Saturday 27 July 2024

Quarreling and Strife

There is a legend from Greek mythology that the god Hercules was once walking along a narrow road when a strange-looking creature appeared threateningly in front of him. Hercules struck this creature with his club and passed on, but soon afterwards was surprised to be confronted by this same creature, only now three times as large. Hercules struck it again and again and each time it grew in size until finally it completely blocked the road. Then the goddess Pallas Athena appeared to Hercules and told him to stop. “The monster is called Strife,” she said. “Let it alone, and it will soon become as small as it was at first.” All quarreling and strife will certainly return to manageable proportions and ultimately cease if one of the quarrelers lets it alone. One is either a peacemaker or one is a “stirrer” – determined to keep the argument going for the sake of satisfaction.

Abram says to Lot’ “Let there be no strife between you and me and between your herders and my herders; for we are kindred” (Genesis 13:8, NIV), I saw how Abraham’s herdsmen quarreled, and he and Lot might have quarreled too, had not Abraham taken the wise course and ended it. “Lot,” he said, “this won't do. Let there be no strife between you and me or between my herdsmen and yours, for we are all brothers” And then he became the generous mediator and told Lot that he could have the best land in the east, if that was what he wanted. It was wise to separate the two groups and it was generous of Abraham to give Lot first choice. Abraham was above personal gain he did not seek after flocks and herds, silver and gold, servants or the best land. God was sought first; other things were added. Lot, on the other hand, couldn't keep his eyes off the fertile plain of Sodom. He wanted it; then he wanted more; he got it; then lost it all. As an elder he could have dictated the terms but he was above meanness and was blessed as a result.

Profile Background:
(Written by Pastor Ron – (Clark of Tasmania, Australia) from the Upper Room Ministries)

Prayer Response to this featured article:
Do pray that God to help us not to be greedy for personal gain and material possessions.

(The unrecalled date/year of published time)

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