Friday 26 June 2020

Missionary Prayer Focus #8


Pakistan – Locust Plagues:

Do pray for God’s merciful intervention to stop the further advance of the locust plagues that are ravaging India & Pakistan (their worst in almost 3 decades). Do pray for the government as they help the farmers manage the crisis and reduce crop losses.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Katey Hearth – from Mission News Network, 23rd June 2020)

Southeast Asia:

Do pray for all missionaries to continue reaching to people and make Christ’s love known to them during these difficult times.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news on Southeast Asia Feature – from Christian Mission Insider News, 18th June 2020)


Do pray for the churches in Russia and the former Soviet Union to proclaim Christ through loving their neighbors, and that Christ will empower His churches in the former Soviet Union.   

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Kevin Zeller – from Mission News Network, 17th June 2020)


Do pray for the Israeli government to firm up their decision to extend sovereignty over parts of the Jordan Valley and not delay. Do pray for the IDF to manage the possible aftermath of the taking back control of these lands in Judea & Samaria. Do intercede for Israel that attempts by nations to stop this move be thwarted, and for the appeals of the WCC to be futile so that Israel will not be condemned or suffer economic sanctions. Do pray for Israel to remember Christians who love and stand with them and know that WCC does not represent the view of Bible-believing Christians.

Do pray for the diaspora Jews to be preserved and protected from the Covid 19 and for their synagogues and businesses from looting and destruction, and for them to be prompted to make Aliyah to Israel, their homeland and refuge from persecution and intolerance. Do pray for a great ingathering of Jews to faith in Jesus, for their spiritual eyes to be open to the truth that Jesus is their Messiah. Do pray for Jewish believers to stand strong in their faith in Jesus despite persecution and discrimination; that they will overcome the pressure to leave the faith, and for those who have given up their belief to return to the Lord. Do pray for Arabs, who are also sons of Abraham, to receive revelation about Jesus. Ask for an unprecedented outpouring of the Holy Spirit over the whole Middle East with countless ‘man in white’ experiences among peoples in nations not open to the gospel.

Do pray for ICC who will not be able to proceed with its biased investigation against Israel and that corruption, if any, on the part of ICC officials, will be exposed upon investigation.

(For more info, do click onto the following links –

How Coronavirus is Upending Ultra-Orthodox Jewish Traditions | NYT News to read for further news on Israel, 17th June 2020)


We thank God for the Cuban Church's courage and perseverance in this difficult time. Do pray for the Cuban Church as they struggle to find resources. Ask God to move officials to work with, not against, the local Church than being against them. Do pray for believers to find encouragement in each other, in the global Church, and in Christ. Do pray for God to give them peace and discernment as they navigate these crises and that God will protect them in their efforts to make His love known. Do pray for them to meet together and for their fellowship and encouragement to take place as the body of Christ gathers again.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Alex Anhalt – from Mission News Network, 17th June 2020)


Do pray for India’s efforts to contain the coronavirus to be successful. Ask the Lord to encourage and strengthen hospital staff serving with Bibles for The World. Do pray for wisdom and discernment as hospital staff makes COVID-19 preparations. Do pray for Bibles for the World staff to secure food items and quickly distribute care packages to the people who need them.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Katey Hearth from Mission News Network, 20th May 2020)


Ask God to bless the burn clinic as it continues treating Haitians during the pandemic. Do pray for Christ to bring peace and hope to Haiti.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Kevin Zeller from Mission News Network, 20th May 2020)


Do pray for Christians around the world to stay connected, and use this time to lean into the Holy Spirit, and that COVID-19 would recede from Brazil quickly.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Kevin Zeller from Mission News Network, 15th May 2020)

Near East:

Do pray for Near East believers to share their faith with people seeking to know God. We praise God for answering the prayers of His people scattered throughout the Near East region. Do pray for people seeking to know God find answers and salvation in Christ.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Kevin Zeller from Mission News Network, 14th May 2020)


Do pray for many Iranians to meet the risen Christ. Ask God to transform Iran not through violent revolution, but through the transformation of people's hearts by the Holy Spirit.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Kevin Zeller from Mission News Network, 12th May 2020)


We rejoice that the Holy Spirit is already working in these people groups, and even revealing Himself directly to them. Do pray for the Church in the Middle East to rise up and reach many in these language clusters.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Kevin Zeller – from Mission News Network, 5th May 2020)

Middle East – Pandemic, economic fallout double refugees’ woes:

Do pray for an increase among the refugee populations of dreams and visions and that God would, in His supernatural ways, provide for these people. Ask God to intervene and bless these refugees, but also prepare the way for what He will do in the coming days, especially in a place like Syria. Do pray for provision and blessing upon refugees.  Ask the Lord to strengthen and encourage His followers as they intercede for refugees and extend physical help.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Katey Hearth – from Mission News Network, 29th April 2020)

CONGO-DRC – A suffering people:

These prayer points come from a Congolese pastor. Pastors see the range of suffering in their communities as they are the ones to whom’ people come with all kinds of needs. This post only scratches the surface of the scale of suffering that the people of DRC have endured through recent decades.

