Friday 31 August 2018

Praise Reports from the Nations 1

Let’s humble our hearts to pray for these countries in our prayers: 

Middle East:
Ask the Lord to reveal the truth of His salvation to Muslims during the Hajj. Do pray for Muslims who are seeking to know God would encounter Christ. Do pray for Christians throughout the Middle East to join the global prayer movement for their neighbors’ salvation.
(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Katey Hearth from Mission News Network, 22nd August 2018)
Laos’ – Flooding Dam:
A dam under construction in Attapeu Province (Southern Laos) collapsed two weeks ago. An estimated 13,000 villagers from many villages were affected by the flooding. It is a national disaster; there is chaos as the authorities have not faced such a situation before. Do pray for God’s comfort for those affected by the Laos’ flash floods. Do pray for relief and rescue work to be well and speedily organized, for good hygiene and health of those affected and for protection of the vulnerable elderly, women and children. Do pray for quick relief efforts, speedy resettlement and restoration. Do pray for believers to share with them the love of Christ in practical ways, and for many to turn to Jesus.

For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Bethann Flynn from Mission News Network, 15th August 2018)

Religious freedom in the former Communist world means the opportunity for Christians to practice their faith publicly and to enjoy fellowship and collaboration with their brethren from elsewhere in Europe and the world. It sees new expressions of Christian faith emerging in Central and Eastern Europe that engage the spiritual, social, relational and economic needs of many who feel lost in the vacuum of power and philosophy left by former Communist regimes. 

For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 1st February 2017)
Federal Republic of Nigeria
Missions’ vision was birthed in the 1970s through revival among university students. This vision has blossomed into a movement accounting for over 5,000 Nigerian missionaries at home and abroad, helping lead the way for Africa-wide mission mobilization. 

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News)
The emergence of a mature, international missionary involvement; the growth of commitment and involvement in cross-cultural outreach in India is praiseworthy. South Korea, the Philippines and the Chinese diaspora are major components of the world’s missionary outreach. The Back to Jerusalem vision in China and the vision to mobilize the Filipino emigrant workforce could be the two most significant dynamics for world mission in the 21st Century. Yet humility, cultural sensitivity and genuine willingness to work together across denominations, nationalities and ethnicities are all needed for Asian mission work as much as for anywhere else.  
(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 31st January 2017)
The modern Bible Society movement dates to the foundation of the British and Foreign Bible Society in 1804, when a group of Christians sought to address the lack of affordable Bibles in Welsh for Welsh-speaking Christians. The American Bible Society (ABS) was founded in 1816. Today there are many agencies committed to various aspects of making the Scriptures available to all. Most of these are members of the Forum of Bible Agencies, formed in 1992 to increase cooperation and communication between the many Bible translation and distribution agencies in the world.

Shift from distribution to translation – The Protestant mission movement up to 1910 emphasized Bible distribution more than Bible translation. However, in the decade following 1910, Scripture translation in some part was done in 102 additional languages with a cumulative total of 722 languages having some Bible translation by 1920. In the 1950s, 142 translations were added; in the 1960s, 258 languages; in the 1970s, 290 languages; and in the 1980s, 175 additional languages. It was estimated that by 2010 there were over 2,500 translations of at least portions of the Bible. Still, the need is great. Of the world’s languages (possibly around 7,000), over 2,000 languages wait with a need of Scripture translation work, representing over 200 million people throughout the world. Do pray for workers dedicated to providing Scripture to those currently without access.
(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 28th December 2016)




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