Friday 28 December 2018

Praise Reports from the Nations 2

Let’s humble our hearts to pray for countries in our prayers:

Historic hymnal brings joy to Sudanese Church:
Do pray for Sudanese believers to be encouraged by this new hymnal. Do pray for a new closeness with God encountered through music.(For full story, please click onto the link - by Katey Hearth 24th December 2018)

Christmas celebrations are a shadow of what they used to be in one of the world’s unluckiest places to live. Do pray for the Prince of Peace to bring about meaningful reconciliation between Jewish and Arab leaders. Do pray for Christian leaders to boldly live out the gospel. Do pray that the Israeli authorities will relent and provide travel permits for the Christmas holiday.
(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Ruth K'lama from Mission News Network, 20th Dec 2018)

Indonesia – Sulawesi rocked by third disaster in six days:
A volcano erupted yesterday (3rd October, Wed) on Sulawesi, the same island rocked on Friday by an earthquake-tsunami combo. A massive explosion of ash blast more than 19,700 feet into the sky from Mount Soputan – one of Sulawesi’s most active volcanoes. Experts tell the Associated Press there’s no concrete evidence linking Soputan’s activity with the 7.5 magnitude earthquake on 28th September, but the disasters could be connected. Joe Handley of Asian Access says the archipelago needs your continued prayers. The death toll just passed 1,400 and had risen in numbers by now.

Helping Sulawesi communities:
Asian Access, also known as “A2”, is a Christian leadership development ministry working throughout Asia. They’ve heard from three pastors in the disaster zone so far and expect to hear from more contacts in Sulawesi in the days ahead. “Hopefully they can get some supplies and aid that will give them the capacity to reach out in the name of Christ,” Handley notes. “Our role will be to come alongside them, empower them and equip them for the long haul.” Right now, pastors in the disaster zone are meeting the immediate physical needs of their communities. However, their continued presence and care in the weeks ahead will provide something other aid agencies can’t offer.

Do pray for the people of Indonesia that are so devastated right now and pray for the local Church that they can be the hands and feet of Christ in the midst of all this pain. Do pray for Indonesian church leaders as they meet needs in Christ’s name. Do pray for the people of Indonesia as they grieve the loss of loved ones, their homes, and their livelihoods.

For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Katey Hearth from Mission News Network, 4th October 2018)

Indonesia battered by double disasters:
Indonesia is in the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area where shifting ground often causes earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic activity, and more. Considering the country’s location in an area that seems susceptible to natural disasters, it is hard to believe Indonesia was not better prepared for last Friday’s catastrophe. Bruce Allen says infrastructure has been destroyed by the double disasters. Power lines are down, making communication on the island difficult or impossible. He explained on how “Palu [was] the hard-hit city where the tsunami came into their bay and just decimated the area. Jusuf Kalla (vice president) said on how “the death toll over the weekend has exceeded 830 people and will likely rise and the death toll could reach into the thousands.

Let’s pray for the ongoing search and rescue efforts in Sulawesi and especially in the capital city Palu, as teams work tirelessly to find survivors of the earthquake and tsunami. Do pray for wisdom in the recovery process. Do pray for the Indonesian government to have divine wisdom to coordinate with foreign agencies, to send timely and needed help to the affected people. Ask God to sustain the Christians on Sulawesi, and pray this would be an opportunity for the Church to shine.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Bethann Flynn from Mission News Network, 2nd October 2018) 

Following the trail of destruction left by super typhoon Mangkut across northern Philippines on 15th Sept 2018, Saturday, pray that the Lord would comfort and bring healing to the injured and the many who have lost their properties and loved ones. Through churches and missionaries, the weary and burdened may find hope and healing in Jesus Christ.

Do pray that people will be able to quickly resettle back into their homes for speedy restoration of services, damaged farmland and damaged buildings. Do pray that there would be no outbreak of disease. Do pray for God’s favour upon the Philippines, for a new season of righteousness, for the fulfillment of God’s destiny for the nation and that the Gospel would make an impact on every aspect of society. Do pray for the millions of Filipinos working around the world – for the Lord to be with them and cause all that they do to succeed.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Bethann Flynn from Mission News Network, 19th Sept 2018)

Asia – The Unfinished Task in Asia:
Russia east of the Ural Mountains is geographically part of Asia, but here all of Russian Federation is included with Europe. Included here are the Trans-Caucasus states (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia) as well as the West Asian/Middle Eastern countries. Includes amazing geographic and ecological diversity – tropical rain forest, desert, alluvial plains, hills and the world’s highest.
The increase in the number of Muslim Background Believers (MBBs) saw the hatred and violence of Islamist extremists most likely contribute to’ many Muslims’ disillusion and greater openness to the gospel. While there are pockets of particularly momentous change, the inflow of Muslims into the Kingdom of God is indeed happening through much of the Muslim world, albeit under the radar and on a modest level in many areas. Dreams and visions from the Lord, combined with encounters with Scripture and demonstrations of God’s love, play a large role in many of these testimonies. Other major factors include specific and sustained intercession for the Muslim world, increased efforts to reach them, more sensitive cultural approaches and the widespread use of media – satellite television programmes, radio and film/video. Do pray for the impact of the Internet in communicating the gospel, leading Muslims to faith in Jesus and discipling new believers that cannot be overstated.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 29th January 2017)