May the Lord help the government to do things slightly differently to other parts of the world, knowing what works for Western countries in handling CoVid-19 will not work for Congo;

The new president has a vision of fighting corruption and the impunity with which corrupt officials act. Things seem to gradually changing in the country. May the Lord help the new president to carry on with this mandate until things have totally changed in the country and corruption is rooted out.

Congo-DRC has known war and violence for so many years with millions of deaths – a death toll greater than that of the First and Second World War casualty rates for most countries. Militias and warlords continue to terrorize some places. May Lord help the country and its people, we have suffered a lot.

No one is paying attention to the situation of Congo-DRC.  God is the only one who sees our suffering.

Do pray for the people of Congo-DRC during this confinement process. The majority of people do not have food provision, and therefore they have to go out in order to find something to eat. They won’t be able to be confined for long periods of time. (Food acquisition is a daily activity in many countries such as Congo-DRC; a weekly trip to a supermarket filled with produce and food items from around the world is an alien concept for most.)

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Jason Mandry from Operation World Prayer News, 28th April 2020)

DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF CONGO – Yet another health challenge:

Most of us will recall the terrible news that made its way beyond Africa to the rest of the world of devastating impact of Ebola. While Ebola has been mostly contained, new cases still emerge and DRC is not in the clear quite yet. Now CoVid-19 adds to the litany of trials and challenges this downtrodden nation must face. It is vital to remember that Congo-DRC is a VAST nation, with very little actual connection between the far-flung corners of the nations. Kinshasa in the west, Lubumbashi in the south, Bukavu in the east, and Zongo in the north may as well be in different countries, as far apart and disconnected as they are.

This material comes from Christian health workers who have been serving many years in DRC. You can read more about the ministry here.

“May they take the opportunity to really be the hands and feet of Christ during a time of crisis. May they not offering false hope (there are a number of false pastors offering miraculous protection from COVID for donations), but reflecting the spirit of Christ as Christians have in the past to care for people because we believe in a lasting eternity and a life beyond this age.

It is difficult to really know how DRC, Kinshasa in particular (where the majority of cases are) will weather this storm. The harsh realities before COVID were already stark with most people not being able to afford good healthcare; and where the baseline “healthcare” that is being accessed already being very sub-standard and poor to begin with. People are dying every day from malnutrition and malaria and host of many other diseases.

The situation here is different from a country where there actually is a robust and trustworthy healthcare system to overwhelm. In DRC’s case, there is not really a coordinated healthcare system to overwhelm and even if there were a few good hospitals to overwhelm, most people can’t access them. There aren’t even enough doctors and basic things like oxygen (one patient recently died because the COVID designated hospital he was in ran out of oxygen) to offer. So it is complicated.  However DRC is also very experienced in dealing with Ebola outbreaks, so there is a real system already in place to deal with an even more deadly and scary disease. And thus, there is some hope that this experience will really help DRC organize its response to COVID. It is also almost impossible for the general population to practice social distancing when most need to generate daily income in order to feed themselves.”

Do pray for the Church in DRC to stand in true faith to be salt and light when people are hurting and struggling.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Jason Mandry from Operation World Prayer News, 27th April 2020)

COMOROS – One of the world’s least-reached nations:

Let’s lift up our prayers – during both Ramadan and the CoVid-19 pandemic – for this desperately needy island nation! This information comes courtesy of our friends from an amazing mission organization, CAPRO (the South Africa branch being closest to Comoros).

Although there has been no confirmed case of the COVID-19 on all of the three islands of the Comoros, the government has instituted a national lockdown and restrictions on all the islands. Schools and most businesses are closed and movements are restricted. There is a travel ban between the islands even by boats.

1) Needless to say for a very poor country like the Comoros, this has introduced serious hardship for the population. Most people do not farm enough to sustain them so there is serious hunger. And the government is not able to take care of the economic fall outs. Please pray for wisdom for the government to tailor their response to the pandemic to the reality of their population.  We want the Lord to show His glory to the leadership of our Comoros country as they navigate this unprecedented time.

