Wednesday 31 July 2024


War Your Way to Heaven:
Greg shares how a Christian life is one of fierce holiness. Christ calls us to hoist crosses, hack off limbs, gouge out eyes, contend for souls, and wage war against spiritual powers.

(For more info, do click the link – by Greg Morse – (Staff writer, 16th July 2024 |inside Desiring God)

Savor Christ in Every Psalm: The Joy of Singing with Jesus
Chris describes how you can take the Psalms on your lips, as you sing the songs of Jesus declaring that He is the center of the Psalms, the lead singer of the Psalms, and the great conductor of the choir.

(For more info, do click the link – by Christopher Ash – Guest Contributor, 15th July 2024 |inside Desiring God)

The Spirituality of Tithing:
Ps Leow highlights that the purpose of the tithe is for supporting the ministry of the Levites since they had no territorial inheritance. Since there were eleven other tribes, ten percent of tithing from each tribe approximately made up one whole tribe’s income (remember that the Levites themselves also had to tithe to the Lord, i.e., a tithe from the tithe, cf. Numbers 18.26).

If we understand this, then we would realise that the Torah’s ten percent figure was a practice contextualised to the ancient state of Israel. We should not thoughtlessly apply it to our own practices of tithing today.

(For more info, do click the link – by Ps Leow Wen Pin | 15th Jul 2024 | inside Credo)

Does God Speak My Language? – The Pioneering Legacy of Cam Townsend
The last century brought astonishing growth in Bible translation – much of it due, under God, to a college dropout with a vision for mother – tongue ministry.

(For more info, do click the link – by Chris Tachick – Guest Contributor, 1st July 2024 |inside Desiring God)

Speak to Men Like Men:

In our overly sensitive society, have we lost the ability to talk to men like men?

(For more info, do click the link – by Greg Morse (Staff writer,, 29th June 2024 |inside Desiring God)

Drug Trafficking and the Death Penalty: A Christian Perspective
On May 8, 2024, Minister for Home Affairs K. Shanmugam delivered a ministerial statement in which he declared that Singapore is waging a war against drugs. He stressed that thousands will suffer if the nation-state does not take this war seriously and put up a fight, or if it loses the war.

(For more info, do click the link – by Dr Roland Chia | 17th June 2023 | inside Pulse)

Why do we Keep Squabbling Over Nothing?
Have you gotten into a heated argument with your spouse, and then looked back and thought, “What were we arguing about?”

You’re not alone in this experience. Find out what lies behind petty squabbles and how we can stay in love despite the conflicts we have with our spouse.

(For more info, – by June Yong, Author | 6th June 2024, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Promises, Patterns, and Principles – A Primer on the New Testament’s Use of the Old:
The New Testament refers to the Old Testament in powerful yet sometimes perplexing ways. So, how might we learn to read Scripture like that?

(For more info, do click the link – by Brian Tabb, President, Bethlehem College & Seminary | 4th June 2024 |inside Desiring God)

The Precious Perfection of Christ – How Jesus Paves Our Way to God:
If Jesus were not “made perfect,” as Hebrews says, then we would lose our perfect example, our perfect priest, our perfect mediator, and our perfect king.

(For more info, do click the link – by Jared Compton, Professor, Bethlehem College & Seminary | 3rd June 2024 |inside Desiring God)

Give Them Time to Grow – Learning the Power of Patient Love:
The apostle Paul knew something of such patience. His own testimony bore the marks of God’s long-suffering love, his “perfect patience” (1 Timothy 1:16). And Paul remembered that patience. He couldn’t forget it. Though slandered (2 Corinthians 10:1–2), though underappreciated (Galatians 4:15–16), though repeatedly faced with startling folly and sin (1 Corinthians 3:1–4), Paul remained patient, a disciple of God’s perfect patience. He yearned, he prayed, he labored, he pleaded, but he also waited “with utmost patience” (2 Corinthians 12:12). He let miracles take their God-appointed time. Patience, for Paul, was not merely one way of responding among many: it was a robe to clothe all responses. For, “Miracles are wondrous things. But many miracles take time and remarkable patience.”

(For more info, do click the link – by Scott Hubbard, Editor ( | 28th May 2024 |inside Desiring God)

The Splendor of His Queen – How the Church Reflects Christ’s Majesty:
For now, the church appears with spots and wrinkles and many blemishes. But the day is coming when Jesus will present her to himself in splendour – as the reflection of his own majesty.

(For more info, do click the link – by David Mathis, Executive Editor ( | 25th May 2024 |inside Desiring God)

On Promethean Shame and the Gift of Creatureliness:
In Greek mythology, Prometheus is a Titan god, a potter, who created the first man and woman out of clay. He is also believed to have been the one who stole fire from Zeus to give to man, thereby enabling him to fashion tools.

The German philosopher Gunther Anders was in California on a tour with his friend T. to visit an exhibition of technology in 1942. Anders noticed how T. “concealed his hands behind his back, as if he were ashamed to have brought these heavy, graceless and obsolete instruments into the company of machines working with such accuracy and refinement.” The philosopher christened his friend’s reaction “Promethean shame,” “shame when confronted by the ‘humiliatingly’ high quality of fabricated things (selbstgemachten Dinge).”

(For more info, do click the link – by Khaw Siew Ping | 20th MAY 2024 | inside Credo)

Trusting the Process in Motherhood:
Being a mum is one of the most unique experiences in this world, special in every way – even in the way it grows and challenges a person.

Filled with seasons of sowing, waiting, pruning and harvesting, what does it mean to trust the process in this dynamic journey of motherhood?

(For more info, – by Unknown Author| 30th April 2024, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Through Hell to Hope: Feeling Reality in Dante’s ‘Inferno’
Dante wrote his epic story, with its descent into hell, to hold out hope to Christians on their long and hard pilgrimage through life.

(For more info, do click the link – by Clinton Manley| 29th April 2024 |inside Desiring God)

Better Than Our Bitter Thoughts: The God of Surprising Goodness:
Hard and bitter thoughts about God reveal far more about us than about him. He is the good God, the wonderful God, far better than our best thoughts of him.

(For more info, do click the link – by Greg Morse|27th April 2024 | inside Desiring God)

How do I Know my Marriage is Ready for Kids?
The decision to become a parent is a weighty one that should be made intentionally as a couple. Instead of asking, “Am I ready for parenthood?” you might want to ask, “Is our marriage ready for parenthood?”

How do you determine if your marriage is ready for a baby?

(For more info, – by Swee Fen Chan, Author| 6th April 2024, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Ritual Matters:
Do you find that most of the time, things do not go according to plan? And when that happens, what do you do? Rev. Dr. Simon Chan discusses the concept of ritualism as a spiritual entrenchment in human beings. He goes on to argue that rituals are the most intrinsic ways of knowing, and that habits are actually the result of us being incredibly social creatures.

(For more info, do click the link – by Rev Dr. Simon Chan|15th Jan 2018| inside Credo)

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As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...