Tuesday 31 October 2023


Managing Exam Stress & Anxiety:
With exam season drawing near once again, it is common for exam fever to invade our homes – with both parents and children feeling the mounting pressure.

How can we tackle the stress of the exams, and be a stable support for our children through this season?

(For more info, – https://www.family.org.sg/articles/managing-exam-stress-and-anxiety by Tracey Or| 5th Oct 2023, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Spiritual Pursuits and the Deception of the Ego:
Many have turned to ancient spiritual practices like mindfulness and meditation to cope with the challenges – seeking a sense of peace, inner calm, and interior resource. On the Christian front, more Christians are turning to Christian spiritual practices such as silence, Christian meditation, spiritual friends, conversations, and retreats.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/spiritual-pursuits-and-the-deception-of-the-ego/ by Rev Dr Jimmy Tan |16th Oct 2023| inside Credo)

Darkness Has Become My Companion – Some Reflections on Mental Illness:
The modern society has shown significant progression in its understanding and openness for those suffering from mental health issues. Nonetheless, there still remain evidences of stigmatization and prejudices against those suffering from mental disorders, fuelled by their stereotypical portrayal in the media and by Christians themselves. In this article, Dr Roland Chia addresses key issues such as stigmatization issues, dignity and plight of people with mental disorders, the importance of the church community. Finally he reflects on what it means for people with mental disorders and their caregivers to continue to put their trust and hope in God.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/DARKNESS-HAS-BECOME-MY-COMPANION.pdf by Dr. Roland Chia |8th June 2019 | inside Pulse)

10 causes of concern for the Church: What surprised us from the Pew Research religious survey
Almost half of Christians in Singapore believe other religions can be true, while many professing believers also pray to gods of other religions, according to a report published by Pew Research on 6th October.

(For more info, do click the link – https://saltandlight.sg/news/10-causes-of-concern-for-the-church-what-surprised-us-from-pew-research-religious-survey/ reported by Edric Sng | 12th Oct 2023 | inside Salt & Light)

Can students talk faith on “Bring Your Bible to School Day”
The first Thursday of October marks Focus on the Family’s “Bring Your Bible to School Day,” and hundreds of thousands of students are set to participate in this year’s event to get kids talking about Jesus. FOTF has published a guide to students’ rights to combat common misconceptions about sharing one’s faith at school.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.christianpost.com/news/can-kids-share-the-bible-on-bring-your-bible-to-school-day.html by reported CP Staffs | 5th Oct 2023 | inside The Christian Post)

Evidence for the Cross and Resurrection:
The question is from a listener named Terri. “Pastor John, hello to you. My question for you is why, in this age, it remains so easy for non-believers to refute the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. If God controls everything, why is the existence of Jesus, and his crucifixion, not made more undeniable?

Yet, the problem of unbelief is not mainly a lack of evidence, but a deep heart resistance to God and his will. Changing that heart condition is a great work of God for we are utterly dependent on it in our evangelism, seeing how the self–authenticating glory of God shines in the gospel of Christ.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/evidence-for-the-cross-and-resurrection via an Interview with John Piper, Founder & Teacher | 2nd October 2023| inside Desiring God)

The Transfiguration of Jesus:
The Transfiguration of Christ has a special significance in the Christian tradition. The Transfiguration is in essence a revelatory event. Its purpose is to disclose the true identity of Jesus of Nazareth as the incarnate Son of God, the long–awaited Messiah. In Matthew we read, “And he was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his clothes became white as light.” Mark draws attention to Jesus’ clothes that “became radiant, intensely white, as no one on earth could bleach them” (Mark 9:3). And Luke said that “the appearance of [Jesus’] face was altered, and his clothes became dazzling white” (Luke 9:29). For, an obedient Church will never play fast and loose with the prevailing culture and become enslaved to its various idols but she will be totally yielded to the Word of God and aligned to the purposes of God.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/the-transfiguration-of-jesus/ by Dr. Roland Chia |2nd Oct 2023| inside Credo)

Liturgy and Life:
In this article, Dr. Roland Chia addresses the misconception of an “erroneous misunderstanding of the Reformers’ emphasis on the authority of Scripture”, coupled with a “modern disdain of ritual and form”. He argues that in every aspect of life, there is conformity to certain rhythmic patterns and time. Similarly, Christian worship of the eternal God is also structured on the repeated rhythms of historical biblical events where God demonstrates His saving and transforming grace in them.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/liturgy-and-life/ by Dr. Roland Chia |19th Aug 2019 | inside Pulse)