2) Do pray for the opportunity that the restrictions on gatherings including the mosques meeting presents. The Comoros is an Islamic Republic where everybody is expected to be Muslim and a place where everybody is watched and the daily and especially Friday gatherings at mosques helps to keep possible inquirers of the Gospel in check. Do pray that during this time many seekers will find a space to explore the Gospel.

3) Do pray for our team that continues to meet in very small groups (small group meetings not more than 10 persons are allowed) to disciple MBBs that less busyness will be useful to train up these disciples.

4) Do pray for provisions + supply for our team to minister to the rising and massive food need around them.

 5) Do pray for God to fortify all the Jesus followers as many have faced immerse persecution but are still standing. And ask God to empower us to do his work – to see and cease all the opportunities that this pandemic provides.

6) Please pray for more labourers for the work on these islands.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Jason Mandry from Operation World Prayer News, 26th April 2020)

TAIWAN – Praise and Prayers:

Praise the Lord that the COVID-19 pandemic is under control in Taiwan. We thank the Lord that God gave wisdom to our government, public health and medical officials to put protective measures in place early on before it started to affect the rest of the world. We are also thankful that during the whole development of the outbreak, they have been transparent with the Taiwanese people, in which has led to the peace of mind of its citizens and trust in its government.

Do pray for the medical system and all its workers. Due to all the needs that arise out of this outbreak, medical professionals need an extra measure of strength to cope with the ever-increasing workload they have to carry each day. The instability surrounding the pandemic has also made it difficult for the medical system to predict the ever-changing set of variables that are introduced every day. Please pray for an extra measure of strength and wisdom as they face these challenges.

Do pray for peace in the hearts of the Taiwanese people. Albeit the government’s anti-epidemic measures have given many peace of mind, fear still creeps into our hearts from time to time. Social distancing and mask-wearing in public areas have become the primary protective measure against the virus. Because of this, people don’t shake hands or embrace each other anymore, let alone have conversations. This has led to suspicion and people feeling more distant from one another. May our hearts find safety and security in His peace.

Do pray that the church will be a conduit of peace and blessing. May the local church truly experience what it means to be the Church in this time, to live out her intended purpose and responsibility; Do pray that local churches, in addition to thinking about ways to go about church service and pastoral ministry while social distancing, will invest their energy into seeing that the needs of those around them in society are also met.

Do pray for the economy in Taiwan. Companies have adjusted themselves to comply with anti-epidemic protocols. However, there are many small businesses that are at risk of shutting down because they are not well-equipped to cope with all the changes. Many non-profits also are in the same predicament as fund-raising has become an even greater challenge. This is a time where greater faith and wisdom are needed so that negative impacts to these organizations are kept at a minimum. Do pray that the Lord will impart wisdom and grace to the executives of these establishments.

Do pray that God would give wisdom to the church leaders to be fearless in shepherding, wise in constantly changing government guidelines and focused in exalting Christ in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Do pray that Christians and churches will keep their focus on evangelism and missions. The expansion of the Gospel has always been most robust in times of uncertainty.

Do pray that the churches will not simply hunker down but courageously obey the Great Commission.

Do pray for the people in Taiwan. As we are reminded of the fleeting nature of life, pray that the Holy Spirit will soften hearts to receive the Gospel.

Do pray for the government officials as they lead, protect and govern.

Do pray for the many missionaries whose travels are affected by travel bans both here locally and internationally.

Do pray that God will open up doors for them to continue their ministry and open doors for a safe return to their fields.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Jason Mandry from Operation World Prayer News, 22nd & 23rd April 2020)

MACAU – Prayer for leadership, churches, ministry, and evangelism:

Thank God that the administration of the Macau government has been responding to the pandemic immediately and has been addressing the needs of the affected communities proactively. May the Lord grant them wisdom to support the locals continuously Meanwhile, please keep those whose lives were heavily impacted by this outbreak in prayers. May God keep them from desperation and sickness, and may Him lead them through struggles and help them restore work and daily lives.

Due to pandemic controls, most evangelistic activities and Christian gatherings were either postponed or canceled, such as the Evangelistic Outreach (福音遍傳), Christian conferences of various scales, musical evangelistic outreach activities, and testimonial gatherings. However, in the midst of the chaos, people should need the gospel more than before. May the Lord let not evangelism be stopped during this difficult time;

Many ministry organizations in Macau are not able to continue their work. Hospital chaplaincies are restricted. Prison ministries, including Christian gathering of prisoners, are forbidden. Please pray that these groups are continued to be cared for, and that Christians among these groups can continue to live out their faith so that those around them can know God.

