Monday 12 February 2018

Glorious God

(Read Luke 7:36-50)
We see the Roman centurion, the widow of Nain, and the sinful woman who see Him for who He really is. These are the people who will enter the kingdom of God, and their common trait is that they all had a need that only Jesus could meet. The kingdom of God is not filled with men and woman who earned their way there but with men and women who realized their need for a Savior. Imagine, Jesus  eating dinner in our house! The Pharisee was given the greatest honour when Jesus accepted his invitation to dinner, but he did not return the same honour back to Jesus. The Pharisee's judgmental heart blocked all the blessings he could have received personally from Jesus, even his own salvation.
Let’s really stop being judgmental – from the words we speak to the thoughts in our minds as we come before Jesus and confess we have needs that can only be fulfilled through Christ.
Written By Ong Woon Lit

Profile Background Source:
Ong Woon Lit is a friend who does send daily devotionals to encourage his audience of readership with heartening Biblical Scriptures.

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