Tuesday 30 April 2024


The Safest Soul in All the World – Rejoicing in the Risen Christ:
This article shows how the safest soul in all the universe is the one that rejoices in the risen Christ and that God will never destroy those who delight in his Son.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/the-safest-soul-in-all-the-world by David Mathis |14th April 2024 | inside Desiring God)

The Unimpressive Path to Immortality:
This article helps us to think whether does Christian life feels uncomfortably ordinary a lot of days? Come and remember the startling glory of this narrow, simple path.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/the-unimpressive-path-to-immortality by Greg Morse|13th April 2024 | inside Desiring God)

Guard Your Heart from Evil: Wearing the Breastplate of Righteousness:
This article explains how the breastplate of righteousness is the gradual, Spirit-filled righteousness we put on by faith in Christ. If we neglect this piece of armor, we cannot win the war.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/guard-your-heart-from-evil by Dieudonné Tamfu |12 April 2024 |inside Desiring God)

How do I Reduce my Mental Load as a Mum?
As you go about your daily responsibilities as a mum, does it feel like you have ten tabs open and running at the same time in your mind? Are you constantly thinking of what’s next as you complete the task at hand?

The responsibility we have for our children who are dependent on us can sometimes cause us to feel overwhelmed and burnt out. You are not alone, and there are ways to cope with this mental load!

(For more info, – https://www.family.org.sg/articles/how-do-i-reduce-my-mental-load-as-a-mum/ by Wan Xin Ng| 4th April 2024, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Worship and Witness:
In this article, Dr Roland Chia talks about how the church expresses praises to God who brought her into being – been inseparable from her witness, that is, her work of mission and evangelism. As a worshipping community, the Church is always also a missional community. Indeed, just as the worship of the Church that is inseparable from its public witness, its engagement in the public arena must be seen as an expression of its worship as well.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/worship-and-witness/ by Dr Roland Chia| 16th Apr 2018| inside Pulse)

Evidence for Jesus:
In this article, Dr Roland Chia turns to extra-biblical sources to look for evidences for Jesus. He argues that in the works of non-Christian authors of the 1st and 2nd centuries there can be found sufficient evidence of the existence of the man Jesus. He also explains why he thinks that on the basis of the historical evidence it is reasonable to conclude that Jesus was crucified, and that he rose from the dead.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/evidence-for-jesus/ by Dr Roland Chia| 2nd Apr 2018| inside Credo)

Risen to Love His Own – The Surprising Mercies of Easter:
In this article, it shows us how on the first Easter, Jesus surprised our sorrow with joy, our guilt with forgiveness, our confusion with clarity. And so he still surprises today.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/risen-to-love-his-own by Scott Hubbard |31st Mar 2024 | inside Desiring God)

Good Friday for Bad People:
In this article, it explains why Good Friday bids us to stop and remember just how sinful we were – just how bleak it was for us before that darkest day in history.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/good-friday-for-bad-people by Marshall Segal| 29th Mar 2024 | inside Desiring God)

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the most beautiful of them all?
In this article, the Christian theology addresses how beauty finds its perfect embodiment in the person of Jesus. However, the Bible makes a careful assessment on its notion. “His appearance was so marred” (Isaiah 52:14) and yet this is the true exaltation of the servant of God. The true hidden glory lies in the shame of the cross, for “God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are” (1 Corinthians 1:28). He chose what was ugly in the world’s view to show his true beauty. Therefore, beauty is not absolute in bringing people to God. Sometimes, it is the experience of the ugly – the absence of beauty – that leads people to seek and find true divine beauty in God.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/mirror-mirror-on-the-wall-whos-the-most-beautiful-of-them-all/ by Rev Dr Billy Kristanto | 18th Mar 2024 | inside Credo)

When Missionaries Come Home – How Churches Receive Them Well:
In this article, supporting missionaries faithfully means not only sending them and supporting them on the field, but also receiving them well when they come home.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/when-missionaries-come-home by Seth Porch, Guest Contributor |17th Mar 2024 | inside Desiring God)

3 Principles To Cultivate For A Strong Start To Marriage:
While thrilling and expectant, the engagement–to–marriage phase can also be filled with challenges and no lack of occasions for a couple’s differences to surface.

Amidst the tension and doubt, what can engaged couples do to keep growing in communication and commitment to build a solid foundation of trust?

