Friday 4 May 2018

The Church in Europe

Dear Blogger Friends,

Do pray for Church in Europe!

The Church in Europe:
Emerging church movements have flourished over the past decades, resulting in thousands of fellowships among younger people. Such movements are becoming more mature; they often operate from a missional platform and assist the traditional churches in reaching out to the younger generation more effectively. These dynamic networks often align more along the lines of subculture than of ethnicity or nationality; charismatic practices, worship music, creative prayer, a communal ethos and grassroots social engagement are their hallmarks. Do pray for them to capture the right balance of wisdom, passion and biblical understanding. Do pray that they might have a renewing and redemptive impact on the Church and society respectively.
(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 4th February 2017)



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