Friday 5 October 2018

Gathered For Power


Gathered for Power:
As I meditated upon what the apostle Paul has said how the apostles, women & the believers gathered to pray in one accord to pray for the church (Acts 1:14) in my today’s meditation. I also observed on how a bit of wood was needed to get the roaring fire to burn the sacrifices completely and on how the fire would never go out because the priests would add the fresh wood to the fire each morning (Leviticus 6:12).
I pray for God refresh me each morning with a passionate zeal to pray for the Church and the Nation of SG daily and when I go to church to pray with other believers regularly.
Indeed, Charles Wesley says “Make my heart a house of prayer” as adapted from 40 Days Fast Book 2017.
Truly, Jesus reminds me about the new temple that will be built for Purification and Holiness that people can be going to the temple because it is called to be a House of Prayer  (Matthew 21:13,  John 2:19-22 & Malachi 3:1), and as a church in me I am called to pray fervently daily for revival.
Are you praying for revival daily today and praying with believers in church?

(Written by Jeremy Koh, 4th July 2017)
Profile Background Source:
Jeremy Koh is a disabled graduate from Cerebral Palsy Alliance Singapore – formerly known as Spastic Children Association (1987-1997). He graduated with a Diploma Degree from School Of Ministry In’ Tung Ling Bible College (1999) and TCA College (2003) with Certificate Degree in Bible and Ministry.’ Jeremy did a research work for the keyguard at (these)abilites Pte Ltd handling all KeyGuard Operations for 10 months.  Today, Jeremy is an active member, a volunteer & an Inclusion Ambassador in Disabled People Association and YouthCorps Singapore serving in Special Cluster for Special Needs, Friends of Engagement TaskForce and that he does volunteer in multiple places too in the area of disability related contacts.



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