Thursday 30 June 2022



The “New India” is a youthful, ambitious, cosmopolitan and modern entity, where differences of religion, caste and gender mean less and less. It is increasingly urban and tech-savvy. The India of call centres, cricket, Bollywood, bhangra and globally connected Indian culture is exposed to and open to new ideas and ways of living, including Christianity. The most significant influence in this context is materialism - as capable of entrapping Hindus as any other group. This younger generation - 70% of India is under age 35, and 31% under age 15 - will shape India's future. As such, they are a hugely strategic group to reach for Jesus; completely new and different missiological strategies must be undertaken to communicate and model the gospel to them. Indian churches and missions are now focusing on this issue; initial success thus far is very modest.

(Do click onto this link – read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 21st June 2022)

French Guiana:
French Guiana has a new image as a developed multicultural society, rather than as a place for imprisoned criminals. This change also brought French secularism and moral challenges. Many young people cannot find employment and are restless. Graphic pornography from French satellite TV disturbs the moral framework. Families suffer with high rates of illegitimate births and many single-parent homes. Harm to the environment, illegal immigration, and human trafficking for the gold mine industry all cause problems.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 26th May 2022)

El Salvador:
Praise God that peace has held since the end of the civil war in 1992. Since then, corruption in politics has been a big problem in El Salvador, but multiple free elections have occurred, with different parties prevailing at different times. El Salvador’s main struggles are now against poverty and gang violence. Money sent home from Salvadorans working abroad is the largest part of the economy.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 14th May 2021)

Dominican Republic:
Practicing Catholics have substantially decreased in recent years, indicating a high degree of nominalism. Do pray for those who still adhere to Catholicism and those who have disaffiliated themselves that the Holy Spirit might speak to their hearts about the reality of the gospel.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 10th May 2022)

Denmark retains a core of Christian traditions and values in its social laws and values. And Danes began to show more openness to spiritual things in recent years. But over half the population is agnostic or atheist by some reports. And many people’s spiritual search does not lead them to Christian faith and the Church. Do pray for the Danes to rediscover the faith that shaped so much of the nation’s history and society.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 8th May 2022)

The 50-year conflict between the two communities (Greeks and Turks), fuelled by the involvement of foreign powers, has gone on too long. Political intransigence by a few hampers the reunification seemingly favoured by the majority. Do pray that old grievances and bitterness might be overcome by forgiveness. Do pray that external meddling would stop and that Cypriots might move forward into a unified future

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 5th May 2022)

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC):
The powerful spiritual evil that influences much of this land shows itself in deeper ways than wars, killings, greed, and corruption. Wicked men committed widespread rape, unspeakable brutality, cannibalism, and witchcraft against adults and children. The DRC is the worst country in the world regarding sexual violence against women. How could these horrors spread throughout a land with over 90% who profess Christianity? This moves our hearts, and calls us to spiritual warfare. Cry out for God to deliver this land, and to bind the spirits that have such power over a suffering people.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 28th April 2022)

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