Wednesday 28 June 2023

Missionary News Feature 20

Greece was the first European country to be evangelized (Acts 16:10), but Christianity is now mostly a cultural expression. Less than 3% of the population regularly attend church. Evangelical churches represent less than 0.5% of the population, including all non-Greek evangelicals. The Macedonian call to evangelize is just as valid today.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 5th June 2023)

El Salvador:
Praise God that peace has held since the end of the civil war in 1992. Since then, corruption in politics has been a big problem in El Salvador, but multiple free elections have occurred, with different parties prevailing at different times. El Salvador’s main struggles are now against poverty and gang violence. Money sent home from Salvadorans working abroad is the largest part of the economy. Nearly 40% of the country lives below the poverty line. Violent criminal gangs known as “maras” keep the nation among the global leaders for murder rates and juvenile delinquency. Overcoming these two giants will take more than just good social and economic policy – El Salvador needs a spiritual awakening that transforms the nation!

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 14th May 2022)

People's Republic of China:
The unreached peoples of South and Southwest China number tens of millions of individuals, in hundreds of different groups, each with different cultures and languages. Difficult geography and poor transportation keep many villages isolated from the gospel. The Holy Spirit worked powerfully among some tribal groups of Yunnan in the last century (Lisu, Hmong, Wa, Jingpo, Nu). Other peoples have a large number of Christians, but it remains only a small beginning. Guangxi is one of China’s least – developed and most remote provinces, and perhaps up to 90% unevangelized. The Zhuang people are China’s largest ethnic-minority population. We pray for Christians to reach even the most remote corners of this region.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 18th April 2023)

Central African Republic:
The Central African Republic (CAR) faces immense physical human needs. The long series of coups and counter-coups devastated the economy and infrastructure. The most recent coup caused a breakdown in law and order. Rebels executed opponents and looted homes. Community conflict now occurs along religious lines between Muslims and Christians. Hundreds of thousands have fled their homes.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 31st March 2023)

The gospel impact on the Quichua is a modern miracle. In 1967, only 120 people out of 3 million followed Christ. Today some Quichua areas are over 50% evangelical! Avant Ministries worked among them for over 100 years. Over 240,000, people go to churches planted through Avant. Ecuador received worldwide attention in 1956 when the Waorani (Auca) killed 5 young foreign missionaries. Now almost all these tribes have churches and the Scriptures through the work of various missionary groups. HCJB Radio began in Ecuador in 1931, the first of the great Christian mission radio broadcasters. Today the ministry blesses Ecuador and the whole world.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 11th May 2022)

Djibouti enjoys peace, but suffers under serious social and economic problems. Western military presence helps create an atmosphere of calm and safety. We pray that the Islamist voice that seeks to make Djibouti conform to its own values will not destroy current freedoms. Serious national problems include widespread famine, extreme unemployment, human trafficking, prostitution, and drug abuse.

(Do click onto this link – to read for further news by Operation World Prayer News, 9th May 2022)

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As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...