Friday 19 October 2018

High–Rise Perspective

High–Rise Perspective:
Recently I had the opportunity to go to the top floor of the second-tallest building in Indianapolis. I really didn't think much about it prior to going. However, once I got to the top of the building and looked out the window, my whole perspective on the city changed. At street level objects and sounds are big, loud, and fast; but from the top of a high-rise building, they seem much smaller, quieter, and more peaceful. I was amazed at how different the entire city appeared once I was able to look at it from a higher vantage point.

A similar thing happens when we look at human life. The troubles and trials around us can seem overwhelming from our viewpoint, but as we grow closer to God and focus more on God's Kingdom, we begin to see our world from a different perspective. We can see that God is much larger than any of the problems we face, and we begin to understand that God is indeed “able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” 

(Written by Mike Barclay – Indiana, USA)

Profile Information Source:
Mike Barclay (Indiana, USA) is one of the contributing writers for “The Upper Room” e-devotional ministry.

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