Monday 31 October 2022


How Can God Forget My Sins? What We Remember at the Table
Reclining around the table that evening, the disciples were observing from front-row seats a pivotal moment of redemptive history. The great Passover “Lamb of God,” who had come to “take away the sins of the world” (John 1:29), was inaugurating a new-covenant Passover meal of remembrance to go along with his inauguration of the long-awaited new covenant foretold by the prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 31:31–34).

(For more info, do click the link by Jon Bloom, Staff writer, – 25th Oct 2022 – inside Desiring God)

Salvation in the City:

Incarnational urban mission also entails investing in the city. This means utilising the various economic systems strategically in the service of the common good. The Church must intercede for the Shalom of the city. Walter Brueggemann and Patrick Miller define Shalom as “a harmonious, properly functioning, life-giving order to society”.

And because Shalom can only be achieved when human beings are rightly related to God, the Church must pray for the spiritual transformation by the power of God of every city-dweller, their regeneration and sanctification.

City churches therefore have a profound responsibility of sharing the Gospel of life and hope to every inhabitant. They must bear witness to the public truth of the Gospel with the unwavering confidence that the message of the cross can bring salvation and change lives.

(For more info, do click the link by Roland Chia | 3rd Oct 2022– inside Credo)

The Hands That Made the Meal:
Many of us today take for granted the hard work of making bread.

Each week, we simply grab our pre-baked, pre-cut, mass-produced loaf and roll along to the next aisle to find some “fresh” salsa or a box of Cheerios. We rarely give a second thought to how this loaf came to be (unless, perhaps, like me, your intestines start a street fight with the gluten that makes bread so delicious). In Jesus’s day, however, bread was not nearly as convenient or effortless. The making of bread was an essential and time-consuming part of everyday life (and the bread was likely a lot better for it).

So how was it made?

(For more info, do click the link by Marshall Segal – 26th Sept 2022 – inside Desiring God)

Shaken to Bear Fruit – What Has Come from Losing a Son:
The strange machine along the streets of Madrid seized my attention.

Its long arms reached out and wrapped themselves around the trunk of a tree. Its motor vibrated those arms at high speeds so they could shake the tree violently. Its net sat suspended just beneath the lowest branches. As the machine buzzed and roared, a hundred ripe oranges fell from the branches to land in the net below — a hundred ripe oranges that could feed and satisfy a hundred people. That machine was carefully designed to release the fruit from the tree – to release it by shaking.

The nets filled with oranges remind me of something the apostle Paul once wrote about times of trial and tribulation, of deep sorrow and loss. He contended that Christians must be prepared to be afflicted, perplexed, persecuted, and even struck down – a collection of words meant to display the variety of ways in which God may call us to suffer (2 Corinthians 4:8–9).

(For more info, do click the link by Tim Challies – 20th Sept 2022 – inside Desiring God)

Someone Knows Your Pain – How Suffering Ties Us to Christ:
The apostle Paul talks about sharing in Christ’s sufferings, wanting to know him and the power of his resurrection (Philippians 3:10). That is, to know by experience, to know personally and intimately, not merely intellectually. Suffering brings an intimacy with God, a mysterious and sacred fellowship that cannot be captured in words.

Somehow, suffering can transport us into the throne room of God, where we feel the tenderness of his embrace, an otherworldly sense of joy, and a fellowship unlike anything else we’ve ever known. For a moment, an awareness of his presence can so completely envelop and overshadow our pain that we become immersed in fellowship with Jesus, unaware of anything around us.

(For more info, do click the link by Vaneetha Rendall Risner, Regular Contributor – 7th Sept 2022 – inside Desiring God)

How to Talk to Your Children about Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation:
How times have changed.

If you’re the parent of a child today, you may be confused, anxious and worried over how much exposure your child is getting to this issue in the current social media environment. You may be wondering how best to talk to your child about this.

With the recent government announcement about the repeal of Section 377A, which criminalises sex between men, it may be all the more critical to begin engaging your child in this conversation.