 Please pray that churches would have the wisdom to provide pastoral cares, to perform care ministries, and to connect their congregations. Some churches are not able to livestream their services due to technological barriers. Most churches are anticipating to’ restore their onsite worship at a controlled scale soon. May the Lord grant His church wisdom to overcome this difficult time.

Churches are finding their ways to survive this period of time. Since resources are made available to churches varies, we need to help each other. Please pray that churches in Macau can find ways together to live out our faith, even though resources are limited. Some churches and organizations are doing their best to provide care ministries, including collecting and passing on protective equipments and disinfectants, recruiting volunteers to provide community services, and calling to pray for healthcare workers and patients. May what we do please God. Meanwhile, pray that Christians may not only address their own needs but also care for those around them who are in need.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Jason Mandry from Operation World Prayer News, 21s April 2020)


Do pray for Native believers to find ways & spread the Gospel hope during the corona virus crisis + for wisdom for On Eagles Wings leaders and its ministry partners as they seek ways to obey restrictions yet still help people in Jesus’ name. Ask the Lord to guide On Eagles Wings teams and leaders as they plan upcoming activities.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Katey Hearth – Mission News Network, 4th April 2020)

Saudi Arabia expands efforts to contain COVID-19:

We praise God for Deena’s salvation and for the solid biblical teaching she discovered online. Do pray for Muslim seekers, who want to know the truth about God, will discover the Gospel message. Do pray for isolated believers all over Saudi Arabia, who lack fellowship and community. Do pray for those who deal with pressure to recant their faith, or who live in fear that their faith will be discovered. Do pray for the Lord Jesus to miraculously demolish the stronghold of Islam in Saudi Arabia and that Muslim Saudis will come to know Jesus.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Katey Hearth – Mission News Network, 3rd April 2020)


Today we pray for Chile, and we share some very current prayer points sent from a Chilean pastor for this beautiful nation:

This pandemic in Chile, Covid-19, has 3737 infected and 22 deaths. The progressive advance of the contagion has produced different but huge changes in social, cultural and religiously speaking.

Socially, the government (Chile) has taken several measures. They have locked down some areas of the country completely, some others are partially closed. But now our area is in total quarantine. Besides, after 22:00 the country is in curfew.

They have also made actions for deprived people, giving them supplies, medicines and sending volunteers to their houses. Shelters are being raised for homeless people and some of the volunteers goes’ to the most vulnerable to prepare food and clean their houses, especially for the eldest ones.

Economically, the authorities are changing the laws for all the people here in Chile updating every day new statements about it. We are suffering a strong impact of recession (as the rest of the world) and many people have lost their jobs. Also, the smallest entrepreneurs have been especially affected by the lack of cash flow.

In public health, the measures are extreme. Health care professionals have been working 24/7 taking turns and using their strength to get the shift done and help our sick people.

Today, there were 18 deaths – almost all those affected are adults of advanced age as most of them living in loneliness and lack of money. For this reason the government is helping them with all the measures I already mention in social point.

Religiously speaking, today our churches are not allowed to gather under any circumstances all this to prevent the spread of contagious. Because of it, many churches been needed to use technology to meet through the net. Services and Biblical studies are made by this tool. So this is the only way to gather with others. It is illegal for any congregation to gather until this catastrophe is under control and nowadays our brotherhood is getting used to it. The church must never stop. On the contrary, the church has to work harder now – it is imperative to spread the message to the Word with love and hope.

The consequences of this horrible pandemic are getting stronger in our country. We pray each day for our authorities that God gave them all the wisdom to lead the best way they can.

Churches are trying to keep helping with different strategies – especially through the power of prayer and the strength of our connection to God in unity together. The Church won´t stop praying and won’t stop sharing its message every day.

The church has announced the message of hope in Jesus’s protection. It’s been hard and difficult time for all of us, but we know with our Savior we’ll make it through. And, Chile (and the world) has been facing the hardest time in this last year, but we trust in prayers of each brother and sister in the world.