(For more info, – https://www.family.org.sg/resource/three-relationship-principles-to-cultivate-for-a-strong-start-to-marriage/ by Douglas Ong, author| 1st Mar 2024, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Uprooting Sensibility – The Plain Speech of Godly Men:
Politeness and niceness are not the only categories of godly speech. Sometimes, the painful word is best, even if it incites offense.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/uprooting-sensibility by Greg Morse, Staff Writer |24th Feb 2024 | inside Desiring God)

Responsible AI:
In this article, Dr Roland Chia explores the responsible use of AI which raises the kind of questions that must be addressed even as this new technology becomes more pervasive in society. The aim of this article examines the complex nature from the standpoint of ethics. However, the responsibility of “responsible AI” does not lie with a few stakeholders only, but all stakeholders have a role to play in there, from product owners and business analysts to the data scientists. Similarly, external stakeholders also influence the development of the standards of adoption, like an ethics committee internal to the organisation or a regulator.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/responsible-ai/ by Dr Roland Chia |19th Feb 2024| inside Feature)

The Difficult Discipline of Joy: What Keeps Us from Seeing God?
God has drenched the world with delights for his children. But how often do selfishness, greed, and familiarity rob us of God’s fatherly gifts?

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/the-difficult-discipline-of-joy by Clinton Manley, Guest Contributor |11th Feb 2024 | inside Desiring God)

Should Christians have anything to do with the dragon this CNY?
Even if there are similarities between the Chinese dragon and the Great Red Dragon in Revelation 12, we need not fear either of them, writes Rev Ng Zhi-Wen.

(For more info, do click the link – https://saltandlight.sg/news/should-christians-have-anything-to-do-with-the-dragon-this-cny/ by Rev Ng Zhi–Wen |5th Feb 2024 | inside Salt & Light)

Amazing Grace in Deep Despair – The Rare Friendship of Newton and Cowper:
Of the many surprising stories behind John Newton’s hymn “Amazing Grace,” one of the most poignant follows Newton’s friendship with the troubled poet William Cowper.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/amazing-grace-in-deep-despair by Bruce Hindmarsh, Professor, Regent College |1st Feb 2024 | inside Desiring God)

When Your Marriage is Stormy:
Words and actions exchanged are cold and harsh. You look around your home and at your marriage, feeling like everything has been in vain. There’s no trace of love or positive things to show for the years you put in.

If you find that your marriage has entered into a stormy season, read on to be encouraged.

(For more info, – https://www.family.org.sg/articles/when-your-marriage-is-stormy/ by Unknown Author| 15th Jan 2024, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Resurrection or Hallucination?
Throughout the history of the Church, there have been numerous attempts by her adversaries to debunk the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus, including the hallucination theory. In Resurrection or Hallucination?, Dr Roland Chia discusses a number of important factors that have led Christian theologians and apologists to rule out the possibility that the early disciples may have experienced hallucinatory visions of Jesus.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/resurrection-or-hallucination/ by Dr Roland Chia | 3rd Dec 2018 | inside Credo)

A sin or a crime:
On September 24 (2018), The Straits Times published an article by Professor Tommy Koh entitled ‘Section 377A: There is a difference between a sin and a crime’. This article was written in the wake of renewed debate in Singapore on Section 377A. In Dr Roland’s Chia’s view, Koh’s article is riddled with a number of distorting generalisations and sweeping statements that have the potential to mislead.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/a-sin-or-a-crime/ by Dr Roland Chia | 2nd Oct 2018 | inside Pulse)

Between Death and Resurrection:

Between Death and Resurrection examines the various theories on the intermediate state, that is, the continued existence of the person between his death and final resurrection. According to Dr Roland Chia, the Bible does speak of an intermediate state between death and resurrection. However, he highlighted that the scarcity of biblical material cautions us against being too dogmatic in our conception of the nature of this mode of existence.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/between-death-and-resurrection/ by Dr Roland Chia | 1st Oct 2018 | inside Credo)

Grappling with our Christian and Asian Cultural Identities:
Should Christians participate in Chinese rites? Can we use Traditional Chinese Medicine or Ayurveda (Indian medicine)? Is it wrong for Christians to practise Yoga or Taiji Quan or other Asian martial arts?
In this article, Dr Lai Pak Wah examines the many questions that Asian Christians ask whenever they grapple with our two–fold identity as Christians and Asians, yet most Christians are more familiar with Western culture, science and theology, than with our own cultural heritage.

How then should think about the relationship between our faith in Christ and the culture we are brought up in? While it is impossible to address these concerns exhaustively here, there are some theological principles we can work with to navigate these murky waters.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/christianasianculturalidentities/ by Dr Lai Pak Wah | 17th Sept 2018 | inside Credo)

Citizens of Heaven on Earth:
Rev Dr Edwin Tay discusses the challenges and what it means for Christians to live as Citizens of Heaven on Earth.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/citizens-of-heaven-on-earth/ by Rev Dr Edwin Tay| 3rd Sept 2018 | inside Feature)

Proverbs – Rulers and Working for Justice:
In this article, Proverbs addresses questions which naturally arise for us as Christian citizens: How should we view our rulers and their officials? How can we help them carry out their tasks? How should we respond if they do not?

