Monday 4 February 2019

Your Strategy for 2019

Do you depend upon Jesus Christ?
Jesus says, “These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.”John 15:11
Indeed, when you are totally committed to Jesus Christ, you rest in Him. You realize that for your every need, it is necessary for Him to supply it.
Have you ever looked at a branch? It has no other source of life than the vine. If you asked that branch, “What’s your secret for your healthy leaves and fruit?” the branch would answer, “My secret is that I’m resting in the vine.”
“But what about your needs?” you ask.
“I know I have needs, but that’s not my responsibility. My response is to rest in the vine’s ability to provide. I don’t produce the fruit. I just bear it.”
Are you resting in the Lord today?
A Blessed Lunar New Year 2019
(Written by Adrian Rogers, 1st January 2019)
Profile Information Source:
Adrian Rogers is one of the contributing writers for Crosswalk Com Devotional Text

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