(For more info, do click onto this link –  to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 4th April 2020)


Do pray that people in the former Soviet Union to have enough food throughout the lockdown as we pray for the corona virus pandemic to come to an end soon. Ask God to strengthen his people during this time in which many are suffering.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Kevin Zeller – Mission News Network, 2nd April 2020)

Israel – dealing with COVID-19 pandemic:

We thank God that Israel's national political leaders are coming together at last to form a unity government. We thank you, Yehovah, that Gantz has dropped his previous treacherous proposal to form a government with the Arab parties (who are anti-Israel oppose Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and the proposed annexation of the West Bank, among other things).

However, a unity government isn’t a done deal yet as some right-wing Members of the Knesset (MKs) may quit the bloc to oppose allocation of key ministerial positions to Gantz’s party members; that will mean no unity government and a fourth election.

Hotspots of COVID-19 outbreaks in Israel: Ultra-Orthodox neighborhoods top the list. Why? The ultra-orthodox community tends to live in crowded conditions and some Haredi communities have no connection to the outside world i.e. no radio, newspaper so they don’t know about the virus to practise social responsibility. Habitually, Haredi Jews interact in religious activities (praying services in the synagogue) and social gatherings (weddings and funerals) and festivities (e.g. Purim, Pesach) with little regard for government restrictions. There are seriously ill Haredi patients apparently infected during Purim and in synagogues, during prayer services. Even so, the same thing is expected to happen again at the upcoming Passover (8th to 16th April).

Arab citizens also, like Haredis, live in overcrowded living conditions, sometimes with multiple generations living together; language barriers make it difficult to provide information and explanations. Many medical professionals from the Arab community are at high risk of infection.

Defense Minister Bennett, who had announced mandatory tests and 14-day quarantine at hotel for arrivals from US, Italy, Spain, France, says his plan was trashed by his superiors.

Do pray for a stable government to be formed – decisive strategy and proper coordination among different ministries (e.g. PM, Defence Minister, Health Minister) and the political will to implement decisions made. Do pray for provision to overcome severe shortage of personnel, beds, respirators, protective masks in hospital; many healthcare workers in isolation.

Ultra-orthodox community to stop endangering public health by taking the pandemic seriously and to stop violating government restrictions on social distancing; In particular, that they will NOT have big gatherings at the upcoming Pesach celebrations.

Senior citizens – most vulnerable; do pray for most-at-risk, especially those with pre-existing health conditions

For more info, do refer to these links: (1st April 2020)


“Cases of CoVid19 have now been reported. The healthcare system WILL NOT be’ able to cope with large numbers of people that need medical help. There is still a lot of ignorance concerning how to prevent from getting infected. Do pray for God’s mercy over a nation that already has many other problems.

Secondly for the past three and half years a political conflict has been going on in the Anglophone region of Cameroon. Do pray for a willingness on all sides to look for solutions to bring an end to the violence.”

(For more info, do click onto this link –  to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 26th March 2020)


Challenges for Prayer (Part 2):

Major ministry challenges for the Ugandan Church:

a) Young people’s ministry is fundamental to rebuilding the country in the wake of AIDS and the LRA devastation. Do pray for the extensive ministry of SU in schools and for FOCUS (IFES) and Life Ministry (CCCI) on university/tertiary campuses; evangelism, discipleship and training are the main ministries. Do also pray for effective youth programmes in churches.

b) Children in crisis. Numbing poverty deprives many children – including up to two million orphans – of care, finances for education and hope. Do pray especially for street children, who are most numerous in Kampala (AIM, Viva, others), and for children in the north.

Missions vision in the Ugandan Church.

A large, strong church that has endured suffering, combined with Uganda’s geographical position next to several needy nations, make mission potential enormous. But this potential is still largely untapped due to lack of awareness and structures. Few Ugandan cross-cultural ministries exist; UEMA (Uganda Evangelical Missions Agency), African Initiative for Mission Service, Here Is Life and Life Ministries Uganda (CCCI) are notable ministries raising the profile of cross-cultural mission sending.

Do pray for many Ugandans to be called, trained and sent. Kampala Evangelical School of Theology, Africa Bible University, Reformed Theological College, Uganda Christian University and other theological colleges have missions degree programmes.

(For more info, do click onto this link –  to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 30th Nov 2012)

Challenges for Prayer (Part 1):

Uganda has worked hard to recover from the devastation of the Amin and Obote years and has made great strides to this effect. Do pray for peace both regionally (Congo-DRC, Kenya, Sudan, Horn of Africa) and internally (Lord’s Resistance Army). Do pray that the government might exercise its authority with even-handed honesty and a true concern for its own people.

