Thursday 19 April 2018

When Words Don’t Work

Dear Blogger Friends,
Here is your inspirational message below!
A year ago, my extended family members & ‘myself have experienced deep sadness of grief over the loss of grandma who went home to be with the LORD on 16 April 2017 (Easter Sunday); Today, as I meditated upon the verse that says “Then they sat down on the ground with him for seven days and seven nights with no one speaking a word to him, for they saw that his pain was very great” (Job 2:13, NASB). I pondered to understand how Job experienced great tragedy in his life where he had three friends who came to visit. They came intending to sympathize with him and comfort him. (Job 2:11). But when they realized how bad things were, they mourned with him then sat with him in silence. I observed how Job’s friends were friends of action. They looked out for him and noticed he was hurting. They came to Job without him having to call them to attention. They didn’t start out attempting to fix his problems but chose instead to simply be with him in his despair. They acted as friends, even though they were speechless. They joined Job in his active grief but didn’t say a word. There was nothing to be said. They understood the value in the companion of silent presence. They were willing to mourn with him, mingle their tears with his and offer quiet comfort.
Likewise, I am very thankful to know how my extended family members were being comforted by visitors and friends at grandma’s wake. Truly, I am also very touched and encouraged to see how the closest friends came to encourage my extended family members who lifted our spirits up as they found the time to chat up with us during this mourning period for grandma’s passing. And that, I can sense a deep emotional loss of grandma in the hearts of my extended family members when we commemorated the 1st anniversary of her parting away from the family a year later;

Surely, Job felt the same way when his friends came and sat with him in a demonstrable way to show their support without offering a solution. Indeed, Solomon says, “When there are many words, transgression is unavoidable, but he who restrains his lips is wise.” (Proverbs 10:19, NASB), and no matter how Job’s friends attempted to explain to explain Job’s troubles and earned their reputation for being insensitive, heartless and cruel, they stood by him.

Are there any friends who came to you recently when you were hurting?

Today, I truly thank God for sending people into our lives and pray that we can lift people’s spirit up, because your & my presence alone can be a source of comfort to hurting friends whom we care about today.
Is there anyone hurting you can comfort today?

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 16th April 2018)
Profile Background Source:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987-1997). He graduated with a Diploma Degree from School Of Ministry In’ Tung Ling Bible College (1999) and TCA College (2003) with Certificate Degree in Bible and Ministry.’ Jeremy did a research work for the keyguard at (these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months.  Today, Jeremy is an active member, a volunteer & an Inclusion Ambassador in Disabled People Association and YouthCorps Singapore serving in Special Cluster for Special Needs, Friends of Engagement TaskForce and that he does volunteer in multiple places too in the area of disability related contacts.







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