(For more info, do click the link by John Lim, 5th Sept 2022 – inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

To Be God Is to Be Happy – Enjoying Divine Blessedness:
When Paul says, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us,” he uses the same word twice: blessed (Ephesians 1:3). A moment’s thought, however, shows that God blesses us altogether differently than how we bless God. When God blesses us, he takes the initiative, doing the kind of mighty acts that Paul recites in the next dozen verses: electing, redeeming, forgiving, adopting, sealing, and lavishing grace on us. When we bless God, we praise him in response. It’s a beautifully appropriate response, but just because it’s the same verb doesn’t make it the same act. The deep reason that we can never bless God the way he blesses us is that God is already blessed. God is blessed with perfect, plenary, personal blessedness.

The blessedness of God is a classic Christian doctrine, and one that we could stand to hear more about in our time. It gives us big thoughts to think about God in three domains: God’s relation to the world, God’s essential perfections, and God’s experience of his own life.

(For more info, do click the link by Professor Fred Sanders, Biola University – 26th August 2022 – inside Desiring God)

3 leadership truths according to Jesus:

Leadership is less about rank and more about the posture of the heart. It’s less about power over and more about power under. It’s less about ladder-climbing over others and more about ladder-carrying for others. Leaders who lead from a posture of serving, not a position of lording, are always given more influence.

(For more info, do click the link by Reverend Abel Cheah, via Alpha Asia Pacific – 23rd August 2022 – inside Salt & Light)

Revive Us Again – Learning from the First Great Awakening:
The young Jonathan Edwards (1703–1758) longed for nothing more than revival. He viewed special works of the Spirit as special tokens of God’s blessing, and he hoped beyond hope that he would receive some himself. He had moved to Northampton while in his early twenties to assist his aging grandfather, Rev. Solomon Stoddard, at the only church in town. Stoddard had led the congregation in occasional seasons of grace, but soon after he passed away, leaving Edwards by himself as the town’s only pastor, the church’s spiritual life began to go downhill. The young people, especially, started sowing wild oats, partying especially after corporate worship services. They seemed deaf to their Lord. Edwards wondered what would become of his ministry.

(For more info, do click the link by Douglas Sweeney, Professor Beeson from Divinity School 10th August 2022 – inside DESIRING GOD)

Get Out!
This article elaborates on the wider system of economic inequality and excess in the Roman Empire, which threatened to divert the Church’s worship away from the Lamb and to dishonour God’s image found in humanity.

(For more info, do click the link by Pastor Gilbert Lok – 15th August 2022 – inside Credo)

Educating the Next Generation:
The Church has always understood the importance of public education. Even a quick and cursory glance at the history of public education in Singapore would show the indelible role that the Roman Catholic and Protestant Churches have played in its development and flourishing. Christians support and promote general public education because of the good it makes possible and the benefit it brings to both individuals and society. As Pope Paul VI puts it, “a true education aims at the formation of the human person in the pursuit of his ultimate end and of the good of the societies of which, as man, he is a member and in whose obligations, as an adult, he will share”.

But the Church has also always insisted on the importance of Christian education for its members. The purpose of Christian education is spiritual formation and discipleship. It is to enable the believer to deepen their faith in God and to make their love for God manifest in humble service to their neighbour.

(For more info, do click the link by Dr Roland Chia, – 1st August 2022 – inside Credo)

Day of His Power:
Though spread out across Singapore in six locations, thousands of participants united as the body of Christ to pray and intercede for the nation at Day of His Power 2022 last night.

(For more info, do click the link – – 9th August 2022)

Why Don’t I Care? – Steps to Overcoming Spiritual Apathy:
Scripture is clear that we have a role to play in overcoming apathy. For example, Paul exhorts, “Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord” (Romans 12:11). The assumption here is that zeal — the antithesis of apathy — can be cultivated.

So, how do we find healing from crippling indifference?

(For more info, do click the link – by Uche Anizor – Professor, Biola University, 4th August 2022 – inside Desiring God)

Review of Section 377A must take into account strong views on family and marriage: DPM Lawrence Wong:
In the strongest signal yet that Section 377A – the law in Singapore’s Penal Code which criminalises sex between men – may soon be reviewed, Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong noted in an interview with Bloomberg that views on the law had “evolved”.