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/rulers-and-working-for-justice/ by Dr Philip Satterthwaite | 20th Aug 2018 | inside Credo)

The Paradox of Discipleship:
Within Luke 14:25-35, there are two parables on a tower builder and a king (14:28-32), followed by the third cost of discipleship, the requirement of renunciation of possessions (14:33). In the article, Rev Dr James Lim expounds how giving up one’s possessions in Luke 14:33 is related to the theme of careful consideration in 14:28-32.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/the-paradox-of-discipleship/ by Rev Dr James Lim | 18th June 2018| inside Credo)

Caring for the World’s Vulnerable Children and Families:
In Caring for the World’s Vulnerable Children and Families, Lyndsay Mathews explores why children are placed in orphanages when they are not, in fact, orphans and the detrimental affects of this reality. It also discusses why, as Christians, we should care about these vulnerable children and families. It ends by offering examples of best practices and ways forward to best serve these children and families of God.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/vulnerable-children-and-families/ by Lyndsay Mathews | 4th June 2018| inside Feature)

Sunday 28 April 2024

Rely on God’s Power, Not Your Own

The worst times of life exhaust and drain you.

As I meditated upon what the apostle Paul says, “We were really crushed and overwhelmed, and feared we would never live through it” (2 Corinthians 1:8, TLB), this reminds me not to rely upon my own power to hold all the strings in my life, but to tap upon power of Jesus. As the apostle Paul said, “We felt we were doomed to die and saw how powerless we were to help ourselves; but that was good, for then we put everything into the hands of God, who alone could save us, for he can even raise the dead. And he did help us and saved us from a terrible death; yes, and we expect him to do it again and again” (2 Corinthians 1:9–10, TLB).

Today, I thank God for infusing this new life through my health, career and family.

As the apostle Paul also said, “For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7 GNT), reminding me to have self-control in my life and not bashing back and forth by circumstances, but to master my situation. You’re no longer relying on your own power to hold all the strings of your life together. You’re depending on God’s power, as I did my weekend’s reading.

As the prophet says, “He never grows tired or weary . . . He strengthens those who are weak and tired . . . those who trust in the LORD for help will find their strength renewed;” (Isaiah 40:28–31, GNT).

What would it look like to rely on God’s power in a situation today?

As Peter also declared that Jesus is “the stone you builders rejected, which has become the cornerstone.’ Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved.” (Acts 4:11–12, NIV).

Profile Background:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987–1997). He graduated with Certificates in Microsoft Office Skills & a HR Administrator Graduate (CHRA) under Human Capital Singapore–SGEnable Collaboration of Partnership – HCS HR PowerBank (7th Dec 2021 to 3rd June 2022) | Former Project Assistant/Email Marketing Consultant |A Connecter in ServeHope Pte Ltd & GrowthBeans Team in Savior-Asia Consulting Pte Ltd | A KeyGuard Specialist @(these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months in World United College South East Asia (Tampines Branch) | an Executive Assistant with Vision Strategy Storytelling (3 months, Aug to Oct 2017); A Founder in the ground up initiative project called – Project Stories for LIFE (Affiliated with Youth Corps Singapore, a former member of the Special Needs Cluster) |A PwD Advocate – a representing voice of the Disabled Community to the public today.

Prayer Response to this featured article:
Thank you Jesus that you’re the only way to salvation, and there no one else beside you.

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 13th March 2020)

Saturday 13 April 2024

Promises, Promises

As a child, I had promised not to tell my friends' secrets. I promised my sisters they could play with her toys. I would have been sure I had promised to my parents that I’d be good child to them. God says to Noah, “This is the sign of the covenant that I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you, for all future generations” (Genesis 9:11-12, NIV), and I continued to make promises to family, friends, and coworkers. When I became a Christian, she promised to love God with her whole heart and to serve God faithfully. Yet, I had not always kept these promises. When someone breaks a promise to us, we may feel betrayed, discouraged, and perhaps unloved, yet we often put little thought into our own promises.

Do we consider the consequences of our broken promises?

Someone may be lonely because we didn't keep a promise to visit. Someone may not have adequate shelter or food because we neglected a promise to give to missions. A project at church or work may be delayed because we didn't fulfill our promise to help out. And, Hebrews 13:5 tells us that God will never leave or forsake us, and Philippians 4:19 said that God will meet all our needs. “This is what Christ promised us - an eternal life” (1 John 2:25, NIV).

When we accept Christ as our personal saviour, God promises eternal life. We trust God's promises, and God can help us to keep the promises we make. When we keep our promises, we model the faithfulness of God.

Profile Background:
(Written by Connie L. Coppings, – (Kentucky, U.S.A) from the Upper Room Ministries)

Prayer Response to this featured article:
We thank God for His promises He has made to u for God to provide us the strength to do what we promise to do + for those who have trouble keeping promises.
(The unrecalled date/year of published time)


As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...