Saturday 12 November 2022

Walking Down the Road of Bethlehem


As I meditated upon what the Scriptures said, “He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child.” (Luke 2:5, NIV), I see how both Joseph and Mary were descendants of David’s throne, they were a young couple who’ were making their way to Bethlehem from Nazareth, through days of walking dusty, rocky roads - three days of sleeping outside on the hard, cold ground especially for Mary in late pregnancy. There is no doubt that surely it was not a journey that Mary wanted to make. It was a journey from comfort to suffering, from clarity to ambiguity, from the known to the unexpected, and how Mary had carried new life within her & that life did not magically transport her above her circumstances. True, we find ourselves at a place we never intended we would be. We would ask God, “Why?” 

Life takes us all down the road to a spiritual “Bethlehem.” There are circumstances that would spin out of our control, and life does not go the way as we expected it to be. We too, carry the life of God within us.  If we are faithful to the call of that life, there will be times when we travel roads that we will not choose, to places where we may not want to go. But yet the destination is a place of new life, of beginnings, of promises fulfilled.

Hence, the life of God within us reveals God to others.

Prayer Response to this featured article:
Pray, we thank God for the gift of His son Jesus Christ. Pray, we share Christ’s light and love with all we meet. Pray, God would take us on the journey. Pray, God helps us to reveal Christ to those we encounter on the way.

Profile Background:
(Written by Susan Petropulos – (Florida, U.S.A.), from the Upper Room Ministries, except the unrecalled date/year of published time)


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