Thursday 30 September 2021


Pakistan’s government normally alternates between inefficient, corrupt political parties and authoritarian military dictatorships. Power and wealth are concentrated in too few hands. This hinders economic and social development. The country faces pressure from Islamist forces (in the west, Afghanistan, the Punjab), and from troubles with India over the Kashmir region.

(Do click onto these links – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 25th Sept 2021)


Praise God that Oman enjoys an open and modern society compared to others in the region. All residents may practise their faith, and the government gave land to build places of worship! Wealth from the oil industry allowed a greater level of education and economic balance.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 24th Sept 2021)

Myanmar’s military junta (1962–2011, 2021) was ruthless. Their policies brought poverty to a land rich in resources. They reacted violently to protests, put their opponents in prison, and implemented forced labour. A policy of violence against certain minorities led to destroyed villages, rape, torture, displaced populations, and international condemnation. Myanmar was deeply broken as a result, with divisions along political, religious, and especially ethnic lines. After an era of more democratic governance, the military performed the third coup of Myanmar's short history, on 1st February, 2021. Do pray for what seems impossible except through Christ: the solidarity, peace, and courage represented by the three colours of the nation's new flag.
Buddhism has a strong hold on the Burmese majority, as well as over the Shan, the Rakhine, and the Mon peoples. Most children receive education in Buddhist monasteries. Burmese Buddhism mixes in occult beliefs, superstition, and fear of the spirits. The Church must learn to understand the Buddhist mindset, and must also minister in spiritual power, in order to see a breakthrough among the majority. Reportedly, thousands of Buddhist monks have quietly become believers and many study the gospel and listen to Christian radio. Do pray for this quiet movement of Buddhists to Christ to keep spreading, growing, and deepening.

(Click onto these links – & to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 9th & 10th Sept 2021)

Mauritania must overcome huge economic and social challenges. One-third of children lack enough food to eat, and widespread divorce leads to many social problems. Only about 1% of land can be farmed, and even that decreases as farmland becomes desert. New discoveries of oil could bring wealth, but could also increase corruption and further divide rich and poor. Slavery is illegal, but thousands most likely still live as slaves. Do pray for freedom and justice for all those oppressed.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 27th Aug 2021)

Malta was the first European nation to embrace Christianity, after the Apostle Paul was shipwrecked here. From 1000 BC onwards many powers seized this island, but the Maltese always kept their strong Christian identity. The majority regularly attends Catholic mass, and over 80% feel their religion is important. Malta remains the most religious nation in Europe. However, not many Maltese have a personal walk with the living Lord Jesus. Do pray that the strong religious tradition will open the door into greater revelation of God in Jesus Christ.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 26th Aug 2021)
Afghanistan’s underground church is under threat like never before; Christians are fearing for their lives:
As the Taliban tighten their grip on Afghanistan, Release International warns that their swift advance will embolden extremists and attacks on Christians will rise as a result.

(For more info, do click the links – by Andrew Boyd – as featured inside the Release International –16th August 2021)

The era of Qaddafi is now a fading memory. Libya has become a land divided by civil war between different factions. Radical Islamists such as ISIS and smaller local groups took advantage of the chaos to seize control of some towns. Meanwhile, foreign powers support the different factions, arms smugglers profit by supplying the various combatants, and outside companies continue extracting oil for their own profit. May God have mercy upon this land and its people! Do pray for an end to the conflict, the rebuilding of infrastructure that enables communities to thrive, and especially an opening of these lands and people to the Gospel

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 14th Aug 2021)

Liberia has a complex and painful history, including racism and colonialism. It endured terrible conflict from 1985–2005. But, Praise God for the stability and peace of recent years; Hundreds of thousands of refugees returned, a new president came to power (the former leader was exiled), the country began to rebuild, and Christian ministry began to thrive once again. Liberia has an atmosphere of hope and progress, despite the obvious challenges which remain from the civil wars and the devastation and trauma they caused. Do pray that Liberia might truly fulfill its name as a “land of freedom.”

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 13th Aug 2021)

Faroese & Falkland Islands:
The Faroese need revival. From the Lutheran Church (with many nominals as well as a solid evangelical contingent) to the Pentecostals and charismatics, local Christian leaders all agree that these islands are starting to see a fresh move of the Holy Spirit. The Lutheran Church has declined, but its recent independence from Danish Lutheranism sees an emerging evangelicalism, such as the growing Pietist Home Mission with 35 prayer houses and up to 5,000 affiliates. Do pray for the Spirit to make the Faroes truly Christian and not just in name only.

The issues of sovereignty and autonomy are keys to understanding the Falkland Islands’ history and mentality. The political wrangling between the UK and Argentina, which culminated in the 1982 conflict, does not adequately reflect the Islanders' overwhelming desire for self-governance; the 2009 constitution does. Do pray for wise and fair agreements and for understanding among all three parties for the sake of the diplomatic and economic life of the whole region. Do also pray for Christians working and praying for reconciliation of all involved.

(Do click onto this link – & to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 21st May 2013)

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church is enduring a time of immense change. Centuries of isolation from the rest of the Christian world – as a Christian island in a sea of Islam – helped form its unique culture, theology and traditions. The Orthodox Church is being challenged by the growth of both Islam and contemporary Christian movements, but its roots run deep. Do pray for God to bring new vibrancy to this ancient faith.

The nation struggles through social, political, and economic crises. The war with Eritrea (1998 – 2000) cost Ethiopia much money and many lives, and brought little gain. The major ethnic groups (Amhara, Tigrinya, Oromo, Somali, Afar) divide themselves largely by geographic region, which gives each more independence at the expense of national unity. Corruption increased with economic growth, and a wide gap now exists between the few who are rich and the many who are poor. The current President won the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 for the peace agreement with Eritrea, and his dynamic leadership has brought hope to many. But in 2020 devastating civil conflict - along ethnic lines - erased much of the progress of recent years. Do pray for an end to the deadly violence, and a peace that offers esteem to every region and ethnic group.

(Do click onto this link – & to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 19th & 20th May 2013)

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