Christian support ministries:

a) The Bible Society has done much to promote new Bible translations and to publish Bibles, but sales are less than what they were in the 1980s. All Christian literature ministries are similarly crippled, but The Bible Society, Gideons and others distribute several hundred thousand Bibles and NTs every year. Thirteen languages remain without God’s Word and a further 18 have only part of the Bible. SIL is assisting in this ministry task. Do pray for the provision of Scriptures to all, in their own language.

b) Audio Scriptures and teaching are vital due to poverty, illiteracy, the widespread oral culture and unstable conditions.

c) MAF’s flying programme has blessed many – their planes enable ministries to serve churches, refugees, health and vaccination programs, development work and many others. MAF’s work focuses on the least developed – most vulnerable and insecure regions such as the northeast.

d) The JESUS film is available online in at least 40 languages. Do pray for Life Ministry, COTN and other teams showing the film around the country.

e) Christian radio and TV programmes air on the national network and are growing in impact and influence. Evangelical presence is felt through seven FM radio stations and two TV stations, although such influence is more significant in Kampala than in the countryside. Pray for effective programming and lasting fruit.

(For more info, do click onto this link –  to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 29th Nov 2012)

Sunday 21 June 2020

Devotional – Father’s Day

I would like to focus on the life of Joseph, the earthly father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The Bible shows us the following characteristics about Joseph.

1) He was a righteous man – Matthew 1:19 says, ‘Because Joseph… was a righteous man’. This desire to do what was right is clearly seen in the way he handled Mary’s pregnancy, Jesus’ birth, and the challenge of being a father to the Saviour of the world. His moral behaviour too was exemplary as seen in Matthew 1:25.

Fathers, let’s always strive to do what is right, even when it may not seem the best way forward; even when life seems unfair and painful. That’s the best example we can set for our children.

2) He handled crisis with dignity- Joseph faced the worst possible crisis a man could face before his wedding, as he learned of Mary’s pregnancy (Matthew 1:18). Yet, he handled it with a beautiful sense of dignity. Without reacting with bitterness or harshness, we find that Joseph made every effort to protect the love of his life. He did not want to expose Mary to public shame (Matthew 1:19).

In this age of social media, it’s so sad at times to see couples making public spectacle of themselves when facing such crisis situations. They expose each other to public shame! I actually once saw a man slapping his wife in public! Let us however, learn to handle crises with dignity and a ‘quiet spirit’ like Joseph.

Even though Joseph acted with dignity, still in his mind, the wedding was most probably over- The Bible says, ‘He had considered this’ (Matthew 1:20a). That’s when God intervened!

3) Joseph heard from God – God spoke to Joseph many times, but initially through an angel who appeared in a dream. The angel gave him what was something like a mini sermon (Matthew 1:20-21), and his wedding was alive again!

Joseph heard next from God in Matthew 2:13-15 (‘Escape to Egypt. Stay there until I tell you’). Thereafter, in Matthew 2:19-21, the Lord instructed him to return to Israel, and in Matthew 2:22-23, he again heard from God and decided to settle down in Nazareth. All these instructions were prophetic in nature.

Friends, we are living in wicked and dangerous times. As fathers, it is vital that we learn to hear prophetic words from God for the benefit of our families and our ministries. Our children’s spiritual lives depend to a great extent on this! How long has it been since you heard clearly from the Lord? 

4) He obeyed God’s voice – on every relocation, he had to go through, and Joseph obeyed the Lord’s voice without hesitation or delay.

Relocating with a family is never easy. I know that well because in the first 5 years of our marriage, we changed houses 5 times!! That was quite a challenge. In Joseph’s case, on every occasion he was asked to uproot and relocate, he obeyed the Lord implicitly. It’s an example all fathers should follow. Obedience to God will never lead to failure.

5) He taught his Son well – Joseph faithfully fulfilled the requirements of the scriptures with regards to his family and his Son (Luke 2:21-24, 27, 39, 41). As a result, the Bible says, Jesus ‘became strong, was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon Him’ (Luke 2:40). Luke 2: 47 talks about the amazing understanding (knowledge) Jesus had, while Luke 2:52 tells us ‘And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man’. Looks like Joseph did a pretty good job as a father!!

The best investment that we as fathers can leave for our children is not a big bank balance + not the latest toys and gadgets nor a solid education. It is to implant the Word of God in their hearts!

Happy Father’s Day!

(Written by Palitha Jayasooriya, 17th June 2016 for 21st June 2020 – Father’s Day) 

(This article cited source from

Prayer Response to this featured article:

Jesus, grant us your grace + wisdom as we fulfill our role as a father today.


As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...