“Views on the law and criminalisation of homosexual behaviour certainly have evolved (and) changed, but there are also views around family and marriage (to consider),” said the Prime-Minister-in waiting in an interview on Monday, 15th August, which was published on Tuesday.

“We will have to engage them and consider how best to move forward on this matter, recognising that people in Singapore hold very strong views, and sometimes these are opposing views.”

In its article, Bloomberg paraphrased Mr Wong as saying that “Singapore must compromise” on the current position on Section 377A.

(For more info, do click the links below: & by unknown authors, 16th, 19th & 21st August 2022 – inside Salt & Light)

Bedroom Talk: How to Grow in Sexual Intimacy
The ability to talk about sexuality to our partner could be the key to enhancing marriage intimacy and relationship. The truth is a healthy sex life in marriage is a great gift, and it is something to be enjoyed and nurtured through open and honest communication. Studies have shown that couples who talk more about sex have more satisfying sex lives and are more in tune with each other in real life. Knowing how to please your other half also builds relationship confidence and has good ripple effects for your marriage.

How can couples work towards achieving good, open communication in sexual intimacy?

(For more info, do click the link by Tracey Or | 31st August 2022, – inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Section 377A under review: 7 questions to ask yourself:
Mr K Shanmugam, Singapore’s Law and Home Affairs Minister, said that the Government has been in “extensive discussions” with various groups – including religious leaders and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) representatives – on whether changes might be needed to Section 377A, the law which criminalises sex between men.

In February this year, Section 377A saw a legal challenge dismissed by the apex Court of Appeal, a move which saw pro-LGBT activists call for the nation’s leaders to act “urgently and decisively” to repeal what they called a “redundant law”. The annual Pink Dot event saw politicians from both ruling and opposition party in attendance.

What should the Church do? How should believers respond? Here are 7 questions to help you make sense of what is going on, and how you should react.

(For more info, do click the link & – by unknown author & Jason Wong and Mohd Khair; 1st & 3rd August 2022 – inside Salt & Light & ST TIMES)

That They May All Be One? Why Unity Is Still Worth Pursuing:

The unity of the church does not threaten doctrine; the unity of the church is a doctrine. The Bible teaches, clearly and emphatically, “There is one body and one Spirit . . . one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all” (Ephesians 4:4–6). Our unity bears witness to the gospel, because our unity is part of the gospel.

Are we as doctrinally pure as we claim to be?

(For more info, do click the link by Pastor Ray Ortlund; Nashville, Tennessee, 13th August 2022 – inside Desiring God)

Should I Follow the Truth Wherever It Leads?
From the Christian perspective, our finitude greatly limits us, and sin infects every aspect of our being, including our intellectual capacity to find and discern truth. As a result, the pursuit of truth is never a neutral enterprise. We have frequently unrecognized assumptions, vested interests, prior propensities, limited perspectives and underlying commitments that skew our ability and desire to perceive, acquire and properly apply truth.

(For more info, do click the link by Rev Dr Lewis Winkler – 7th March 2022 – inside Credo)

For many, the prominent biblical theme and practice of sacrifice first appeared in the Bible in Genesis 4, which records the sacrifices of Cain and Abel. But, as some scholars have rightly pointed out, the earliest hints of sacrifice precede this account and is found in the previous chapter where God provided Adam and Eve with coats of skin after the Fall (3:21).

(For more info, do click the link by Roland Chia | 1st Nov 2021– inside Credo)

How to Prepare Your Child for Successful Relationships:
Successful relationships often form the baseline for meaningful interactions and achieving happiness in life. Parents tend to be more proactive in preparing our children’s pathways for a successful education and career.

In comparison, we may be far less intentional in laying the socio-emotional blueprint for the establishment of healthy relationships in our children’s lives.

It is not uncommon to put off addressing topics on sexuality – or leave it to the teachers in school to cover. However, the reality is our children live in a highly-sexualised, media-saturated environment, which may offer them skewed versions of human relationships with values that may not sit well with our own.