Enthralled by the Beauty of God – Why Jonathan Edwards Still Preaches:
All creation is part of a language that has its highest expression in the redemptive love of God in Christ. Edwards often speaks of that love as the highest beauty. We all can get glimpses of the wonderful beauty of the natural world around us, as in a sunset or in the flowering trees of springtime. These points to the higher beauties in personal relationships. The highest beauty, after all, is the beauty of true love. And again, the highest love is Christ’s love for us as undeserving sinners.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/enthralled-by-the-beauty-of-god by George Marsden, Professor Emeritus, University of Notre Dame | 18th September 2023| inside Desiring God)

How Can I Become a Humbler Calvinist?
There is no doctrine, no theology, no set of ideas, no creeds that can provide an infallible protection against the pride and boasting of the human heart – period. The heart can find a way to distort the most humbling circumstances into ego – enhancing circumstances.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/interviews/how-can-i-become-a-humbler-calvinist in an Interview with John Piper, Founder & Teacher| 7th September 2023| inside Desiring God)

How to Declutter Your Marriage & Travel Light:
“The best way to find out what we really need is to get rid of what we don’t.”

Japanese organisational guru Marie Kondo took the world by storm with her philosophy of tidying up. Instead of going from room to room to declutter your home, Marie suggests tidying up systematically by category, keeping only the things that speak to your heart and discarding those that no longer spark joy. Advocates of the Marie Kondo method have described her ideas as revolutionary, and report feeling more empowered to make clearer decisions based on whether or not an item sparks joy.

In a similar manner, our marriages also need decluttering. And the longer you are married, the more your marriage needs to be decluttered.

(For more info, – https://www.family.org.sg/articles/declutter-your-marriage-travel-light/ by Mark, Director @The Social Factor, 18th Aug 2023, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

Growing Trust Through the Teenage Years:
As our children grow older and forge their identities through independence, it can be hard to keep the bond of trust. Yet we have to keep trying because trust in a relationship is what provides safety and respect.

How do we build trust in our relationships with our children? How do we keep trusting our kids after they’ve messed up? Is fear motivating you to control your kids’ behaviour?

(For more info, – https://www.family.org.sg/articles/growing-trust-through-the-teenage-years by Skye Tan |13th July, 2023, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

What Happens When We Truly Listen To Our Spouse!
Looking for ways to enhance the love and bond in your marriage?

Through change and challenge, here are some timeless practices that can keep your relationship with your spouse strong!

(For more info, – https://www.family.org.sg/articles/what-happens-when-we-truly-listen-to-our-spouse/ by Skye Tan | 23rd May, 2023, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

1,000 choose Christ during Graham's London outreach event:
Over 10,000 people attended the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association's God Loves You Tour event in London on Saturday. Evangelist Franklin Graham preached a Gospel message while worship was led by Christian singers CeCe Winans, Michael W. Smith and the Newsboys. The BGEA reports approximately 1,000 people made professions of faith.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.christiaMnpost.com/news/1k-make-decisions-for-christ-at-franklin-graham-event-in-london.html by Michael Gryboski, Mainline Church Editor Twitter | 28th Aug 2023 | inside The Christian Post)

Day Of His Power 2023:
Almost 7,000 believers streamed into sanctuaries and overflowed at seven regional centres across Singapore as young and old gathered to worship a faithful God and pray for Singapore on the eve of our 58th National Day. “Rise up and be part of God’s work in Singapore and the nations,” urged Pastor Jeff Chong, Chairman of LoveSingapore. “The Church of Jesus Christ has been called for such a time as this.”

