Friday 25 December 2020

Magi Gifts

I bought gifts for family and friends lay on the table, tangible signs of our love for each one just as I read how the magi fell down, and worshiped Jesus and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh (Matthew 2:11, NIV). I question myself, “What gift can I give the King of creation” I wonder, and through the dusts of time, I hear the same question asked by the Magi: “What shall I bring him who is born King of the Jews?” One answers, “I shall bring him my gold, my wealth.” The next says, “I shall bring frankincense, the sweet savour of sacrifice.” The third replies, “And I shall bring myrrh - perfume for weddings, medicine for pain, and unguent for burial.” Patricia sees myrrh on their journey, laden with treasure. But how could one give gifts such as theirs?  Gold? Perhaps one could give their time and their wealth and to those in need.  Frankincense? And, the last is myrrh – a gift that has to do with death.

Perhaps, we could also say, the joy of worship to be a sweet fragrance to those around us. As the apostle Paul said, “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise” (Hebrews 13:15, NIV), showing how we could die to our selfish desires, self-centeredness, and pride, and in that dying, be used by God to bring healing and joy.

(Written by Patricia Hammell Kashtock – (Virginia, U.S.A.), from the Upper Room Ministries, except the unrecalled date/year of published time)

Prayer Response to this featured article:

Pray, when we trust God more, we worry less. Pray, Christ fills us with joy.  Pray, Jesus Christ helps us to “go into all’ the world” gladly today, knowing that He is always with us. Do pray for someone facing holiday depression. 



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