Saturday 27 January 2024

Bountiful Blessings

The Lord says, “I will never again curse the ground because of humankind nor’ will I ever again destroy every living creature as I have done” (Genesis 8:21, NRSV). Incessant rains had almost paralyzed our region. Homes were washed away and damaged bridges disrupted traffic. Many people were feared drowned in the floods. As we began our family bedtime prayer, there was fear on the faces of our children. Because we live near the tsunami-affected areas, knowing about the recent earthquakes in northern India, the floods near the northwest Indian border, and the hurricanes in the U.S.A. created a sense of fear in our children's minds. My son wanted reassurance about God’s promise to Noah to never again destroy the world by water. As we prayed, “Give us this day our daily bread,” both a new day and our daily bread seemed very precious and no longer to be taken for granted. Whether we consider clean water, sunshine, shelter, or good health, we sometimes realize the true value of our blessings only when we fear losing them.

God’s bountiful blessings can remind us to be thankful for what we have and to understand the difficulties of those who do not have the same. Hence, we thank God for letting us live each new day, each breath’ we breathe, and every meal we eat.

Profile Background:
(Written by Leena Vijaykumar – (Karnataka, India) from the Upper Room Ministries)

Prayer Response to this featured article:

Do pray for Christ to help us know that He’s guiding and supporting us as we see a promise sign in storms of life, remembering God’s love is there for us to keep.

(The unrecalled date/year of published time)

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