(For more info, do click the link by Tracey Or, 19th February 2021 – inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Is Your Stress Level at Home Hitting the Roof? – Battling stress by standing as one:

Mental health has taken a tumble, as counsellors report a 20 per cent spike in the number of individuals seeking therapy to cope with mental health concerns and stress related to employment and family relationships. Although useful as indicators, the numbers do not and cannot fully capture the stresses faced by families during this time.

Statistics do no justice to the father who has just been laid off because his company was downsized; or to the mother who has to juggle between work, chores and supervising the kids during HBL.

(For more info, do click the link by Elvin Foong, 8th October 2021 – inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

How to Raise Mentally Strong Teens in a Pandemic:
Can your teenager count on you to support them in tough times?

As parents, even as you learn to cope with ambiguity in a volatile world, your teens want to know that they can count on you to hold their hands as they continue to ride the roller coaster of change and uncertainty in this ongoing pandemic.

(For more info, do click the link by Chan Swee Fen, 23rd June 2021 – inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

How to Engage Your Teen on Controversial Issues:
In late January 2021, three people were arrested for taking part in a public assembly without a permit outside the Ministry of Education (MOE) headquarters in Buona Vista. They were aged between 19 and 32. Teens were also on the forefront in the Black Lives Matter movement of 2020, organising and leading marches involving hundreds of people in cities all around the world.

(For more info, do click the link by June Yong, 2nd February 2021 – inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Does The Perfect Marriage Even Exist? – Debunking marriage myths:
Someone once asked a riddle on the difference between love and marriage, and the answer? Love is blind and marriage is an eye-opener. Perfect marriages only exist in fairy tales. In reality, we are all not perfect and it’s unfair to place impossibly high expectations on our spouse.

Common unrealistic expectations on our spouse

While we would never admit to dreaming of a happily-ever-after marriage, we can ask ourselves if we have any of these expectations on our other half.

Do we think that our partner will never disappoint us?
Do we expect them to know what we are thinking all the time?
Do we avoid conflict at all costs?
Do we feel our spouse must meet all our emotional needs?

I’m not suggesting that we have zero expectations of our partner either. Instead, I believe healthy expectations can be helpful because nobody desires for their marriage to stay stagnant or mediocre.

Setting expectations give us a clear direction on how to steer the relationship forward and avoid settling into complacency just because the chase has been sealed with a ring. Instead we can reframe unrealistic expectations and exchange them for healthy ones by tackling these three common marriage myths.

(For more info, do click the link by Susan Koh, 23rd April 2021 – inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

What Scolding Really Does To Your Child – Better ways to discipline:

Chris will always remember his childhood experience with broccoli. Since he was young, he had always had a distinct dislike for that green vegetable. Perhaps it was the softness of the florets or the peculiar shade of green. Whatever the reason, he had never liked the vegetable, and had always avoided it when his parents gave it to him.

(For more info, do click the link by Mark Lim | 14th December 2020, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

The challenge of Agape:
In the first epistle of John, we find one of the most profound statements about God in the whole of Scripture: “God is love” (4:8). Love is the very essence of God. Love sums up His whole being. Love is what God immutably is.

(For more info, do click the link by Dr Roland Chia | 4th Oct 2021– inside Credo)

Are Our Tech Habits Helping or Harming Our Family Relationships?

Celebrated entrepreneur Steve Jobs once said:

“I have looked at myself in the mirror every morning and asked myself, ‘If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?’ and whenever the answer is ‘no’ for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.”

When most people wake up each morning, they inevitably turn to the nearest item by their bedside – their smart phones. And before they go to bed each night, this digital device would likely be the last thing that they look at.

When Steve Jobs first introduced the iPhone 13 years ago, he probably did not expect that his product would revolutionise the technological world. With the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has been propelled further into our daily lives, with smart phones and other devices occupying a major role in our modus operandi.

(For more info, do click the link by Mark Lim | 17th November 2020, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

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As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...