(For more info, do click the link – https://saltandlight.sg/news/day-of-his-power-2023-voices-across-singapore-ring-out-in-worship-and-prayer-for-singapore/ by Peck Sim, 9th Aug 2023 – inside Salt & Light)

Unity and Truth:
In John 17, we find what has been described by scholars as the high priestly prayer of Jesus for his disciples. Among the many things that Jesus petitioned his Father in this prayer, one of the most important is that his disciples (and the Church) may be united. Thus, in John 17:20-21, we read: ‘My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you’.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/unity-and-truth/ by Dr Roland Chia | 7th Aug 2023 | inside Pulse)

Fasting, Feasting, and Our Daily Bread – Following the Diet of Jesus:
In the summer of 1880, the Minneapolis homeopath shocked the medical establishment by fasting on stage in Manhattan, under round-the-clock supervision. Tanner had something to prove, as journalist Steve Hendricks tells the story in his recent book The Oldest Cure in the World. Tanner believed in the “restorative biochemistry” of fasting — that going without food for extended periods could be “regenerative” or even “curative.” By depriving the system of food, and relieving the burden of digestion, the human body could turn its energy elsewhere. Give the gut a break for days, even weeks, and the body could “cure itself” from a number of conditions.

(For more info, do click the link – https://www.desiringgod.org/articles/fasting-feasting-and-our-daily-bread by David Mattias, Executive Editor, 2nd Aug 2023 – inside Desiring God)

Family Hacks for a New Year that is Low on Tech and High on Love:
Have you been feeling harried and hassled even before the new year began? Has looking at your family schedule been giving you a splitting headache?
If this describes you, you’re not alone.

This year, our middle child will be taking his PSLE. Our goal is to make this a relatively fuss-free affair and not let this major exam dampen our family’s love for balance, spending time with friends and exploring the outdoors.

(For more info, – https://archive.family.org.sg/FOTFS/Blog/Parenting/family-hacks-for-a-new-year-that-are-low-on-tech-and-high-on-love.aspx.html by June Yong | 13th January 2023, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

The Roots and Fruits of Marriage:
The sanctity of the marriage institution has been crumbling today with conflicting ideas that have even infiltrated the church. For Christians to find the true origins and purposes of marriage, the Bible holds the authority in defining them. Bishop Robert Solomon points out the roots of marriage as a relationship between a man and a woman, and the 3 fruits of marriage in its order of primacy; with procreation as its central purpose.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/the-roots-and-fruits-of-marriage by Bishop Emeritus Robert Solomon | 4th Nov 2019 | inside Featured Articles)

Discipling the City:
In a recent report on urbanisation trends, the World Health Organization predicted that by 2030, six out of every 10 people in the world would be city dwellers. This means that virtually every global growth over the next 30 to 40 years will take place in urban areas. Sociologists have coined two new terms to capture the phenomenon of the modern city. The term ‘urbanisation’ refers to the magnetic quality of cities – their ability to attract people from rural areas.

‘Urbanism’ points to the profound relationship between the city and culture(s). Most modern cities are multicultural, a diverse mix of people of different ethnicities and religions. This has led Josef Ramoneda to assert, perhaps hyperbolically, that “[t]he identity of the city is a non-identity. This is because its only identity is diversity.”

It is therefore not off the mark to describe the modern city as a microcosm of the world, tucked in a confined space. But ‘urbanism’ stresses the point that cities are not merely receptacles of cultures, but transform, transmit, and magnify them. So complex is that concrete instantiation of human sociality called the city, that an extraordinary amount of sociology is needed to interpret it.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/discipling-the-city/ by Dr Roland Chia | 16th Dec 2019 | inside Pulse)

The Hebrew “Bechor” and Jesus’ Discipleship Legacy:
Dr Phil Chan explores the significance of being a “Bechor” or firstborn son during the ancient Hebrew times and how Christians in the 21st century are to function as the “Bechor” in fulfilling Christ’s Great Commission of making disciples of all nations. With the challenges of generational gaps and the differences in values, a “Bechor” is needed as an intermediary between the two generations, as the firstborn is usually the first to be taught the values of the parents.

(For more info, do click the link – https://ethosinstitute.sg/the-hebrew-bechor/ by Dr Phil Chan | 7th Oct 2019 | inside Feature)

Help Your Child Overcome the Fear of Failure:
Even from a young age, failure is often already viewed negatively. While we want our children to succeed, it is equally important to help them develop resilience to recover from setbacks.

How can we equip our children with a healthy perspective of failure?

(For more info, – https://archive.family.org.sg/FOTFS/Blog/Parenting/Help_Your_Child_Overcome_the_Fear_of_Failure.aspx.html by Susan Koh | 28th August, 2019, inside FAMILY FOCUS/BLOG)

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As I did my today’s meditation, I pondered upon how the disciple Simon Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, do you wash my feet? .... You shall never...