PowerBank (7th Dec 2021 to 3rd June 2022) | Former Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant |A Connecter in ServeHope Pte Ltd & GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd | A KeyGuard Specialist @(these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months in World United College South East Asia (Tampines Branch) | an Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017); A Founder in the ground up initiative project called – Project Stories for LIFE (Affiliated with Youth Corps Singapore, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster) |A PwD Advocate – a representing voice of the Disabled Community to the public today.

Prayer Response to this featured article:
Jesus, enable us trust you to meet our needs through all circumstances rather than worrying. We trust you Jesus trust God to care for us as we learn to live one day at a time. Jesus, save us, mold us to honour you on your terms and for your glory.
(Written by Jeremy Koh, 5th April 2020 – Palm Sunday) 


Saturday 16 March 2024

Servant of All

As I meditated upon how Jesus said, “You call me, “Teacher” and “Lord”, and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet” (John 13:13–14, NIV), I am being reminded of how Jesus took the place of the lowest household servant and rolled up His sleeves to wash His disciples’ feet. Truly, Jesus said to His disciples, “Love one another as I have loved you” (John 13:34, NIV). By this, I observed how Jesus has upheld His authority through His leadership style – reminding you & me of our gift of salvation telling us to love each other.

Hence, this prompts me to live humbly as a servant by caring for someone when I wash his/her feet today reflecting Christlikeness through me. And, how I must serve my fellow brother/sister in whom God has entrusted me with a responsibility for this person to be in my care and for me to reflect upon my own attitude as I become a willing servant of all (Mark 9:35, NIV) while I pondered upon my Maundy Thursday’s reading.

How are you caring for someone as you serve God today?

Profile Background:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987–1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills & a HR Administrator Graduate (CHRA) under Human Capital Singapore–SGEnable Collaboration of Partnership – HCS HR PowerBank (7th Dec 2021 to 3rd June 2022) | Former Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant |A Connecter in ServeHope Pte Ltd & GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd | A KeyGuard Specialist @(these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months in World United College South East Asia (Tampines Branch) | an Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017); A Founder in the ground up initiative project called – Project Stories for LIFE (Affiliated with Youth Corps Singapore, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster) |A PwD Advocate – a representing voice of the Disabled Community to the public today. 

Prayer Response to this featured article:
Jesus, enable us to live a life of humility serving you daily being your faithful servant. 

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 14th April 2022 – Maundy Thursday)

Saturday 2 March 2024

Choosing Forgiveness

As I pondered upon how the apostle Paul said, “Brothers and sisters, if a person is caught doing something wrong, you who are spiritual should restore someone like this with a spirit of gentleness” (Galatians 6:1, CEB), I thank God for reminding me that I need to forgive someone who had fallen into the nature of sin like broken and dislocated bones, and for me to gently restore him/her with meekness and encourage the person to turn himself/herself from his/her carnal flesh system in which it tempts him/her to sin that he/she has been living in the past, and for the person to repent hiss/her sin away so that he/she can live and walk freely in the Spirit (Galatians 5:25, CEB) as a free person today while I reflected upon my Lenten’s meditation.

Today, I choose to forgive someone as I reach out to this person who has once lived a sinful life yet waiting to be freed by God’s grace as I reach out + love him/her with tender mercy and with compassionate heart flowing from within me. By this, I choose to speak words of encouragement into his/her heart and restore him/her gently to believing faith in Christ. Truly, I believe that we can either choose to be bitter person and to place blame upon someone else or we can choose to reach out with loving arms to lift up our brothers and sisters in Christ when they stumble down to sin.

How can you offer the grace of Christ to fellow believers today?

Profile Background:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987–1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills & a HR Administrator Graduate (CHRA) under Human Capital Singapore–SGEnable Collaboration of Partnership – HCS HR PowerBank (7th Dec 2021 to 3rd June 2022) | Former Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant |A Connecter in ServeHope Pte Ltd & GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd | A KeyGuard Specialist @(these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months in World United College South East Asia (Tampines Branch) | an Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017); A Founder in the ground up initiative project called – Project Stories for LIFE (Affiliated with Youth Corps Singapore, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster) |A PwD Advocate – a representing voice of the Disabled Community to the public today.

Prayer Response to this featured article:
Thank you Jesus for being merciful God, for your unending grace + loving us no matter how many times we fail. Help us to extend your love to our brothers and sisters today.

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 26th February 2023)


As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...