The Church in Asia:
India is experiencing its own extraordinary harvest. Much of this is happening among the Dalits, the Untouchables outside of the caste system. Due to continuing persecution, social mores and the systemic discrimination that occurs against those who become Christian, the reported growth of Christianity is very modest compared to what is more likely to be reality. The compassionate ministry to Dalits and Tribal peoples demonstrates the compassion of God and generates a phenomenal response that ministries cannot keep up with. But increasingly, inroads are also being made into the fast-growing middle classes, the upper castes and into previously unreached areas such as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.

  1. The region that witnessed the birth of the Church now sees its rapid decline. Large-scale and sustained emigration after centuries of tenacity has denuded the Middle East of the bulk of its Christian communities. For it to have endured this long, despite discrimination and persecution, is remarkable. Now, the rising influence of Muslim extremists increases the pressure to marginalize and eliminate any Christian presence in the region. Orthodox Jewish pressures on Messianic Jews are also acute. Pray that the ancient Orthodox and Catholic communities might come to new life and vigour to become effective witnesses.
  2. Protestant denominations are few and small, and many struggle with nominalism. They likewise face pressure and persecution, although in a number of countries they are growing. Interdenominational relationships have not always been smooth and gracious. Pray for unity, strength and revitalization.
  3. Believers from a Muslim background (BMB/MBB) are growing in number in almost every context and on an unprecedented scale. This is happening in trickles (in places such as the Arabian Peninsula) and in torrents (Iran, Iraq). Do pray for all who have come to Christ from such backgrounds. They have specific spiritual, social and personal needs that are different from Christians of other backgrounds. Pressures on them are usually acute – from relatives, employers and authorities – and can range from ostracism to martyrdom. For many, emigration is the only way out of impossible situations. Do pray for courage in the face of opposition and for faithfulness in all situations.
  4. The witness of believers – There is great potential to communicate the gospel through the testimony of believers’ lifestyles, through their work habits, through their marriages and through family relationships. Christian homes can demonstrate profoundly the power and love of Christ. Do pray for those who have come out of a Muslim background to witness with both wisdom and fearlessness.
  5. Networking for Muslim-background believers – It is easy for them to slip into isolation and discouragement. Do pray for the development of networks that will afford opportunities for fellowship with those of similar background. Do pray for such believers to be discipled appropriately, and to find both employment and marriage partners – neither of which is easy for Muslim-background believers who still living in Islamic contexts.
  6. Trained leadership for the churches remains a challenge. There are few in training and few institutions in the Middle East that can provide it. Many of those who study in the West find good ministry opportunities there, so few return home. Training structures for the underground and MBB churches also need to be developed further to meet the demands of these burgeoning groups.
  7. Missions vision is growing. Increasing numbers of Middle Eastern Christians are capturing a burden to reach out to Muslims, especially in lands closed to normal mission work – in North Africa, the Arabian Peninsula and others.
  8. The impact of Christian satellite TV and the Internet has’ been momentous, greater than in any other region of the world. It has been highly effective at sharing the good news in restricted access nations, at offering sound defence of the gospel in the face of Muslim accusations and at offering solid discipleship to believers.
For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 28th January 2017)

Asia – Trends to Watch:
China is in the midst of amazing changes. Beyond the economic shift that has lifted hundreds of millions out of poverty, beyond the positive changes that the further opening of the country has brought, the Church in China is signalling a massive change in this, the world’s largest population. Christians in China now almost certainly exceed 100 million. They are present in all regions of the country and come from all walks of life. They love their country and have ambitious visions to see it transformed by the power of the gospel. The government, traditionally a ruthless persecutor of the Church, now recognizes the positive social impact Christians can make and increasingly accepts the reality that the Church in China is there to stay – and will play a major role in shaping the country’s future.

Asia’s economic growth continues to be phenomenal, but much of it is also either unsustainable or fragile. This ranges from oil-rich states with limited reserves, to dwindling natural resources (Southeast Asian rainforests and Central Asian cotton fields), to nations heavily reliant on investments/finance and exports (effectively, all of East Asia). Such growth is also uneven, in many cases fabulously enriching a small minority while leaving the majority still mired in poverty. While there is great potential to create wealth and economically empower hundreds of millions more, there is also the equal possibility of greater corruption and of financial crashes that reverberate throughout the globe, with severe consequences. Do pray for growth based on sustainable models and for the multiplication of wealth that is equitable and just for all.

(For more info, do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 27th January 2017)

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