Friday 16 April 2021

Christian ViewPoint Feature 1

A Major New Study Asks: How Does Church Affect Marital Health?

A recent report suggests that highly religious couples have better relationships and better sex. Domestic violence, however, is the same for them as their less religious neighbors.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read this article by W. Bradford Wilcox, Alysse ElHage, and Byron R. Johnson in CT, 28th May 2019)

Prophetic Word –  It’s Time to Walk in Your Scribal Anointing Now:

1 Peter 3:15 (NIV) – “But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord; Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.”

The Lord says, “Get ready for a revival in apologetics for the learned ... for those who understand what it means to rightly divide the Word of truth. Look for the prophetic scribe to arise with fresh understanding and profound approaches of reasoning with My people concerning My will.”

“This scribal remnant will have a heart for Me ... and a deep respect for people. They will understand My love and My intention and know how to enter the hearts of people with truth and reason.”

“Have I not called My’ people to persuade concerning My word and not to fight vainly? Have I not called my people to convince and not to force the will of others? These scribes will renew skill in reason, but with My Spirit. They will reason in love, in hope and in faith – not in cruelty.

“Expect to see a new generation of scholars arise among you who understand My’ will and My written legacy. Expect them to be skilled in exegetical study as well as in popular views of scholars before them. Yet their scribal release will set a tone for understanding and clarity not previously seen. This group, says the Lord, will convince many that this calling to give life with words and to preach the gospel is not dead.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read this article by Theresa Harvard Johnson in Prophetic Insight, 22nd March 2021)

Robots, AI and Society:

On 23 Jan 19, Minister for Communications and Information, S. Iswaran, announced that Singapore has released a framework on how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used ethically and responsibly in businesses. Making this announcement at the World Economic Forum at Davos, Switzerland, Mr Iswaran said that the framework is a ‘living document’ that will evolve as the technology develops and as its applications diversify.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read this article by Dr Roland Chia Chew Hock Hin – Professor at Trinity Theological College (Singapore) and Theological and Research Advisor of the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity, 1st March 2021)

Meritocracy and Its Discontents:

Meritocracy may be described as a social system that allows individuals to advance in society on the basis of their capabilities and merits rather than on family wealth or social background.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read this article by Dr Roland Chia Chew Hock Hin – Professor at Trinity Theological College (Singapore) and Theological and Research Advisor of the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity, 15th Feb 2021)

Is it the end of the world?

Someone asked me recently, in relation to the Covid-19 pandemic, “Is it the end of the world?” He pointed to the present situation as unprecedented; as one that is shaking the world. The reality is that, while the current pandemic is severe and has caused many deaths and is causing much concern and anxiety, such suffering and disaster is not new in this world.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read further on this article by Bishop Emeritus Robert Solomon served as Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore from 2000-2012, 1st Feb 2021)

In Biomedical Ethics – A Christian Perspective:

Dr Roland Chia broadly sketches some Christian theological framework for biomedical ethics which he hopes adequately provides the contours of the Christian approach to bioethics.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read this article by Dr Roland Chia Chew Hock Hin – Professor at Trinity Theological College (Singapore) and Theological and Research Advisor of the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity, 4th Jan 2021)

Can We Legislate Morality? Some Contemporary Reflections:

Prof Kwan Kai-man briefly introduces some main points of this complicated debate on legislating morality. (For more info, do click onto this link – to read this article by Kai-man Kwan for the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity, 4th Jan 2021)

Matt Chandler, Samuel Rodriguez call for repentance in sermons after Capitol storming:

Rodriguez, president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference and pastor of New Season in Sacramento, California, told his congregation Sunday that America needs to hear a message of repentance.

(For more info, do click the link – to read for further news by Leah MarieAnn Klett from Christian Post Reporter Follow, 12th Jan 2021)

 Silence and Watchfulness in Prayer:

Reformer Martin Luther said, “To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing”. Regrettably, many modern Christians are not aware of these important spiritual texts and therefore have not benefited from the wisdom they contain. The appropriate response on the part of the wretched sinner in the presence of the holy and almighty God is not incessant chatter but silent adoration and profound gratitude, but more importantly, to wait upon him and to hear what he has to say by his Word and through his Spirit. Hence, we need to be watchful & ever alert to the thoughts and distractions that flood one’s mind during prayer.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read further on this article by Dr Roland Chia Chew Hock Hin – Professor at Trinity Theological College (Singapore) and Theological and Research Advisor of the Ethos Institute for Public Christianity, 7th Dec 2020)

What discipleship is not’:

Discipleship stems out from abiding in Christ. (For more info, do click the link – to read for further news by Reverend Edmund Chan, Leadership Mentor – Covenant Evangelical Free Church – 28th Feb 2020)

Prophecy: We Are Entering a New Era

This new season will lead the church into a new era where she will more efficiently grasp the end time. Once judgment (judging ourselves), thorough repentance and cleansing run their course, the earth will be overwhelmed by the power and glory that shall be in manifestation through the glorious church. Then the worst shall come, but the true church will be gone.

For more info, do click onto this link – to read this article by Bert Farias in Prophetic Insight, 10th June 2019)

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As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...